Welcome Back Gators!
September Monthly Newsletter
A Welcome Back Message from Your Principal
Welcome Back!
Dear Families,
Welcome to a new school year at Glen Avenue! I hope you and your children have enjoyed a wonderful summer break and are ready for the exciting year ahead.
At Glen Avenue, we are dedicated to fostering a nurturing and dynamic learning environment where every child can thrive. Our team of talented teachers and staff are eager to work with your children to inspire curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning. We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential for student success, and we are committed to working closely with you to support your child’s educational journey.
This year, we have a variety of engaging programs and events planned to enrich our students' experiences and strengthen our school community. We encourage you to stay connected with us through our newsletters, website, and social media channels to stay informed and involved.
If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please do not hesitate to reach out. Together, let’s make this year a memorable and successful one for every student.
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We look forward to a fantastic year of learning and growth!
Warm regards,
Michele McGoogan
MCAP Test Results - SPRING 2024
Week of September 23, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is an important message regarding the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) 2024 tests and results. Your child may have participated in the MCAP assessments this past Spring. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has now released data for the following subjects: English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
This week, your child will receive their individual score report(s) from their teacher. Please expect them to share this important information with you.
If you have any questions or need further assistance in understanding your child’s performance, or the overall school results, feel free to contact your child’s school or reach out to Karen Hitch, Supervisor of Assessment and Accountability, in our district Office of Assessment and Accountability at 410-677-4477.
**This is for current 4th and 5th grade Students (Last years 3rd and 4th graders). Distribution Date is Tuesday, September 24th, 2024.
MAP Test Results - Fall 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Attendance Matters
Let’s kick off the school year with a focus on the importance of attendance and the positive impact of regular school attendance on student outcomes (academic achievement, social skill development, and overall well-being)!
September is Attendance Awareness Month! It is so important our students are at school each and every day. Next week we will enjoy a fun attendance awareness spirit week. Remember, attend today , achieve tomorrow.
Glen Avenue Spirit Wear
Gator Gear
Get your Gator Gear! Your whole family can show their Gator Pride with our new Spirit Wear featuring Glen Avenue’s very own Snappy! Sizes are available for youth and adults in two different designs. Click on the link to order your gear today! Orders will be accepted through the end of September and merchandise will be sent home around mid-October.
Orders due September 30th!
Community School Coordinator Appreciation Week
Mrs. Kyle Beebe
This week is Community School Coordinators’ Appreciation Week. Help us show Appreciation to Mrs. Kyle Beebe our Community School Coordinator. When you see her in the car rider’s line toot your horn and give her a wave!
Meet Your Administration Team
Mrs. Michele McGoogan, Principal
Mrs. McGoogan is a proud graduate of Wicomico County Public Schools (Wicomico High School, Class of 1986). She earned bachelor's degrees from Catawba College, in Salisbury, NC in 1990, and Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD, in 1992. She earned her master's degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in NC in 1996. Mrs. McGoogan is excited to be the new Principal for Glen Avenue Elementary School after being the Assistant Principal at Delmar Elementary for the past three years. She began her education career in Wicomico County in 1993 as a 6th-Grade math and science teacher at East Salisbury Elementary School and taught grades 6-12 general and Special Education classes throughout her career. She went on to serve as a Mathematics Professional Development Coach at Bennett Middle School, Mardela Middle and High School, and Northwestern Elementary; Dean of Students at Wicomico High School; Supervisor of Secondary Math/Science/STEM Initiatives for Somerset County Public Schools; an Assistant Principal at Wicomico High School; and an Assistant Principal at Delmar Elementary. She is excited to become a Gator with Glen Avenue Elementary and excited to work with the wonderful students, parents, and staff that this new opportunity brings to her.
Mrs. Twynette Binns, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Twynette Binns is a native to the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and a product of Accomack County Public Schools. She holds a B.A. in History from Salisbury State University and a M. Ed. in Instructional Technology from the University of Maryland University College. Mrs. Binns obtained her administrative certification through Towson University. She began her professional career in Bermuda, where she taught elementary school for 5 years. Upon returning state-side, Mrs. Binns embarked on a 16-year career with Worcester County Public Schools. She has had the opportunity to hold many leadership positions during her career that range from working with new hires and interns, to mentoring students. She has also worked with MSDE as a Social Studies curriculum writer and a Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) Item Reviewer. Mrs. Binns has also been a Maryland Service-Learning Fellow since 2009. Returning as the Assistant Principal at Glen Avenue Elementary School has been an honor and a privilege. Mrs. Binns is married to Kimandi Binns and they are the proud parents of 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
Mrs. Hannah Parr, Dean of Students
Mrs. Parr is a graduate of Accomack County Public Schools on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. She holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Physical Education and a Masters of Education Degree in Educational Leadership, both from Salisbury University. Mrs. Parr played softball for Salisbury University from 2010-2013. Mrs. Parr began her educational career in Talbot County Public Schools where she taught middle school Health & Physical Education for 7 years. Mrs. Parr enjoys playing sports, spending time at the beach, and spending time with her family and friends. Mrs. Parr is excited to work the with students, families, and staff at Glen Avenue!
