News and events Sept. 27, 2024

September 27, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
Sept 30-Oct 4: Homecoming Week
Oct 17-18: MEA Break
Oct 22: Lifetouch School Picture Retakes (Grades 9-11)
Oct 24: Parent-Teacher Conference Night
Late Start Monday Mornings
CRHS will have a Late Start Monday this Monday morning (9/30).
Below are some important details about Late Start Monday mornings at CRHS:
- Buses and transportation run normally on Late Start mornings. However, students who drive or get a ride do not have to be at school until their classes begin at 8:30am.
- Please allow extra time if arriving after 8:10am as traffic is often heavy due to CRMS arrival around the same time.
- Students who arrive early may complete homework, study, or socialize before school in supervised locations until class starts at 8:30am.
- After 7:40am, students may only enter through Door 1.
- Additional Late Start Monday mornings include 10/7, 10/21, 10/28, & 11/11.
Athletic & Activity Expectations- Important Updates
We wanted to share some reminders about our Activities attendance & general expectations. These changes are in effect for all activities including football, basketball, volleyball, performing arts, etc.
Ordering Tickets
Save time and avoid long lines and purchase your tickets online by clicking here.
Entrance Expectations- Football Games
Only students from CRHS and the opponent's school will be allowed into the game. Students may not bring guests from other schools.
CRHS students must enter through the student gate on the East end of the stadium and have a student ID ready to show at entry.
- Elementary and middle school students must have an adult with them and are expected to sit with their adult throughout the event.
Entry closes at the end of halftime, meaning no spectators will be allowed entry after the start of the second half. Please share this information with those attending so they can plan accordingly.
- Elementary and middle school students must have an adult with them entering any CRHS event and are expected to sit with their adult throughout the event.
No Bags, backpacks, or outside food/beverages are allowed into events. If you bring one of these items you will be asked to finish or throw them away prior to entering the event. There will not be a place to securely store bags- please leave backpacks and valuables at home or in your vehicle. CRHS is not responsible for any items left in or around the stadium/school.
Students are expected to be supporting their classmates during events from the stands and not wandering in or around the event (e.g. behind bleachers, Fieldhouse, Mezzanine, etc). Of course students are allowed to purchase snacks from the concession stands but are expected to return to the stands immediately afterwards.
Students must have a scheduled ride, or exit the grounds, at the conclusion of the event.
LifeTouch School Pictures- Ordering Info & Retakes
LifeTouch school pictures for 9th-11th grade students have been taken and below is information about school pictures ordering and retakes.
- School pictures can be ordered by logging on mylifetouch.com and using the CRHS picture code EVTHGNK9M.
- If you’d like a hard copy of the Lifetouch order form, they are available at the CRHS Check-In Desk from 7:00am-3:30pm.
- CRHS school picture retakes with Lifetouch Photography (used for Student IDs and school pictures) will be on Tuesday, October 22nd.
- Lifetouch school pictures are taken for all students (grades 9-11) and are used for CRHS Student IDs as well as yearbook photos. Seniors are not taking LifeTouch photos.
- CRHS students attending PSEO or STEP may also come in to have their picture taken on these days but must check in at the CRHS Check-In Desk.
CRHS Homecoming 2024
CRHS Homecoming week is next week (9/30-10/5), and we've included some important information below!
- The Homecoming Parade is Wednesday October 2 with Power Puff following at 7pm.
- Tickets to Power Puff are $4 each and will be available online at GoFan ahead of time or at the door.
- The Homecoming Football game is on Friday, October 4th.
- The Homecoming Dance is on October 5, Saturday, from 7-10pm. Tickets are $15 each and go on sale online Monday, September 23rd through GoFan (Click Here to buy tickets). Buy your tickets soon- they'll sell out fast!
- Also, note that only CRHS students may attend the Homecoming Dance- no outside guests are allowed.
Cardinals Soar! Leaves Fall! Homecoming t-shirts go on sale this Friday for $20. Freshmen get white, Sophomore get grey, Juniors get red, and seniors get black! Pick yours up at the Cardinal Image and during all lunches. Receive Free football beads with purchase of a homecoming t-shirt! Jump into Homecoming week with your new pair of gameday bibs! Only $50 at the Cardinal Image. The Cardinal Image is open 7 to 7:35 am and during all lunches.
Cardinal Marching Band Takes 1st!
Last Saturday, the Coon Rapids Marching Band competed in the Waseca Marching Classic. After an excellent performance, the CRMB took 1st place in their class! Additionally, selected from all bands present, Drum Major Rianna Solberg won the "Outstanding Drum Major" award. Congratulations to the Coon Rapids Marching Band- students, staff, and families!
