Leading with Faith
April 30th, 2024

The Catholic Schools Department weekly newsletter
Thank you to everyone who attended the dances at both St. Gregory and Queen of Heaven. Between the two dances we will be sending BISON Children's Scholarship Fund a combined donation of $5,700!!
Many of our student scientists came out to showcase their talents at the 10th Annual X-STREAM Games this weekend. Congratulations to all of our participants. A few photos can be found at the end of this newsletter along with a Channel 4 news story.
Department News
by Julie Gajewski
At the heart of Catholic education is the belief that Jesus Christ represents the epitome of human potential. Catholic schools are dedicated to fostering a deep connection with Christ and instilling the gospel values of love, service, and compassion.
In honor of National Principal Appreciation Day on May 2nd and Teacher Appreciation Week this week, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the exceptional Catholic School Principals and teachers of the Diocese of Buffalo, who serve in 31 elementary and 12 high schools. Their compassionate dedication enriches our Catholic schools, nurturing students to embrace faith, knowledge, and leadership in the image of Christ.
Central to the success of a Catholic school is the leadership of its principal, who must embody vision, competence, and personal integrity. Serving as a servant leader alongside a Pastor or School Chaplain, the principal fosters faith communities and guides both faculty and students in spiritual and academic growth.
Catholic school teachers infuse their curriculum with faith by cultivating a love for truth and integrating faith with culture and life. They create inclusive environments, build positive relationships, identify individual gifts, and foster partnerships with home and parish for a holistic school community.
As we look back on our educational journeys, we recognize the profound influence of educators who motivated us to achieve our potential. Through their ongoing sacrifices, teachers and principals empower students to uncover their talents and foster a compassionate, inclusive society. We invite you to join the Department of Education for Western New York Catholic Schools in expressing gratitude to our Catholic School Principals and teachers this week, and every week, for their invaluable dedication to shaping the lives of students in WNY to live, learn, and lead as disciples of Christ.
In the words of Thomas Groome, "Educators are called to holiness and wholeness of life precisely through their vocational work."
by Chris Riso
5/17/24 Order Hardware, Software, and Library Materials from District to Use Up Funds
5/17/24 Erie 1 BOCES Title IIa Consortium Leadership Meeting from 1-2:30pm
5/20/24 Last Day to Register for Free UB Summer Graduate Classes
6/1/24 Last day for Parents to Request Special Education Services from Districts
6/27/24 NYSED Nonpublic Safety Equipment (NPSE) Claims Due
TBD NYSED Elementary School AIS Claims Due
8/1/24 NYSED MST/STEM Grant Submission Deadline
Principal Meeting Agenda for May 22nd: Our last Elementary Principal meeting of the year will take place on 5/22/24 at UB’s Newman Center - click here for the agenda. We will be wrapping up the 2023-24 school year and planning for the future. At the request of Bishop Fisher, the Diocese of Buffalo began a Catholic Education Strategic Planning process a month or two ago and has invited our Department, Catholic Schools Advisory Council, Catholic School Principals and Presidents, Pastors, and Chaplains to participate in this process. Our afternoon will be spent on this Strategic Planning along with our Catholic School Pastors and Chaplains so please plan to stay for the entire day.
Special Education Students (IESP) Must Request Services by June 1: Remember that the parents of all Special Education students must request in writing by June 1st the continuation of services from the Public School District in which your school is located. NYS law requires this even though not all districts follow through and deny services for those who fail to do so. My thought is, better safe than sorry. Please encourage parents of any student with an IESP to submit a signed letter requesting Special Education services from the Public School District by June 1st. Please remember that these letters must come from the parents. Once they write their letters, I would recommend that you ask for parents to share a copy with you so you know they sent it before the deadline. I found a sample parent letter here. If you can make up a draft letter that includes the correct District contact information so that parents can just edit the student name I am sure they would appreciate the assistance. FYI - Here is a link with the regulations on this (look under “Provision of Special Education Services”). All that being said, NYS and Federal law allows the public school districts to deny services when a parent request for Special Ed services is not received by June 1st in almost every scenario you can imagine; if you are considering accepting a student with an IEP after June 1st, that child will not be eligible to receive Special Education services until the 2025-26 school year (if they still qualify) so make your admission determination based on the fact that the student will not be receiving Special Education services from the public school district in 2024-2025.
