Class of 2024
All Things Senior, All the Time
Hey Seniors of 2024!
Dear Seniors, Parents, & Guardians,
Congratulations to our graduating seniors and families on achieving the significant academic milestone of a high school diploma! This is a terrific achievement and we congratulate everyone for their hard work!
The following are important dates and times for the 2024 graduation activities for NNHS:
- The Senior Awards Ceremony will be at 7:00 p.m. on May 1st at the Nancy O’Brian Center. Parents will receive an invitation if a student will be receiving an award.
- Seniors will be taking their final exams as follows: Zero hours finals will be taken May 16th and May 20th, 2024. Periods 2, 3, 6, & 7 on May 20th; Periods 1 and 5 on May 21st. Make-up exams will be May 22nd.
- The Baccalaureate Celebration - details will be provided when we receive this information.
- The Commencement Practice will be held from 10:00-11:30 a.m. May 23rd, at the Lloyd Noble Center.
- The Class Picnic will be held May 23rd at Reaves Park right after Commencement Practice
- The Commencement Ceremony will promptly begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Lloyd Noble Center on May 23rd. Students must report at 6:00 p.m.
Senior Video Reminders:
Please upload your student's senior picture and a baby/childhood picture for the senior video to be
shown at graduation using the form linked below. Photos are due by May 10th, 2024. Questions?
Issues? Need to email your photos instead? Contact mdettmann@normanps.org.
Commencement Information:
For practice and graduation, all seniors will enter from the West ramp. Lloyd Noble has wheelchair
access, for students, by entering on the east side, going to the elevator on the south and then to the
The commencement ceremony is a dignified occasion to honor graduating seniors and their families for their accomplishments during their school years. To maintain the dignity of the ceremony, the following guidelines for the student and audience participation have been established.
- All University of Oklahoma security protocols must be followed (Clear Bag policy and Prohibited Items). Please refer to OU’s website for a complete list. https://soonersports.com/sports/2019/8/9/208803893.aspx
- Student attire must be in compliance with Norman North dress code. Business casual attire is encouraged.
- Decoration of the cap and gown will not be allowed.
- Signs or flags of any description are not allowed at Lloyd Noble Center.
- Students who have consumed or possess any drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to participate, as stated in school policy.
- Students are not to carry anything other than a cellphone, including purses, cameras, sunglasses, and flowers.
- Participation in commencement is a school activity. Inappropriate behavior during the last few weeks of school may result in the loss of the privilege of participating in the commencement ceremony.
- Students involved in inappropriate behavior during commencement exercises will be removed from the commencement ceremony.
- Students are to enter from the SOUTH Ramp (students and staff only) of the arena for commencement on Thursday, May 23rd. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and students need to be in their assigned seat no later than 6:30 p.m. They will go through a security check there.
- Only students who have met the established criteria (as verified by the school administrators as of January 2024) will be seated and recognized as having a GPA of 4.0 (weighted and unweighted).
Parents, Friends, and Relatives:
Lloyd Noble Center does not allow noisemakers, air horns, balloons, silly string, signs, food or drinks. All purses and bags will be checked at the entrance and must be clear. Metal detectors may be used as well. A sign language interpreter will be located at the Lower Level Section 3 (LS3). Wheelchair access is located on the East side. Enter and go around to the elevators and to the middle level. Because of the number of students and large amounts of equipment on the floor, parents and guests will not be allowed on the arena floor to take pictures before, during or after the event. The “Sooner Vision” department will provide video projection of the ceremony on the jumbotron screen.
Pictures will be taken by Oklahoma School Pictures.
Final Transcripts:
IMPORTANT!!! ALL students will need to go by the registrar’s office, fill out a mailing label and pay $3.00 to have their diploma and one transcript mailed. (You may also pay online at the following link.
https://ok-norman.intouchreceipting.com/signin) Please note when a student becomes 18 years of age, he/she becomes custodian of his/her own records. Therefore, the registrar/school personnel cannot release diplomas or transcripts to anyone other than the student without written permission from the student. All concurrently enrolled students must have their official college transcripts sent to Mrs. Trusley by May 22nd. We will accept a physical copy in a sealed envelope or an electronic copy sent directly from the college to strusley@normanps.org.
Students must go to the Norman North webpage under graduation, click on the link in the weekly
newsletter and fill out the Final Transcript Request Form or scan the QR code in the office. Transcripts
will be sent to all in state schools electronically. Only the transcript can be sent electronically, we cannot add any other information. Students must provide a complete address if they are going to an
out-of-state college. Final transcripts/diplomas will be released no later than June 21, 2024.
*Every senior needs to complete this form .Please be advised that it is a protected form that may only be completed by the student.
