Caldwell School District Update
From Superintendent N. Shalene French
September 22, 2020
In this update
Our plan to return to in person learning Sept. 28 & 29
Why change from remote learning to blended learning or a hybrid model?
What is blended learning or hybrid model?
Face coverings required for students in schools
What to do if your student becomes ill
Please do NOT send your child to school when others in the home are COVID positive
Please update student immunizations
Quick tips to get ready for school next week!
Are you concerned about your students’ progress?
Looking for your child’s bus stop?
Special one-time payment to Caldwell families
Our plan to return to in person learning Sept. 28 & 29
Dear Caldwell Families,
We are excited for our students to return! Next Monday, September 28, we will welcome back our students to school in our blended learning model. Note: Secondary students should check if their first day back is Monday or Tuesday. Our teachers have done an incredible job during this period of remote learning. They have used instructional technology to serve your children when school buildings are closed. Pivoting to a mix of in-person from remote learning will create its own challenge and I want to thank you in advance for your patience. And, please consider taking a moment to thank your children’s teachers.
Why change from remote learning to blended learning or a hybrid model?
The spread of the COVID virus in Canyon County as determined by the Southwest District Health Department has receded from “red” substantial community transmission to “yellow” minimal or moderate community transmission.
Under these health conditions, we can serve more students in our schools when we follow specific strategies to reduce transmission of the virus among students and staff by doing the following:
Physical distancing - under hybrid only half of students are in the building
Use face coverings
Increase cleaning of facilities
Increase handwashing/sanitizing
Staying home when sick
What is blended learning or hybrid model?
We are grateful the spread of COVID has receded enough for students to return to in-person learning combined with distance learning at home. Here’s what the schedules will look like:
Wednesdays - A Digital Day at home for all students
Elementary - Students will attend school in person Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday either morning or afternoon
Secondary - Students will attend school in-person two days a week either on an “A” schedule Mondays & Thursdays or “B” schedule Tuesdays & Fridays.
If you don’t know your child's schedule please contact his/her teacher(s) or school.
Face coverings required for students in schools
Face coverings are required for students in school. The use of face coverings is an essential strategy to help keep students and staff in school. Why? Given the spread of the virus in our community, face coverings, when worn appropriately, have proven to be an effective measure against the spread of COVID.
We realize that individuals will contract the virus. Our strategies -- including face coverings -- are designed to reduce significant exposure to others who are sick. When significant exposure occurs, individuals -- sick or not -- will need to stay at home.
We’re seeing schools without these measures needing to quarantine large groups of students or staff and in some instances close. (See stories below.) We want to stay open!
What to do if your student becomes ill
Given the COVID pandemic and absence of a vaccine, we ask families to help prevent the spread of the virus by being cautious when their children become sick and we ask you to keep them home. We appreciate that very few awards will be given for “perfect attendance” this year.
Above and below are charts to help you when your child is ill. Please do not send them to school if they have any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, new or unusual headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, cough, muscle aches, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, congestion or a runny nose.
Keep them home until they are symptom free -- without medicine -- for at least 24 hours.
If a student comes to school with symptoms or becomes ill at school, they will be sent home with instructions on when to return.
Please do NOT send your child to school when others in the home are COVID positive
If someone in your household has tested positive for COVID please do not send your children to school even if they are not sick. Follow the instructions from the health department or your medical provider on when your children can return to in-person learning. Please contact your school to let them know your child is quarantining so they may provide learning supports for your child.
Please update student immunizations
Lost in the COVID news was a new high school immunization requirement that started this school year for our seniors. It is a second dose of the meningococcal vaccine.
Current immunizations are required for students to attend school. Students missing vaccination may be excluded from school.
If your senior or other child is missing vaccinations, the Southwest District Health Department offers vaccines. Please call 208-455-5300 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Idaho also has an immunization waiver process. More information is available here.
Quick tips to get ready for school next week!
Are you concerned about your students’ progress?
During remote learning and our hybrid mix of in-person and online learning, our teachers will be holding virtual office hours so parents and students can connect to discuss student programs and concerns. Teachers also will be reaching out. If you are unsure how to reach teachers or when their office hours are scheduled? Please contact your child’s school.
Looking for your child’s bus stop?
Children riding the bus are required to wear a face covering as physical distancing is a challenge on an enclosed bus.
Bus stops can be found on the Caldwell Transportation Company website: or you may call them at:208-459-6612.
Or, bus stops can be found by following the link on our District website:
If it is safe to do so, please allow your child to walk or ride their bike to school.
Special one-time payment to Caldwell families
If you are a parent/guardian whose children were enrolled in our school district March 23, 2020, you should receive a one-time benefit called "Pandemic Electronic Benefit (P-EBT). The one-time payment is $302.10 per child.
The intent of this one-time payment is to replace the value of free/reduced lunches children would have received during the time Idaho schools were closed last spring.
Families do not need to apply for the benefit and also do not have to be enrolled in the state’s other EBT programs.
During September, Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare distributed this benefit to families.
Information was mailed to families using the addresses on file with the school district March 23, 2020.
If you moved and have not received information you should contact: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) to report a change of address: M-F, 8AM - 6PM 1-877-456-1233. Make sure to include a note that you are reporting an address change due to being eligible for P-EBT.
More information posted at:
Superintendent N. Shalene French
Committed to Caldwell School District's mission, vision, and values to ensure equity and access for all students.
Location: 1502 Fillmore Street, Caldwell, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 455-3300
Twitter: @CSD132Sup