CRC Connection
September 2024
Please look at our CRC Program schedule to learn about upcoming events and college fairs open to VHHS families for the 2024-2025 school year. College fairs are great opportunities for VHHS students and parents to connect with college representatives. One of the first college fairs this fall will be the Lake Forest Academy College Fair on September 17, and VHHS families have been invited to attend. Make sure to look at the individual event pages (linked in the schedule) for details such as time, location, and registration information.
Senior Parent/Student College App Info Night at VHHS
Date: Wednesday, September 4
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: VHHS Studio Theater
The CRC will be offering a College Application Info Session on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the VHHS Studio Theater. This presentation will go over the college application process, including information on the logistics of applying to colleges and a general timeline for senior year. All seniors and/or their parents are invited to attend! No registration required.
NCAA Eligibility Workshop Hosted By LHS
Date: Thursday, September 5
Time: 7:00-8:30 PM
Location: Libertyville HS Auditorium
Student-athletes of all grades who aspire to play college sports and their parents are invited to this event, which provides insight into NCAA recruiting and academic requirements. We highly recommend that students considering Division I or II sports attend this program at least once during their high school career. Attendees will learn about the recruiting process and the NCAA eligibility process.
Target Audience: Any VHHS family interested in learning more about paying for college
When: September 19 at 6:00pm
Where: Zoom
Paying for college is a priority and concern for many families. We are once again offering this program for students from LHS, VHHS, and Carmel Catholic High Schools. Our speaker, Jerry Cebrzynski, has worked in financial aid for over 20 years and is one of the best speakers out there on the subject.
Juniors & Seniors
College Admission Counselors are Coming to VHHS!
We will be hosting nearly 100 college admission counselors this fall. Juniors and seniors are invited to attend these 45-minute presentations (located in the CRC) when a college of interest is visiting. Meeting with these reps is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about colleges in a small group setting. The admission reps from these schools are often the same people who read applications for admission.
The schedule of rep visits can be found in SchooLinks (use your Google sign-in to log in) or on the VHHS school calendar (make sure you have the Vernon Hills High School calendar selected on the top left hand side of your screen). For more information on the college, see this document with interesting facts and scholarship details provided by the reps.
Students must sign up in SchooLinks at least 24 hours ahead of time for each visit they would like to attend (even if it is their lunch/study hall). The process of signing up is pretty simple, but you can find detailed instructions here. Please stop by the CRC with any questions about rep visits and how to sign up in SchooLinks.
**If a rep visit falls during a period you have class, be sure to talk to your teacher ahead of time (at least 24 hours ahead of time) and have them sign a permission slip. Blank permission slips can also be picked up in the CRC.
Appointments with Mrs. Bellito
Seniors are able to schedule appointments with Mrs. Bellito by using her online scheduling page. Be sure to select a meeting time during your lunch or study hall periods--you should not miss class for these meetings. There are different types of appointments you can choose from including 15 minute application question appointments, college essay review appointments, etc. ALSO, remember that the CRC is often open as a drop-in location where seniors are allowed to spend their lunch or study hall periods in the CRC--this is a great chance to work on college apps and ask questions you may have.
Appointments with Mrs. Carson
Mrs. Carson also offers appointments for college application questions and essay reviews.
Stay Connected with the CRC
Google Classroom
Every junior should join the CRC Class of 2026 Google Classroom if they haven't already. To join, use code ps6hwvr. We use Google Classroom to post announcements and resources related to postsecondary planning.
All juniors should belong to the CRC VHHS Class of 2026 Remind group to be sure they don't miss any messages we send to the class. To join, use code @vhhscrc26 in the app, or click on this link.
Appointments with Mrs. Bellito
Appointments for juniors to meet with Mrs. Bellito will open in January, and instructions for making these appointments will be sent out later in the semester. Juniors are always welcome to stop by the CRC to ask any questions they have, but individual appointments are dedicated to seniors during the busy fall application season.
Check out the D128 list of Jobs, Internships, and Volunteer Opportunities
The LHS and VHHS CRC offices are pooling resources to give you a robust listing of jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities in our area. Check back often as we update the list regularly.