Senior Macbook Return
In addition to textbooks and library books, all seniors are expected to turn in their NPS assigned computer, charger, and hotspot if applicable.
Seniors, as well as any students not returning next year, can turn in the NPS assigned device at any of the following dates and times:
- Monday May 20 - Friday May 24 in the NNHS Tech Office from 8am - 4pm
- Tuesday May 28 - Friday May 31 in the NNHS Tech Office from 8am - 3pm
If none of these times work students should contact their site help desk to make arrangements to bring items in at another time. You may turn it in earlier than these dates if you are completely finished using it. Once it is returned, we cannot give the device back.
Bring your NPS assigned device and your charger to the Technology office. If your charger cannot be located, you may be subject to a $20 replacement fee.
If you will need the NPS assigned device after the drop off date please fill out this form: request to turn in NPS device after May 31.
The current macbooks are not available for purchase.
Save the Date:
2024 Norman North Commencement Ceremony
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 07:00 PM
Lloyd Noble Center, South Jenkins Avenue, Norman, OK, USA
The commencement ceremony is a dignified occasion to honor graduating seniors and their families for their accomplishments during their school years. To maintain the dignity of the ceremony, the following guidelines for the student and audience participation have been established.
- All University of Oklahoma security protocols must be followed. Below is the Clear Bag policy and Prohibited Items. Please refer to OU’s website for a complete list. https://soonersports.com/sports/2019/8/9/208803893.aspx
- Student attire must be in compliance with Norman North dress code. Business casual attire is encouraged.
- Decoration of the cap and gown will not be allowed.
- Signs or flags of any description are not allowed at Lloyd Noble Center.
- Students who have consumed or possess any drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to participate, as stated in school policy.
- Students are not to carry anything, including purses, cameras, sunglasses, and flowers.
- Participation in commencement is a school activity. Inappropriate behavior during the last few weeks of school may result in the loss of the privilege of participating in the commencement ceremony.
- Students involved in inappropriate behavior during commencement exercises will be removed from the commencement ceremony.
- Students are to enter from the SOUTH Ramp (students only) of the arena for commencement on Thursday, May 23rd. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and students need to be in their assigned seat no later than 6:30 p.m. They will go through a security check there.
- Only students who have met the established criteria (as verified by the school administrators as of January 2023) will be seated and recognized as having a GPA of 4.0.
Norman Area Baccalaureate
Wildwood is excited to be able to host this year’s Baccalaureate. This will be a Christian service meant to encourage the graduating class of 2024 and their families. While hosted by Wildwood, many churches play a part in making this event possible.
Graduates should arrive at Wildwood on May 19th at 5:30pm with their gowns and any cords, medals, stoles, etc. No graduation caps for this event. The service will be an hour. Family and friends are encouraged to attend.
Sunday, May 19, 2024, 05:30 PM
Wildwood Community Church, 24th Avenue Northeast, Norman, OK, USA
Class of 2024 Graduation Practice
Graduation practice for the 2024 Commencement ceremony is Thursday, May 23, 2024 at the Lloyd Noble Center. Please arrive no later than 10 AM. Only small, clear bags will be allowed at Lloyd Noble. Seniors do not need to wear their graduation gear for practice but it is recommended you wear the pair of shoes you plan to wear at Commencement -- That way you can practice going down all of those stairs!
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 10:00 AM
Lloyd Noble Center, South Jenkins Avenue, Norman, OK, USA
Class of 2024 Senior Picnic
Join the Class of 2024 for their Senior Picnic at Reaves Park on May 23rd, 2024, immediately following graduation practice!
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12:00 PM
Reaves Park, Jenkins Avenue, Norman, OK, USA
You Should Know!
Eisenhower Elementary's Senior Day
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 07:30 AM
Eisenhower Elementary School, Fairlawn Drive, Norman, OK, USA
Senior Graduation Video:
Please upload your senior's senior picture and a baby/childhood picture for the senior video to be shown at graduation. Photos are due by May 1st, 2024.
Questions? Issues? Please contact @ mdettmann@normanps.org
Prom Tickets:
Prom tickets will be sold from Monday, April 22nd through Friday, April 26th before school from 8:30am-8:50am and during 4th hour lunch. In order to purchase a ticket, a student must have their ID and must not be listed on the fines list. Students may only purchase a ticket for themselves and each ticket purchased will have the purchaser's name written on it. NO TICKETS will be honored at the door that do not match the purchaser's name and the student's ID.
Fines will be posted outside the main office beginning on Monday, April 15th. Only the student's ID # will be posted. Students must pay their fines before being able to purchase a ticket for themselves. Students are not allowed to leave class to pay a fine. Students are encouraged to pay fines during 4th hour lunch.