CRHS DECA Elects New Leadership Team
On Wednesday, September 18, at 6:30 am Coon Rapids High School DECA elections kicked-off. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for future careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management and is open to freshmen through seniors with new students available to join each year.
Ten students competed for DECA president and DECA officers positions, including:
Seniors: Kelsey Koehler (4th year DECA member), Kimora Freeman (4th year DECA member), Denise Roberts (2nd year DECA member), Addy Fowlkes (2nd year DECA member), Olivia Tweh (2nd year DECA member),
Juniors: Azaria Banks (3rd year DECA member), Lilyanna Gagnon (3rd year DECA member), LucyAnn Curfman (3rd year DECA member), Kaylee Birkland (2nd year DECA member)
Sophomores: Sean Collins (2nd year DECA member)
The candidates spent over 30 minutes advocating and speaking about why they're ready to become a leader for the CRHS DECA chapter. Later that morning, election results were finalized and a big congratulations goes to the CRHS 2024-25 DECA Leadership Team:
- DECA President - Kelsey Koehler
- V.P. of Vocational Understanding - Lilyanna Gagnon
- V.P. of Civic Consciousness - Adreanna Fowlkes
- V.P. of Social Intelligence - Denise Roberts
- V.P. of Leadership Development - Kimora Freeman
- V.P. of Chapter Projects - Olivia Tweh
- V.P. of Membership Development - LucyAnn Curfman
The CRHS DECA Leadership Team strives to make DECA a welcoming environment for members new and returning. They complete DECA’s program of work, run the Wednesday meetings, chair the November campaigns, and help prepare members for competitions. Our officer team is DECA’s biggest advocate and always encourage others to join.
A few DECA members shared their thoughts on the elections and results:
- Freshman Ja’el Roberts on her opinion of a candidate that she had voted for said, “I voted for Lucy Curfman, because she was someone that had experience in DECA. She was also someone I could relate to because she was new to DECA and to Coon Rapids last year.”
- Senior Peter Bruhjell shared what stood out to him about the candidates. Bruhjell said, “I really liked that everyone running gave us as voters something to relate to within each of their speeches.”
- Finally, newly elected DECA president Kelsey Koehler offered her thoughts on this year’s officer team. Koehler said, “I’m really excited! It’s a team made up of mostly seniors so it will be easier to coordinate with DECA internship. I also see a lot of potential in our juniors as well.”
For more information on DECA contact, DECA Advisor, Blake Bodenburg at Blake.Bodenburg@ahschools.us
V.P. of Civic Consciousness
Addy Fowlkes
V.P. of Vocational Understanding
Lily Gagnon
V.P. of Social Intelligence
Denise Roberts
V.P. of Leadership Development
Kimora Freeman
V.P. of Membership Development
LucyAnn Curfman
V.P. of Chapter Projects
Olivia Tweh
CRHS Fall Dance Team Annual Performance Show- Saturday, Oct 12
The Coon Rapids Fall Dance Team is hosting its annual performance show on Saturday, October 12th at 11am. This year's theme is "All Pink Everything" in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Part of the proceeds and any donations will go to Hope Chest.
The CRHS Dance Team is looking for a handful of volunteers to help with admission tickets, concessions, security, decor, and clean up! Please reach out to cardettesboosters@outlook.com if you're able to help out.
After School Tutoring- “Quiet Study Time” (QST)
Attention students and families! CRHS once again offering our after school tutoring and studying space called Quiet Study Time (QST)! Here's some information about QST program:
QST is a great opportunity for students looking for a quiet place to complete school work or needing a little extra help to study for quizzes/tests or catch up on assignments.
QST runs Monday-Thursday 2:30-5:00pm in the CRHS Library (2nd Floor).
Students do not need to stay the entire time at QST. The Activity Bus is only available on Monday and Wednesday at 5:00pm for students who need it (note- there is no Activity Bus available Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday). If students have a ride or can walk home, they can leave QST anytime once they have completed their work.
Students can get help in a variety of subject areas, but please check the QST schedule linked here for the subject areas that are supported that day.
Our goal is to help our students do their best by offering a productive place to work or get help from staff- and we hope our students take advantage of this great opportunity! See you at QST!
CRHS 2024-25 Yearbook
Students--Buy your 2024-25 yearbook NOW at the lowest price of the year. Check out ordering details below:
- This year's book is on sale at Jostens.com but hurry as the "Back-to-School" deal expires at midnight on Sunday!
