The Yellow Sheet

The Yellow Sheet -- October 18, 2024
October is Filipino History & Heritage Month
Marking Period 1 Ends (Fall)
4 – 7pm Faculty Art Show
5 – 8:00 Open House for Prospective Students
PSAT (Registration Closed)
American Indian Heritage Month Begins
Diwali (Schools Closed)
Election Day Staff Professional Development Day (No Students)
6:30 – 8:30pm PA General Meeting (Remote)
Veterans Day (Schools Closed)
Use this link (by pasting it into your personal web calendar) to Subscribe to our Web Calendar: webcal://www.laguardiahs.org/servlet/ICalServlet?id=0
October 23 Open House Volunteers Needed
We are looking for students who are interested in volunteering at the upcoming Prospective Family Open House on October 23rd from 4-8 PM. Volunteering at the Open House is a great opportunity to represent LaGuardia, share your experiences, get community service hours, and help create a welcoming and positive environment for families.
We are currently looking for volunteers to fill the following roles:
Studio Q&A Assistant:
In this role, you will assist in your studio’s classroom presentations by addressing any questions prospective families may have. The number of volunteers required will vary by studio.
(Dance and Drama students interested in volunteering should talk to studio teachers)
Main Lobby and Outside Concert Hall Greeters:
As a greeter, you will welcome families as they enter the building, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. (10 volunteers needed)
Inside Concert Hall Volunteer:
As an insider volunteer, you will be working under Ms.Karaliolis and be assisting inside the Concert Hall. And assisting families to their seats. (15 Volunteers needed)
Hallway Guides:
You will be stationed on various floors to assist families with navigation during self-guided tours. It will be your responsibility to ensure that visitors are directed to the appropriate locations, such as distinguishing between studio and academic areas (e.g., 4th Floor Vocal Side vs. 4th Floor Math Side). (15-20 volunteers needed)
Approved volunteers will be contacted with their assigned roles. By submitting your application, you are confirming your availability on October 23 from 4-8 PM.
Information and News
News and Updates
We're (Working On) Simplifying Communication
We are trying to reduce the volume of emails students, families, and staff receive because this can be overwhelming. Staff have been asked to submit items that would normally be emailed to the Yellow Sheet instead. We know that some emails just have to happen, but with a concerted effort, we can make. everyone's days a little less stressful.
The Yellow Sheet is the official communication from LaGuardia, and yes, students and staff are expected to read it every week. This does require a little change in people's mindset, since not everything of importance is being emailed. But being responsible and keeping up on what is happening at LaGuadia is one 'adulting' skill that is necessary in life.
Take a Picture of Your LaG ID Card -- ACTION REQUIRED
Keep a picture of your LaG Student ID Card on your phone. We are testing having ID Cards scanned at Morning Entry in lieu of students manually entering their information. If this change is successful, this process will be made permanent. Note: physical ID Cards must be used for Open Lunch as students need to have ID on them in case of an emergency.
Putting Posters in Our Building
LaGuardia sponsored events, including clubs, may put up appropriate posters/fliers in the building without needing permission. Posters can be placed:
- In stairwells, except on fire/safety equipment or school signage.
- In escalator banks, except on 1st Floor or on any designed bulletin board
- In classrooms with teacher permission
- Cafeteria inside walls or the outside wall near each entrance.
Additional things to know:
- Posters go on tile surfaces, not on painted surfaces
- Masking tape or similar must be used.
- Outdated or torn fliers must be removed by the club/group organizer.
- Posters placed in unauthorized places will be throw away.
- Repeated disregard for rules may result in a club giving up the ability to have posters posted
- Common Sense should prevail, e.g. posters must be appropriate for school
Before School & Before Morning Entry
As the weather turns colder, this is a great time to mention some "morning news". The building opens at 7:35 AM for student entry. Students who arrive early should dress appropriately for the weather while they wait outside. Staff and deliveries come through the foyer before student entry.
Students do not enter the building earlier than 7:35 AM as staff, including supervisors, are beginning their work day. Thirty minutes prior to classes beginning is when there are enough adults are in the building for proper supervision.
Coming Soon: $5 ID Replacement Fee
Soon it will cost $5 for students to replace their ID Card. We have been fortunate not to charge for ID Card replacement, but we can no longe continue this practice. This puts LaGuardia in line with other high schools' replacement fees.
Don't sit on the bathroom floor! Don't 'hang out' here!
pictured: an enhanced, generic Google Image of school bathroom to demonstrate the ickiness of sitting, eating, or hanging out on the floor of a bathroom
Bathroom Safety - UPDATE
In response to students using bathrooms inappropriately, several additional strategies are being considered. The one that is being implemented is latching the outside doors in the open position. Bathrooms will have have privacy screens that prevent people in the hallwasy from looking directly into the bathrooms. Mirrors are being removed to prevent people from indirectly looking into the space.
If latching out doors is not successful, another option would be removing the outside doors from each bathrooms and moving paper towel dispensers to outside the bathrooms.
Filipino American History & Heritage Month
Filipino American History Month is celebrated in the United States during the month of October. In 1991, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) board of trustees proposed the first annual Filipino American History Month to commence in October 1992. October was chosen to commemorate the arrival of the first Filipinos who landed in what is now Morro Bay, California, in 1587.
While some used the term Filipino American Heritage Month interchangeably with Filipino American History Month, FANHS (a historical society) cites that the month should be properly focused on "history" instead of "heritage." History includes the events, experiences, and lives of people and their impact on society, while heritage is about cultural traditions handed down from the past.
At LaGuardia, we choose to celebrate Filipino American History AND Heritage.
Disney VoluntEars Mentoring Program
We are seeking sophomores and juniors interested in participating in the Disney VoluntEars Mentoring Program. LaGuardia students are partnered with an employee of the Disney Companies to explore careers, prepare for college, volunteer, and build leadership skills. This program, sponsored by our corporate partners, ABC/Disney-Theatrical/ESPN/Fox and more. Students to commit 8 hours per month to working with their mentor and club meetings. Contact Dean Shern in Room 229 to pick up an application and schedule an interview. Deadline to complete the process is Thursday, October 24.
LaG O'Ween is Approaching Quickly
LaG O'ween, er...Halloween, at LaGuardia Arts has always been a special day with unique traditions. Students and staff dress up in costumes highlighting that special creativity that sets LaGuardia apart from all other schools. Many members of the staff have expressed a strong desire to maintain the creative aspects of our LaG O'ween tradition. As usual, we want you to celebrate your creativity; however, please be aware that, at the same time, we expect you to be respectful of others and still adhere to the rules and regulations of the school and the NYCPS.
For your own personal safety and security, you are advised not to wear your costume to or from school, but to bring your costume in a bag. The locker rooms will open at 7:45 AM, so you can change into your costume before first period begins. The locker rooms will be open again at 3:39 PM for you to change out of costume. And if you don't want to wear a costume...wear an orange, purple, green, or black shirt.
What is not permissible?
- Faces must be recognizable. You may not wear a mask that covers your face. Face paint and makeup are allowed, as long as you’re still recognizable.
- Costumes must be appropriate for school. You may not wear a costume which is considered to be lewd, indecent, or offensive or one that interferes with the educational process. These include costumes which depict terrorists, religious figures, or any costume deemed to be sexually explicit.
- Students dressed inappropriately will be required to change into street clothes and their families notified, or a family member must bring you home.
- You may not bring outsiders to school.
- Follow school/NYCPS Rules. You may not have any item in school that is normally not allowed in school, namely cigarettes, lighters, handcuffs, masks, weapons or any other object with the potential to cause harm to oneself or to others, regardless of their authenticity. Such items will be confiscated and, depending on the item, may not be returned.
- Attend your classes. Students cannot leave class without a pass for any reason. Deans and security agents will be out patrolling the halls on that day looking for students who are not complying with school regulations.
LaG O'Ween Door Decorating Contest
LaG O'Ween is upon us, and we need your help setting the mood. The SGO is sponsoring our annual “Period 3 Door Decorating Contest.” This is voluntary for Period 3 classes, but it would be spooktacular if everyone participated. With teacher permission, students can begin decorating now! Categories:
The Spirit of LaGuardia (Best Door)
Most Creative
Most Original
Doors should be complete by the end of the day on October 28 and should be taken down on November 1. Winners will be announced during Period 3 on Halloween. Please remember, nothing can be fastened to the ceiling.
Parent Coordinator's Message
From the desk of Jerrianna....
Dear LaGuardia Parents,
Recently I came across a remarkable statement by an extraordinary conductor, the inimitable Marin Alsop who shared: The most abundant resources that we possess amongst the 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States are passion and knowledge, yet our most scarce resource is collaboration.
Those words were glued into my mind last Friday after we finished a robust round of Coffee and Donuts with AP of Safety, Mr. Greg Brummell, who delivered a highly effective presentation covering best safety practices and drug prevention protocols. It was done, of course, in the completely uniquely New York fanfare style, as parents and administrators proved, once again, that having difficult, yet dynamic conversations is not only needed for progress to happen, but it can even turn out to be, dare I say, a bit fun. If anyone missed it, please feel free to check out the recording on the Parent and Family Engagement page on the LaGuardia website!
Next month on Friday, November 1, we will welcome to the floor AP, Organization, Mr. Justin Mackey, as he goes over the school year budget and outlines where funds are allocated.
As always, thank you for your continued collaboration and spirited discussions. I feel privileged to work with all of you as we strive to move the needle forward positively, every day. If something is pressing, please reach out directly to me via email or direct cell, (914-372-6360). In the meantime, I will continue to keep my promise of providing all families with accurate and timely information.
Warmest regards,
Class of 2025
Get Ready to Pay for Cap, Gown, and Stole
Here's a little advance notice that Seniors must visit our vendor's website to order their Cap, Gown, and Studio Stole. The store will be up around the second week of November, and families have until the beginning of March to place their order. Debit/Credit Cards may be used. Cash payments will be collected at school early February.
We expect the cost to be the same as last year's, $48.53.
The remainder of Senior Dues (fees required) will be announced once finalized, and that will be the combination of Graduation and yearbook. This fee is generally collected after the new year since families are paying for college application fees. Last year's fee was around $185.
Team LaG Needs You at This Sunday's Breast Cancer Walk
Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk Central Park is this Sunday Oct. 20th! Come join the LaGuardia community as we raise funds for this great cause.
The walk begins at 8am but if that is too early- no worries you can walk a bit later, the event is till Noon.
Our team will meet by the UFT tent around 8:30am, wear Lag swag if you have it along with your Pink!
Email Ms. Kingham for more details if you need to at mkingha@schools.nyc.gov
Enter the park at either West 67th Street and Central Park West or Fifth Avenue and East 72nd
Begin the walk at any time from the Start Line located in Naumburg Bandshell. The main festival area is at the Naumburg Bandshell.
Sign up online for easy check-in on the day of the walk. All event participants (excluding children) need to register for the walk. If you do not register online prior to the event, please scan the QR codes, which will be displayed throughout the festival area to register.
Online registration
A Message from Alex, Our SAPIS
As your SAPIS, I am excited to announce that for the second year in a row CMC: Foundation for Change will be offering our community a FREE, Virtual, 15-week support and skills group for the families of teens that may be struggling with substance use. This group begins October 21, at 7:30pm.
Register here
This group is for parents who are:
- Worried about their child’s substance use
- Unsure if their child’s substance use is a problem
- Feeling disconnected from their child
- Concerned about other behavioral issues
- Frustrated by breakdown in communication with
- their child
- Fearful their child might develop a dependence on substances
In Sports News...
All the Sports News That's Fit to Print
The Girls Varsity Soccer team defeated Graphics Campus on Wednesday 11-0. Your goal scorers were Amelia Weaver and Grace Spence with their first goals of the season, along with Laila Naiyer, Elsie Hennigan, Isabella Fuller, Christina Hunt, Sarina Augustine and Rosie Chen. It was another dominant display from the Back 4 and our goalie. Join us Thursday at Riverside Park at 4pm for our game against Beacon. Go Lions.
Shout out to the Girls Varsity Cross Country team taking 5th place, led by Naomi Douglas who placed first. Congrats to Gwyneth Shupp who took 10th. Shoutout to Genevieve Backus for a great run. Great runs by everyone involved in the varsity, junior varsity and freshman races!
Boys Cross Country had great runs by Ezekiel Cohen who took 5th place. Ariel Yaron and Martin Kientz also had great runs.
Congratulations to the Boys Fencing Team on their win yesterday against Bronx United High School.
The Epee team and Foil team won by the score of 45 to 19 each, respectively.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
This month is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, where Laguardia students and staff, alike, will be spreading awareness around the impacts of domestic violence and how to best support survivors. Our goal is to lessen the stigma against talking about Domestic Violence and shine a light on healthy relationships and what support looks like. If you'd like to get involved with programming – or any of the Relationship Abuse Prevention Program club tabling events – please reach out to Maya, the RAPP coordinator in 234I