Reminder, ONLY Juniors and Seniors may attend Prom. If your guest is from another school and they are in the 9th or 10th grade they also cannot join you. If your boyfriend/girlfriend is in the 9th or 10th grade, they also may NOT attend with you. Prom is a very special event for our 11th and 12th grade students; thank you your understanding.
Guest passes will be available to pick up in the main office beginning on Monday, April 15th. The guest pass must be completed and returned before Wednesday, April 24th to the main office. As guest passes are validated, the NNHS student plus approved guest will be added to the Guest list form so that a ticket can be sold for the approved guest. Any forgeries will cause the NNHS student to lose his/her ability to bring a guest and attend prom for the 23-24 school year.
AP Exam Location and Schedule:
AP students--WOW, it's almost time for your exams! Here is some important information for you to know:
1. MOST of NN exams will be given at Wildwood Church, 1501 24th Ave NE.
2. The ONLY exams given elsewhere are:
- May 9 Chinese- Performing Arts Center (Conf Room)
- May 15 Computer Science Principles Admin Services - Center, 131 S Flood
- May 17 German- Performing Arts Center (Conf Room)
See you there-
Ms. Uhlenhake
PS IF you need to schedule a late exam due to a conflict,/illness: email me---ritau@normanps.org
AP Exam Reminders:
Important Info:
- Arrive at least 15 minutes early. We begin promptly at exam time!
- Bring a blue/black pen(s) and a couple of wooden #2 pencil. Please avoid pens that click.
- Bring the appropriate calculator for your exam, please clear it prior to your exam.
- Wear a wrist-watch that can only tell time. No alarms/beeps/or ability to send/receive data.
- Bring your lunch if you have 2 exams back-to-back
- Dress comfortably and in layers. Some think it's warm, some think it's cold, sorry NO hoodies
- Only bottled water or drinks with a lid allowed in the exam room
- Leave your phone in your car.
- Eat breakfast -- preferably one with protein!
- Arrive with confidence, you got this!!!
This year, our attendance expectations are that all absences are confirmed by parents within 5 days of the absence. This will allow us to better monitor students who are truant and it will allow a seamless transition for exemptions. Students will no longer be able to clear absences for exemptions that are outside of the 5 days of the absence.
In order to remind parents and students of this expectation, we have printed magnets (one per household please) that you can place on an appliance or anything metal as a reminder. The magnet contains the phone number of the attendance line and a QR code for an absence form. You can pick up the attendance magnet at Shoppes on Stubbeman (August 3 & 4) or Open House (September 7).
The email of the person using the absence form will be collected upon submission and must match a parent's email address in Infinite Campus. Students MAY NOT excuse themselves with the attendance form.
10th-12th grade:
A-G (Student's last name): Eleana Kyle - ekyle@normanps.org
H-P (Student's last name): Lisa Udy - ludy@normanps.org
Q-Z (Student's last name): Ami Parker - amip@normanps.org
All students and staff members will again be required to wear their 23-24 Student ID around their neck or pinned to a shirt if they are INSIDE our buildings. IDs are not allowed to be tied to a backpack because students leave their backpacks and/or IDs end up on a student's back and do not make it easy to identify if the student should be inside our building.
All students will be given 2 IDs in their advisory classes during the first week of school. After these IDs are distributed, any student who arrives at school without an ID will be given lunch detention as a consequence and will be required to purchase an additional ID. Parents are welcome to bring a student's ID to school but the student will not be allowed to travel into the building until the student has the ID. All purchased IDs are $5.00 each and will be charged to the student's account if the student does not have money to pay immediately.
Additionally, all NNHS students will be given an Access Card with their 2 IDs that will enable them to enter the CCC and Commons Entrances between 7:25am-4:15pm. This means that students should NEVER open the door for another student because all NNHS students should have their Access Card with them. A replacement Access Card is $5.00.
Students, we are only as safe as we all work together to be. Giving other students your ID, taking an ID from another student, and now being able to give someone else an Access Card could impact the safety of our students and staff members with severe consequences. If you lose an ID or Access Card, it is your responsibility to notify the main office so your card can be deactivated. School Discipline consequences will take place for students who give an ID or Access Card to any other person or who have another person's ID or Access Card.
Run With the Pack:
Website: https://www.normanpublicschools.org/Domain/29
Location: 1809 Stubbeman Avenue, Norman, OK, USA
Phone: (405) 366-5954
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nnhstwolves/
Twitter: @nnhstwolves
Find Us on Social Media:
We try to communicate to our NN Families in many ways. You can find us at:
Facebook - Norman North High School AND Norman North Athletics
Instagram @nnhstwolves AND Norman North DEN @normannorth_den!
Twitter is @nnhstwolves AND Athletics @nnhsathletics1