The Acorn
Message from Academy of the Canyons' Principal, Dr. Fine
Week of 9/9-9/13
I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! We will have a ROOTS meeting this month. Please join us to learn more about how parents and guardians can help get involved at AOC. We hope that you will be able to join us! Link is below.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, 9/12- At 6pm via Google Meet for a "Class of 2025 Parent Night"
- Friday, 9/13 - At lunch, Club Information Meeting, must attend to learn how to get involved or start a club for students in Room 101 and After School Arts Enrichment Classes.
- Wednesday, 9/18- At 6pm ROOTS meeting for all parents/ guardians/ students, learn how to get involved at AOC and volunteer.-
(US)+1 682-235-6417
PIN: 852 465 639#
Thursday, 9/19- At 3:30pm SOAR meeting for Running Club AOC students in room 101.
- Friday, 9/27-Welcome Back Dance at Rancho Pico from 6-9pm-All AOC Students welcome and FREE. Bring money for snacks and food.
Have a wonderful week! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or our main office with any questions.
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
(661) 362-3056
Upcoming Events
October/November/December 2024
October 7: No School (one day fall break for AOC classes)
October 18: End of 1st Quarter
November 1: Non-Student Day for AOC
November 11: No School for AOC and COC -- Veterans Day
November 15: 2nd Progress Report
November 25-29: No School for AOC this week-- Thanksgiving week
December 19: Last day of final exams for AOC
December 19: End of 2nd Quarter
December 20: No School -- Teacher Work Day
December 23 - January 10: No School (Winter Break) for AOC
All AOC Students are Invited to the "Welcome Back Dance" on 9/27 from 6-9pm at Rancho Pico JHS
Ms. Grijalva's Counseling Corner for the Week of 9/9
12th Grade Families
Please join us this Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 6pm via Zoom for a "Class of 2025 Parent Night" Below are some topics we will cover:
- Deadlines and timeline for college applications
- Financial Aid application preparation
- How to support your seniors (with a student guest panel and Mr. Wilhelm, SEL Liaison)
If you cannot attend, slides will be emailed to all 12th grade families within a week of the presentation. Link to join, if available:
All Students & Families
National Portfolio Day
For students interested in applying to art schools and programs: Launch your future in art and design! Visit with counselors, admissions team members, and faculty from art and design schools for a portfolio review before applying to colleges or universities. This year Los Angeles is hosting events in-person. We encourage families to attend. More details below with links:
- Sunday, November 10, 2024 (12pm-4pm) In-person hosted by OTIS College of Art and Design;
Our district will be hosting the annual College and Career Fair on Monday, September 16, 6:00-8:00 pm, at West Ranch High School. This is a great opportunity for students and families to speak with representatives from a variety of post-secondary institutions and local industries, attend career/college presentations, and learn about career technical pathway courses offered in the Hart District. The list of college attendees is attached.
California State University (CSU) "College Night"
The CSU is hosting CSU College Nights to meet with campus representatives and learn about how to get ready for college. Parents, guardians, and family members are encouraged to attend to learn more about the CSU system. Register at
Tuesday, September 24
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Pasadena Convention Center
300 E. Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
Parking: $15
NACAC National College Fair-Los Angeles
No matter where you are in the college search process, NACAC College Fairs have something for you! The fairs can draw representatives from over 600 colleges. Connect with representatives and ask the questions that are important to you. Register at
Wednesday, September 25
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
AOC Graduation on 5/30 at 6:00pm in the COC Performing Arts Center
Academy of the Canyons (AOC) will hold their graduation for our middle college high school students and families on June 5, 2024 at 6:00pm at the College of the Canyons in the Performing Arts Center. More information will be provided in the Spring for our 12th grade families.
Hazel Health-Free Therapy Services for WSHUHSD
We want to let you know of a new service available to all students who might benefit from the program.
The District is partnering with Hazel Health to provide FREE mental health services to all students. Parents can register their students to meet with a licensed therapist virtually from their home at or by calling 1-800-764-2935. Referrals can also be generated by a school counselor, school social worker, or wellness coordinator.
More information is available on the District website at
Dress Code at AOC and All Hart District Schools
William S. Hart Union High School District Dress Code
The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive
learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal
cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they
participate. Students’ clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction which
would interfere with the educational process. When gangs constitute a danger to students, the
superintendent or designee may restrict student dress and grooming as necessary to
comply with Board policy related to gang activity.
In accordance with education code 35183.5, each school site shall allow for outdoor use during
the school day, articles of sun-protective clothing, including, but not limited to, hats. Each school
site may set a policy related to the type of sun protective clothing, including, but not limited to,
hats, that pupils will be allowed to use outdoors. Specific clothing and hats determined by the
School District or school site to be gang-related or inappropriate apparel may be prohibited by
the dress code policy. Each school site shall allow pupils the use of sunscreen during
the school day without a physician’s note or prescription. Each school site may set a policy
related to the use of sunscreen of pupils during the school day.