Summer PD Opportunity 8/29/24, Brian Mendler: Nicole Richard has arranged for Brian Mendler to offer a PD session to kick-off the 2024-2025 school year on 8/29/24 from 12:30-2:00 pm and wanted to know if any other schools wanted their teachers to participate. Brian is a well-known national author and speaker with a big presence on social media. He has great energy; check him out here: https://www.brianmendler.com/about. He visited St. Amelia's in 2022 for a similar PD session and was well received. If you are interested in participating, please email Nicole (nrichard@nativityofmaryschool.org) so she can work on how to split the cost. The total cost will be $8,000 to $10,000 but will be less per school as more schools agree to participate; six schools are currently participating, making the cost at this time roughly $1,335 to $1,667 per school. Some schools are planning to use Title IIa funding to pay for this so the company will bill each school separately; if you plan to do the same, make sure to include this expense when you have your Title consultation this summer.
Advocacy: I continue to serve on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Federal Assistance Advisory Commission (FAAC). This Commission, made up of Catholic education practitioners, serves as an advisory group to the USCCB Secretariat of Catholic Education in its efforts to: maximize participation by Catholic school students and teachers in federally-funded educational programs; advocate on behalf of Catholic school students, teachers and administrators during reauthorization and/or revision of existing federal education programs; evaluate and support proposed federal legislation that could result in positive benefits for Catholic school students and staff and to oppose any such proposals that could result in negative outcomes; and monitor the implementation of federal statutes, as well as the development of regulations and guidelines that affect Catholic schools, including their students and staff. Our final FAAC meeting of 2023-2024 occurred last week in Washington, D.C. and involved planning for our 2024-2025 advocacy efforts.
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
Catholic Charities has created a fundraising contest for our schools - The Catholic Charities Cup! The top elementary and top high school to raise the most money before May 31 will be presented with a trophy and an ice cream party. See this flyer for more information. A letter will be emailed shortly with more details.
Many of our elementary and high schools have programs running throughout the summer. Check them all out here.
Principals- please remember to send your MSA information to Laurie before May 23rd.
by Nancy DiBerardino
The Character Virtue for May is Optimism. Please submit your names here by June 7th.
Our calendar for the 2024-2025 year is ready, but is subject to change as the year progresses.
The May 22nd Principal Meeting will be held at the UB Newman Center. Here is the RSVP link as well as the agenda. Pastors were invited through a separate letter and need to RSVP by May 12.
Our annual Character Award and Gold Apple Award Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 28th at St. Amelia Church. Please RSVP before May 15th for this evening so we can plan accordingly. We will begin with Mass at 6pm followed by light refreshments. Each school should RSVP with the total number of people attending from their school - how many students and their families along with any school representatives.
by Rachel Zeller
These kids worked really hard and were so enthusiastic and well-prepared. I was so impressed by the many creations our students came up with to solve unique challenges.
A huge debt of gratitude to my team and all the adults who supported these children in stretching their brains!
Important Dates
5/6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/13-15 - Diocesan Art Show, St. Mary Swormville, 6-8pm
5/20-21 - Diocesan Track Meet, St. Francis
5/22 - Principal's Meeting, UB Newman Center
5/28 - Character Awards Celebration, St. Amelia's, 6pm Mass
Spring Fling Dance - St. Gregory
Spring Fling Dance - St Gregory
X-STREAM Games Robotics
X-STREAM Games Fashionably Yours
X-STREAM Games Science Fair
X-STREAM Kitchen Chem
Upcoming Events
Diocesan Art Exhibition
May 13, 14, 15th from 6-8pm