September 9, 2024
Students & Parents,
It's hard to believe, but this week marks the halfway point of 1st Quarter! As such, students will receive Interim Reports on Thursday. Please review, sign, and have your student return those to their teacher on Friday. We want to ensure that all parents are well informed on their child's academic progress as we begin the school year.
As we strive for excellent communication between our school and your homes, we want you to know about the links on our GLOW Website. Under the "Parent Resources" menu at the top, you will find GLOW Parent Weekly Updates, the site that will hold the archives of our GLOW Gazette Family Newsletters. In that same menu, you will also see AM Announcements.
You will also notice a slightly new format to our newsletter. The "What's New" section contains information that is in the Gazette for the first time. This includes clubs & activities, special events, reminders, and updates. Below that you'll find previously published information in the "Reminders" section.
Also included in this newsletter is our Beginning of the Year Parent Survey. Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous and confidential form that provides valuable feedback to our staff.
Wishing you all a great week ahead!
Kate B. Tayloe
Save the Date - Family Curriculum Night
Save the date for Thursday, September 19th for our next whole-school event - Family Curriculum Night.
Dinner will be provided - please let us know if you are able to attend by completing the short form FOUND HERE.
Middle School Phoenix Jam is Back!
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students - Mark Your Calendars!
The Friday Night Phoenix Jam is back - September 20th from 6-8:00pm.
All 6th 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to join in for food, games, dancing and more. Uniforms are NOT required. Drop off and pick up will be at the first gate entrance by Saklad Hall.
Leadership Advisors will be distributing permission forms, which must be turned in by the end of the day on Thursday, September 19th to attend.
Junior Ambassador Program
GLOW Academy is excited to announce the launch of our Junior Ambassador Program.
We are seeking 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are friendly, enthusiastic, responsible, and want to get involved to represent our school. The Ambassadors program allows students to develop leadership, communication, and networking skills, strengthen their public speaking, offer insight into school leadership, and contribute positively to the school's culture, all while building a solid resume for college applications.
For more details and for students to submit an application, CLICK HERE.
DEADLINE EXTENDED Student Ambassador Program
To ensure ALL students have access to technology and ample time to submit, the application deadline has been extended to no later than WEDNESDAY, September 12th, at 4 p.m.
GLOW Academy seeks friendly, enthusiastic, involved, and responsible high school students to represent our school. The Ambassadors program allows students to develop leadership, communication, and networking skills, strengthen their public speaking, offer insight into school leadership, and contribute positively to the school's culture, all while building a solid resume for college applications.
Student Ambassadors will provide tours to potential students and their families, donors, and special guests, represent GLOW Academy at school-related activities and events, both on campus and off, work with the Admissions team during Learning Circles, Open Houses, and New Family Events, and contribute to the Marketing team and its efforts to promote the school.
For more details and for students to submit an application, CLICK HERE.
Complimentary Tickets to Cape Fear Arts in Motion
GLOW students & families and teachers & staff are invited to enjoy complimentary tickets to the Forward Motion Dance Company's annual performance, Cape Fear Arts in Motion: Mystical, Classical and Reflective on September 19th & 20th.
This performance unites dancers and choreographers with musical and visual artists to bring the art form of modern, contemporary, classical and jazz dance to the beautiful and historic Thalian Hall main stage for a varied and collaborative event that showcases the talents of Choreographer Tracey Varga.
To reserve your tickets, please email traceyvarga@msn.com .
Please continue to complete and submit Beginning of Year Forms. Students should turn those in to their Leadership Advisory Teachers. Additionally, please ensure that your students has a completed Chromebook Agreement and that the $15 Chromebook Fee has been paid.
If you need financial assistance with the Chromebook Fee, please email our Social Worker, Janet Tucker, at jtucker@glowacademy.net. She will assess needs and communicate any waivers that need to be granted for this fee.
Once we receive 100% of our Beginning of Year Forms back, including Chromebook Fees/Payments, students will enjoy their first "Dress Down Day" of the year! We will let you know as soon as we have a date; however, to help you prepare, please click the link to read our Student "Dress Down Day Expectations."
All GLOW students will be assigned a school device for classwork and assessments, and high school students will be able to take their Chromebooks home for homework, college bound tasks, etc. Before a device can be assigned to a student, students and parents must:
- sign the yearly Chromebook Agreement (students have received a paper copy for student and parents signature)
- pay the annual Chromebook Fee ($15) - can be paid by cash or check to Leadership Advisory Teachers or by using this Venmo link.
Parents of Rising 7th & 12th Grade Students,
Did you know that there are school immunization requirements for students entering 7th & 12th grades? These need to be met before students return to school for the 2024-2025 school year. You can read more about the immunizations required for your student by clicking on the appropriate link below. We encourage you to get these scheduled as soon as possible. Once completed, please provide the school with an updated immunization record showing that these immunizations have been received.
Students who do not have documentation of immunization as of Friday, September 13 will be ineligible to return to school on Monday, September 16 until verification of immunization can be provided.
Our College Access Team will begin hosting family 1-on-1 meetings beginning mid August 2024 and concluding prior to Senior Retreat. These 30 minute meetings are required for each senior and must include at least one parent or guardian. At this meeting we will talk about your plan after high school and how we will support you to reach those goals. Please use this link to schedule your family 1-on-1 meeting.
Senior Retreat is an overnight trip that will occur September 20-21st. This trip is free for all eligible seniors to attend. Seniors must EARN their ticket for the trip and family 1-on-1 meetings are one of the requirements. Please schedule your meeting at your earliest convenience.
GLOW Academy
Email: info@glowacademy.net
Website: www.glowacademy.net
Location: 4100 Sunglow Drive, Wilmington, NC, USA
Phone: 910.338.5258
Facebook: facebook.com/GlowAcademy1
Twitter: @Glowacademy1