Mrs. Binns, Mrs. McGoogan, Mrs. Parr & Mrs. Johanning (PPW) at the Lead '24 Summer Leadership Conference hosted by Salisbury University.
Flu Mist Clinic
Wicomico Schools is collaborating with the Wicomico County Health Department to have convenient, school-based FluMist vaccine clinics in all of our elementary schools to support the health of young students. Our school’s FluMist clinic will be between 9:30-11:30 am on Monday, October 7th. If you would like for your child to receive the FluMist at school, please register the student at the link below. Please note that any child who has asthma or any significant underlying health condition (heart disease, metabolic disorders, kidney disease, cognitive dysfunction, seizure disorders) or is immune compromised should not receive FluMist and the child’s doctor can advise about a flu shot. When clicking on the link, please disregard the message at the top about bringing State Issued ID, Driver’s License, Insurance Information and Appointment confirmation number. Simply choose the appointment time and complete the form for your child if they don’t have the above-mentioned underlying health conditions.
Title 1 Information
Right to Know
This is Michele McGoogan, principal of Glen Avenue. As a Title 1 school, we are required to inform you of your right to request information on the qualifications of the teacher and/or the instructional assistant who will be working with your child. Please rest assured that we have worked diligently to ensure that staff members meet the Maryland State Department of Education requirements. If you would like to exercise your right to request this information, you may email or send a letter using US mail to the Director of Human Resources to my attention. You will receive a response from the Director of Human Resources within 30 days of the original request. We look forward to serving you and your student this year.
Partners in Learning Compact
School-Family-Scholar Agreement for Improving Student Achievement
This agreement is a pledge to work together to share responsibility for student learning, high achievement, and student success in school and in life. This compact is aligned with our School Improvement Plan to promote student learning, student attendance, a positive school climate and with our grade level learning outcomes. Upon request, interpreters and transportation can be provided so families can attend school functions.
Family Engagement Plan Brochure
The Wicomico County Board of Education recognizes that families are their child’s first teachers and that they function as educators throughout their child’s life. More than thirty years of research show that student academic success and high self esteem are closely related to family engagement in education from prekindergarten through high school. Glen Avenue Elementary School also believes that the education of children is a shared responsibility. Involvement by the school, the family and the community creates a stronger educational system and improves the quality of life for the students, their families and the entire community of Wicomico County. The school system as well as individual schools make the commitment to establish programs and practices that create a climate of mutual trust and respect and that support family engagement.
Community & School Events
Student and Family Resources
The mission of the Division of Student and Family Services is to support the total educational experience, thus assuring all students the opportunity to develop skills essential for successful learning, healthy physical/emotional/social growth and gainful employment. Please click the link to view the available resources.
Family Success Night #1
Come to Prince Street Elementary School for a Family Success Night covering the following topics:
- Elementary Reading
- *New Elementary Math Currriculum
- Is Your Child Kindergarten Ready?
- Navigating 504 Plans & IEP Meetings
- Helping Your Student Learn Study Skills & Time Management
- Math Made Digital: Tech Tools to Help Your Middle School Student
- Unlocking Financial Aid: Navigating FAFSA for Parents/Caregivers
- Decoding School Tests: Understanding Your Child’s Progress (Elementary & Secondary)
- Help Your Child be School Ready with Hygiene & Healthy Routines
Click the links below to view the flyer and to register!
Family Success Night #2
Join us for our second Family Success Night on Thursday, September 26th at Salisbury Middle School (607 Morris Street; Salisbury, MD 21801) from 5:00 -7:30 p.m. Information will be shared for families with students in all grades, there is something for everyone!
At this event you will:
Learn about setting boundaries, creating routines, managing feelings, dealing with bullying and using positive strategies with preteens and teens. Discover how to build resilient children, help them cope with trauma, and find family resources. Hear from community organizations about the support they provide to families in our community.
WCPS staff members will provide childcare for children ages 4 -12. Spanish, Haitian Creole and Portuguese interpreters will be available. A light dinner will be served (first come, first served).
