The Roosevelt All Star *428-1416* 1/10/25
A Message from Mrs. Kyncl
Dear Roosevelt Families,
Happy New Year! We were so excited to welcome your kids back this week! I hope that you had a wonderful break and that you were able to have some nice family time. I was able to enjoy my big kids and we moved our oldest daughter to Washington DC! What a fun city!
I wanted to let you know that it seems as though our scheduled newsletter did not ever send on December 20th. Please accept our apologies on that. We aren't sure what happened. Luckily there wasn't much going on this week!
Next week is the end of the semester and we have three half days of school that I would like to remind you about.
Please help your kiddos be prepared for the Winter weather. It is worth mentioning again that they need to be prepared to go out to recess each day as we do not have supervision available for them inside. Thank you for your help!
Here's to a wonderful second semester and a fantastic 2025!
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Kyncl
Our Roosevelt Sea Dragons took 4th place in their robotics competition!
- 1/2 Day
- No Late Start
- QDOBA giveback, 4-8pm - Must present flyer in store or enter QDOBAGIVES for online checkout
January 16
- 1/2 Day
January 17
- 1/2 Day
- End of the Semester
January 20
- No School, MLK day
January 21
- Wacky Science Assembly
January 24
- Popcorn Friday
- Report Cards Go Home
February 3
- PTO Meeting, 4pm - Media Center
Extra Clothes Needed - Second plea for help
The office is in need of some clothes in case of school emergencies. If you have some gently worn pants, we would appreciate your donation.
We need:
6-8 Boys pants
8-10 Boys pants
7-8 Girls pants
Thank you so much for your generosity.
A Note from the Office
Our Lost & Found is overflowing. Please have your student check it for anything they may be missing. Items were to be donated over Winter Break, but due to the vast number of items, we will now wait until the end of January.
Please make sure your student has appropriate outdoor gear every day. There will be outside recess unless it is consistently raining during recess time. If it is snowing or there is snow on the ground, students will need a winter coat, snow pants, winter boots, a hat/hood and gloves to play on the playground. If they do not have boots and/or snow pants, they will have to stay on the concrete or blacktop to keep them dry. It is also a good idea to label their gear with their first and last name in case it ends up in our lost and found.
If your child will be late or absent, please contact the office before 9:00 am at 269-428-1416. You may leave a voicemail if you call in before school hours or if other calls are being attended to. It is required by the state to report the reason for an absence so please share the reason/symptom and/or type of illness if known. Late students need to be signed in by an adult in the office (door 3).
If you need to drop off items, there is a table in the office vestibule. Please have the item marked with your child's name and teacher. We will be able to speak through the door intercom.
If you have any questions about the upcoming school year, please reach out to or 269-428-1416.
From our PTO!
Roosevelt Spirit Wear Sale!
We have TWO different opportunities for you to shop spirit wear this year:
1st Place Spiritwear is our online store. It is up and running and will remain open all school year!
Roosevelt Apparel:
Lakeshore Apparel:
Background Check for Volunteers
Please click the link to fill out your background check for 2024-2025. We ask that you fill one out each school year if you plan to volunteer at school or with our PTO during various events. Thank you for being a great partner with us here at Roosevelt!
School Bus Policy
The Policy States:
Lakeshore Public Schools provides bus transportation for all eligible students. We only grant requests to ride another bus in emergency situations or to a licensed daycare. A parental note describing the type of emergency or daycare situation must be brought to the office in the morning for administration approval. Students must present a valid pass from the office to the bus driver in order to ride a bus that is not assigned to them or get off at a different stop.
Student's will not be allowed to ride a bus home to qo to a friend's house for afterschool activities.
Bus Routes Here
Please have your child at the bus stop 5 minutes before the listed estimated time. On Late-Start Wednesdays, high school/middle school run 35 minutes later, and elementary buses run 30 minutes later. Late Start Wednesdays begin September 4, 2024
Please check back after 5:00 PM on August 25th for any updated bus routes.
Transportation for Y5 and Kdg students starts on Tuesday, August 27th. Their first day of school is a one hour visit with an adult. This allows the students to become familiar with the classroom environment before staying for the day.
Car Line
The parking lot on the South side of the building (off of Donald & Dennis) is for buses and staff only. Please do not use this lot from 7:45 am to 4:00 pm. You will be asked to move.
To pick up and drop off car riders: One way traffic has been created to ensure safer travel and exit for all. Enter off of Cleveland Ave onto Eldorado and exit onto Santa Maria. Everyone dropping off or picking up students will be use this car loop. Please have last name displayed on back of passenger side visor. Tag board is available at school if needed. Please be sure the name is large enough to be seen from a bit of a distance.
Parents are not allowed out of their vehicles during arrival or dismissal. Please use our car line. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Picking Up An Ill Child
Please remember that in the event that your child has a fever they need to be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. Thank you for helping us keep everyone healthy!
Free Breakfast and Lunch
We are happy to let you know that we will again have free breakfast and lunch available for our students each day. Elementary students will not need money in their lunch account unless you plan to send a packed lunch and have them purchase milk/juice. MS/HS students have the option of purchasing a la carte items and will need money deposited in their accounts for that.
Important Links
Bus Routes
Parent Information
Food Service
Roosevelt Elementary School
Location: 2000 Eldorado Drive, Stevensville, MI, USA
Phone: 269-428-1416
Facebook: Roosevelt Elementary Facebook Page Roosevelt Elementary PTO Facebook Page