Students are expected to dress appropriately and be well groomed as contributing members of
a productive learning environment. Students are expected to give proper attention to personal
cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they
The dress code is gender neutral and the schools will strive to enforce it consistently among all
students. Minimum Safe Attire, Student attire and grooming must permit the student to
participate in learning without posing a risk to the health or safety of any student or school
district personnel.
1. Students must wear clothing that completely covers the chest, torso, undergarments,
private areas, and bottom.
2. Shirts, tops, and dresses must have straps.
3. Clothes must be suitable for any scheduled course that may have unique hazards or
require specialized safety gear.
4. Safe footwear must be worn.
5. Students will not wear clothing or accessories that depict or advocate for violence,
criminal activity, alcohol or drug use, pornography, hate speech, or gang-related activity
(including professional sports wear and colors identified by the Santa Clarita Sheriff as
gang affiliated).
6. Clothing and accessories will not violate the Wm. S. Hart UHSD anti-discrimination
7. Students may not wear clothing or accessories that obscure the face with the exception
of approved religious items.
El Consejo de Administración cree que la vestimenta y el aseo personal adecuados contribuyen
a un entorno de aprendizaje productivo. El Consejo espera que los alumnos presten la debida
atención a su aseo personal y que lleven la ropa adecuada para las actividades escolares en
las que participan. La vestimenta de los alumnos no debe suponer un peligro para la salud o la
seguridad ni una distracción que interfiera en el proceso educativo. Cuando las pandillas
constituyan un peligro para los alumnos, el superintendente o la persona designada podrán
restringir la vestimenta y el aseo de los alumnos según sea necesario para cumplir con la política de la Junta relacionada con la actividad de las pandillas.
De acuerdo con el código de educación 35183.5, cada sitio escolar deberá permitir el uso al
aire libre durante el día escolar, de artículos de ropa que protejan del sol, incluyendo, pero no
limitado a, sombreros. Cada sitio escolar puede establecer una política relacionada con el tipo
de ropa protectora contra el sol, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, sombreros, que los alumnos se
les permitirá usar al aire libre. Ropa y sombreros específicos determinados por el Distrito
Escolar o el sitio escolar como ropa relacionada con pandillas o inapropiada pueden ser
prohibidos por la política del código de vestimenta. Cada centro escolar permitirá a los alumnos
el uso de protector solar durante el día escolar sin una nota o prescripción médica. Cada centro escolar podrá establecer una política relacionada con el uso de protección solar de los alumnos durante la
jornada escolar.
Se espera que los alumnos se vistan adecuadamente y estén bien arreglados como miembros
que contribuyen a un entorno de aprendizaje productivo. Se espera que los alumnos presten la
debida atención a su aseo personal y que lleven la ropa adecuada para las actividades
escolares en las que participan.
El código de vestimenta es neutro en cuanto al género y las escuelas se esforzarán por
aplicarlo de forma coherente entre todos los estudiantes. Vestimenta mínima segura, La
vestimenta y el aseo personal de los estudiantes deben permitirles participar en el aprendizaje
sin que supongan un riesgo para la salud o la seguridad de cualquier estudiante o del personal
del distrito escolar.
1. Los estudiantes deben usar ropa que cubra completamente el pecho, el torso, la ropa
interior, las áreas privadas y el trasero.
2. las camisas, tops y vestidos deben tener tirantes.
3. La ropa debe ser adecuada para cualquier curso programado que pueda tener peligros
únicos o que requiera equipo de seguridad especializado.
4. Se debe llevar un calzado seguro.
5. Los alumnos no llevarán ropa o accesorios que representen o hagan apología de la
violencia, la actividad delictiva, el consumo de alcohol o drogas, la pornografía, la incitación
al odio o la actividad relacionada con las pandillas (incluida la ropa deportiva profesional y
los colores identificados por el Sheriff de Santa Clarita como afiliados a pandillas).
6. La ropa y los accesorios no violarán la política antidiscriminatoria de Wm. S. Hart UHSD.
7. Los alumnos no podrán usar ropa o accesorios que oculten el rostro, con la excepción de
artículos religiosos aprobados.
Guidelines on Illness Management from LA County on Covid
Here are some links you can put in a Parent square for parents with guidance on illness management, if you'd like. I would frame this as useful information as we head back to school, and into cold and flu season. La County Covid numbers appear to have peaked at the start of August and have been coming down since, so hopefully there will be a little illness reprieve soon, before the fall and winter cold and flu surge.
New tab on district website about covid/respiratory illness:
Isolation/Close Contact Guidelines: of the Canyons
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons