Letter from Principal Soliz
February 3, 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy Monday!
Happy Counselors Week to our amazing counselors!! February 3-7 is National School Counselors Week. I would like to tell our community and beyond how much they are appreciated at Camino Real. They are the best counselors. Heather Trupia, Dr. Veronica Cervantes, and Veronica Gonzales are always willing and ready to serve our students and their families. They do incredible things every day like, sooth crying children, listen to students when they are feeling stressed or anxious, and provide open and kind hearts filled with patience when needed. We are truly blessed to have top-notch counselors overseeing the social emotional needs of our Roadrunners!! I am filled with appreciation for this amazing team of school counselors!
It seems that we have another six weeks of winter, according to Punxsutawney Phil, the Groundhog. Don't put away those coats, jackets, and hoodies, which by the way, we have many in our lost and found. Stop by to peruse what is displayed.
Our 5th grade team is hosting a Valentine's dance on February 13 from 5:30-7:00. Join your child in a fun-filled night of music, food, and lot's of memorable fun! All proceeds go back to students.
Information for our 5th grade parents. Bitter-sweet days are around the corner. Our 5th grade students will soon visit their perspective middle school campuses, select courses, and for students interested in 6th grade band, instrument selection. Yes, that time of the year is here!! Read below for information for instrument selection.
Have a great week!!
Yvette Soliz, Principal
Nancy Alvarado, School Librarian
However, Mrs. Alvarado held Camino Real's own Caldecott committee. Below are the winners according to our 2nd-5th readers.
đœïž ENG watch the video here: 2025 CRES Mock Caldecott Award
đœïž SPAN watch the video here: SPAN 2025 CRES Mock Caldecott Award
A message from Coach Self: Every Kid Sports Pass
Thanks to the generous support of the @DICKSSportingGoods Foundation, the Spring 2025 Every Kid Sports Pass will open on February 4th. This program helps cover youth sports registration fees, ensuring that more kids can experience the joy and benefits of sports, regardless of their financial situation.
Weâd love for you to help us spread the word and support families who could benefit from this program. You can learn more about the Every Kid Sports Pass and see if you qualify here:
Attention 5th Grade Parents: From Cris Lira McCormick Middle School Head Band Director
Hello all,
My name is Cris Lira and I am the Head Band Director at McCormick Middle School. I am reaching out to you today to ask for your help in spreading the word to your 5th grade students and parents about our upcoming Instrument Selection Day on February 8th. Course selections will be happening in the very near future and it is important that students who are opting to do band come to this event, so the students and parents know what instrument the child will be playing.
With the growing number of students in our school, we must place students on instruments as soon as possible to plan our master schedule accordingly. I am attaching a brochure and flyer about our band program and drive to this email- I kindly ask you to please place these attachments in your newsletters and social media pages to help spread the word.
This is the basic information:
Date: Saturday, February 8th
Time: 8:30-11 a.m. @ Dahlstrom MS and 1:30-4 @ McCormick MS (Appointments are not needed- they can show up to either campus for testing).
If any child has a certain instrument they want to play, they will need to attend the drive (some classes fill up very fast, such as percussion (drums), saxophone, etc.)
I truly appreciate your support in this, and I want to give a big thanks to your music teachers for letting us visit with the 5th grade classes last week. Our students have been coming to MMS well prepared with their musical literacy skills and I truly appreciate all effort our fellow music teachers are doing with our students.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you so much!
C. Lira
Cris Lira
Head Band Director
Electives Department Chair
McCormick Middle School
5700 Dacy Lane
Buda, TX 78610
(512) 268- 8508 ext. 42886
Unniversal Screeners
Middle of the Year assessments are complete. MAP and mClass assessments are given to K-5 grade. MAP assesses math growth, while mClass tests reading. The links below have information that is helpful to parents.
What is MAP Growth? (Video)
mCLASS Lectura Parent Guide (Spanish)
Hays CISD Universal Screener Information
We encourage all parents to ask the following questions:
What instructional level is my child on?
Is my child making adequate growth? Why or why not?
What are the next steps for my child based on the data?
Morning drop off
Please be patient when you are dropping off students. As a reminder, stay in line. It is not allowed to pass cars to park in the drop off zone. For the safety of all students, staff and parents, wait your turn. We open doors at 6:50 to help out families. There is very little traffic at this time. It's a great option for parents that need to be at their destination early.
Digital Citzenship
Students today have access to technology and a worldwide web of information. This is why teaching young people why digital citizenship is important for their present and future is vital. Students need to develop digital literacy and digital health to navigate the online world safely and responsibly. Below is a guide parents can use to support digital citzenship at home. We can't stop our child from using technology, but we can definitely help them with decision making, empathy and safety. If you need information on digital citizenship, let us know. We are here to help.
Box Tops
Buy the brands you already love and make a difference for your school! Just scan your receipt within 14 days of purchase to earn cash for your school with every participating product you buy.
Late arrivals
Arriving late? Please walk you child into the office and sign them in. It's for their safety.
Five in the office
Per district policy, only five visitors in the office at a time.
Our office staff is responsible for individuals entering our school. This safety procedure ensures that staff appropriately accounts for individuals going into the main building. It is strictly for accountability and safety of our children and staff.
Thank you for understanding that safety comes before convenience at Camino Real.
Want to check Parent Portal?
Attached is a document with step-by-step instructions on how to check Parent Portal for transportation information.
Transportation Changes
Reminder: Call the office before 1:00 to make transportation changes.
Thank you for donating to our school!!
One Chapel
Plumber Near Me: 101 Petras Way, Kyle, Tx
The Wassell Family
Academy Kyle, Tx
HEB, Buda, Tx
District Dress Code
Our District School Board has approved the 2024-25 dress code.
Traffic patterns
Due to increase in student enrollment. We changed our traffic pattern last year with the help and support of our District's Safety and Security Department. We were charged with getting traffic off of Rhode Rd as quickly as possible for our community. Please go slow, be patient with us and each other.
The map below shows the traffic plan.
- Orange triangles are cones and signify closed to traffic.
- The purple arrows are the entry point to the school.
- The green arrows are the exit.
Dismissal Procedures
This is a reminder.
Per our district policy, if you are picking up your child after-school, you MUST remain in the car line. Parents who chose to park and walk-up will not get served until all the cars are gone. It is faster to stay in line.
Thank you for following our district and campus procedures.
Smart tags
What are Smart tags?
Hays CISD uses the Secured Mobility Authorized Ridership Technology (SMART) tag system for all students who ride the bus to and from school. Each of our buses is outfitted with a tablet equipped with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) reader, mobile connectivity, and GPS. Students place their campus-supplied SMART tag ID badges on the tablet's sensor when loading and unloading their bus.
Students are required to wear Smart Tags on the bus.
How can I track my child?
Download the NEW SMARTtag Parent App!
Link to download the SMARTtag Parent App:
SMARTtag Parent App Instructional Video (YouTube):
Planning on picking up your child before the end of the day?
If you have an appointment, and you must take your child from school early be on campus before 2:00 pm. If you arrive after 2, we will not release your child. No expections. We need your help in adhering to our policy. Plan your pick up so you are at Camino Real on time.
Change of transportation
Call the office for all transportation changes. Do not call the teacher. We have procedures to ensure that you child is prepared for the mode of transportation that you have requested. Please call the office as early as possible and before 1:00 pm.
Safety Changes
Only 5 people allowed in the office at a time. This is district policy. Our front office staff keeps our school safe by manning the door that allows visitors into the building. The fewer people in the office the more vigilant they can be in keeping that door secure. Thank you for helping us keep our school safe. Safety is never convenient.
Hays Clothes Closet
Request Forms:
If you have a Hays CISD student (PK-12) and are in need of assistance, please fill out appropriate form.
Si su estudiante de Hays CISD necesita asistencia, completa formulario apropiado.- For clothes, food & school supplies/Para ropa, comida y Ăștiles escolares Email: Clothes.Closet@hayscisd.net
- For food assistance only/Solo para asistencia alimentaria
Dates/Times of Operation vary and are listed on applications.Donations Accepted:
21003 IH 35
Monday-Friday 7:30-4:30 PM
Bell Schedule: 2024-25 School Year
6:50-Doors Open
7:25-Warning Bell7:30-Tardy Bell
Important Dates: More Information Coming Soon
16: 6:00-7:30 Bilingual Parent Night @CRES Cafeteria
20: Student/Staff Holiday
23: Science Night
3-7: Counselor's Week
13: Friendship Dance
14: Student Holiday
17: Student Holiday
19: Boys Night Out
3-7: Read Across America/Book fair
13: Multicultural Night
17-21: Spring Break
27-Loteria Night-5:30-6:45
28: Pk-4 Field Day
2-4-5th Camp Champions
15: Reading STAAR 3rd-5th
18: Student/Staff Holiday
21: Student Holiday
23: Math STAAR 3rd-5th
29: Science STAAR 5th
2: Cafeteria Worker Day
5-15: Project Safe: 1st Grade Swim
13: GT Showcase
14: PK Promotionals
15: 5th Promotionals
22: Last Day of School
Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students
Free and Reduced Meals Application
Extend-A-Care Y
Valid ID
Camino Real Elementary
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/cres@
Location: 170 Las Brisas Boulevard, Niederwald, TX, USA
Phone: (512)268-8505
Facebook: facebook.com/caminoreal
Twitter: @theTEAMCRES