- Payment plans available through Jostens.
- Email Ms. Berg with any questions.
"Ads for Grads" for the 2024-2025 Yearbook
Attention Senior Parents- Senior year is an important milestone in many student's lives and it’s important to find creative ways to commemorate your student’s senior year, celebrate all of their hard work and accomplishments throughout their school career, and let them know that you love and are proud of them. A fun and easy way to do this is to place a Recognition Ad, or an “Ad for Grads”, in the 2024-2025 Yearbook. This is something that your student can look back on for years to come. It is very simple to create an “Ad for Grad.” Just follow the details below:
- Visit www.jostensadservice.com to begin creating your ad today using your favorite photos of your student and a personal message.
- Choose any photos you like: a baby photo, a grade school photo, or just a photo of your student that you love--you can even take a picture of the photo you want to use and upload that image from your phone.
- Photos may be in color or black and white, and you pick the fonts and background.
- Ads are available in two different sizes, 1/4 page for $60 or 1/8 page for $40.
- The Ads for Grads deadline is February 1, 2025.
If you have any questions or need tips on how to upload the pictures you want to use, please email Kari Berg at karilee.berg@ahschools.us or check out this sheet from Jostens with FAQs.
Upcoming CRHS Activities Calendar
Click on the button below to check out the CRHS Activities running this week. We'd love to see you come out and support Cardinal Nation!
New Culinary & Restaurant Management Club- Join Today!
🍽 Join the New Elite ProStart Culinary & Management Competition Teams of Anoka Hennepin! 🍽
Passionate about cooking or dream of leading a restaurant? Now's your chance to shine! The ProStart Competition Teams are looking for talented, driven individuals to represent our school in the prestigious culinary and management challenges.
- 🔥 Culinary Team: Showcase your cooking skills, creativity, and teamwork as you prepare gourmet dishes under pressure.
- 💼 Management Team: Lead, plan, and strategize to create winning restaurant concepts that impress industry professionals.
Why Join?
Network with industry leaders and Chefs
Compete for scholarships
Gain real-world experience
Build your resume
Check out this video to learn more about the ProStart Culinary & Management Club Here
Spots are limited—apply today! Let's cook up something amazing together! Ask your Culinary Teacher for details!
Career and College
Volunteer Opportunities
Homecoming Parade Helpers- Wednesday, October 2
The Leo Club is looking for some support before and during the parade. Adult volunteers will help supervise students as they prepare for and walk the parade. Interested? LMK and I’ll get you more information!
Homecoming Dance Chaperones- Saturday, October 6 Put your dancing shoes on and help us keep our Homecoming Dance safe and fun! The dance will start at 7 and conclude at 10pm. Feel free to sign up for one or more shifts and make a night of it :)
Academic Lettering Ceremony- Tuesday, October 8 (DAYTIME OPPORTUNITY)Help celebrate some stellar achievements at our Academic Lettering Ceremony on Tuesday, October 8. Volunteers are needed at 8:15 am to help line up students and keep them on task prior to the ceremony.
Volunteers are such an incredible asset to the students here at CRHS. Let’s make sure your impact is recorded and recognized. By filling out your volunteer application you are doing your part to keep our students safe while enriching their lives through extracurricular activities. You can access this year’s volunteer application here:
CRHS Volunteer Application and Criminal Record History Release Form or email your Volunteer Services Coordinator, Danielle Callahan at danielle.callahan@ahschools.us (or call (763) 506-7130)
Nurse's Office Corner
Seniors & Vaccinations
The state of Minnesota requires all students to have a meningococcal booster by the beginning of senior year. Now is a great time to schedule this vaccination! For most, the first dose was given with a tetanus booster back in 7th grade. For those who have not received the first dose, only one dose will be required if your student is at least 16 years old. For those who do not want to complete the vaccination, please complete the exemption portion of the MDH Immunization Form, sections 1A and 1B. https://www.health.mn.gov/people/immunize/basics/readyk12.pdf
Please send completed exemptions or updated vaccination records to julie.swanson@ahschools.us or have your
Illnesses & Appointments
If your student is feeling ill during the school day and contacts you to go home, please remind them that they need to check in at the Health Office, as any student going home sick during the school day must have a pass from the Nurse or Health Para in order to leave the building.
If the student has an appointment during the school day, please send a note with the student, use Parent Vue, or call the attendance line rather than texting your student during class. When it is time for the appointment, the student can go to the front office to be dismissed.
Fire Ball Gala, Nov. 16
This e-newsletter is published by Coon Rapids High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.