You can visit the information tables from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Workshops will be held during the following times:
Session 1: 5:30 - 6:05 p.m.;
Session 2: 6:10 - 6:45 p.m.;
Session 3: 6:50 - 7:25 p.m.
This event will be a great way for you to learn new skills and tips to help you in your role as a parent/caregiver. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 26th at Salisbury Middle School.
Please register at one of the following links below:
Edulog Bus Tracker App
Hello, this is Paul Butler, Director of Communications for Wicomico County Public Schools. This year parents and guardians will be able to TRACK YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL BUS on the way to school in the morning and back home in the afternoon with our new Edulog Parent Portal mobile app. It will give parents the necessary information to plan their day and have the knowledge that their children’s school transportation is in process.
Features of Parent Portal App include:
- The ability for a parent to know their child’s scheduled trip (bus stop and school pick up and drop off time) once their child is assigned in Edulog’s route management system
- Using GPS technology, the real-time location of the child’s school bus is displayed in the app, including visual locations of the bus stop assigned to that child as well as the school the child attends (example pictured)
- Notifications of when the bus enters a geolocation (radius)—which can be defined by the parent from 0—2 miles
- Ability to individually adjust the notification radius for each student within the same app, parents will have access to all of their children through one secure login. The parent also has the ability to embed a photo of their child to create a better user experience when using the application. The photo is contained only on the mobile device – not on district or Edulog servers.
Click the link below to see the flyer on how to download the app for use this school year.
Lunch Payment System
LINQ Connect
Whether this is your first school year, or your last, Wicomico County Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services Department welcomes everyone to a new school year. For several years, we have used MyPaymentsPlus as an online meal payment system. We have transitioned to a new payment system beginning this school year called LINQ Connect. You can conquer the upcoming school year with ease, thanks to our new system, LINQConnect.com and the all-new LINQ Connect app. With LINQ Connect, you can simplify the payment process for meal accounts. To get started, download the LINQ Connect app from the Google Play or Apple Store or visit LINQConnect.com.
Click the link below for more information.
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Cell Phone & Toy Policy
WCPS Code of Conduct states that students in elementary school are not to have cellphones in school. Please assist us with enforcing this by checking your scholar’s bookbag and making sure they are not bringing the phone to school. This includes smart watches, iPads, tablets, iPods, electronic games, etc. If you need to speak with your scholar during the day, please call the school and we will bring your student to the office to speak privately with you.
Inappropriate items will be confiscated until the end of the day or retained by administration until a parent/guardian can reclaim the item.
*The school will not be responsible for these items and will not investigate if they are lost or stolen.
Please assist us in keeping the focus on school by not allowing your child to bring toys, sports equipment, trading cards, etc. to school.
Bus Expectations
School Bus Expectations
Riding a school bus is a privilege. With this privilege comes your responsibility for good conduct, proper care of the bus and respect for the rights of others. All Board of Education policies and regulations are in effect while riding the bus as well as attending school. Please remember to treat others the way you wish to be treated.
Students are expected to:
Obey the bus driver who is responsible for the safe operation of the bus and the students being transported
WALK IN FRONT OF THE BUS if they must cross the road to board ot leave the bus and look both ways before crossing the road
Take the seat assigned promptly and remain seated while the bus is in motion
Sit facing forward keeping feet and legs as well as books out of the aisle. Do not extend hands, arms, and/or head out of the window or call out to passers-by
Abstain from destroying or defacing any part of the bus and to keep the area around the assigned seat clean
Refrain from bringing articles on the bus that may create a safety hazard by obstructing the aisle or vision of the driver. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the driver.
Refrain from consuming food or drinks or chewing gum on the bus
Obey the Board of Education policies concerning smoking, weapons, and controlled dangerous substances as well as refrain from the use of unacceptable language on the bus
Enter and leave by the front door. Do not touch emergency doors or hatches except in case of an emergency.
Refrain from behavior and loud conversation which distract the bus driver or annoy other students or motorists
Bus Discipline Procedures
1st Offense: Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal/designee
2nd Offense: Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal/designee
3rd Offense: Referral to Transportation Office.
Automatic conference with Director of Transportation Services/or
designee, parent, student (and driver if deemed necessary). Student suspended from the bus until a satisfactory conference is held. During this conference, a decision will be made as to how long the student will remain off the bus.
4th Offense: Automatic 30 school days off the bus.
5th Offense: Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year.
Any time a driver deems it necessary, a driver may suspend a student’s riding privilege for 1 day without approval from the school. The contractor/driver must contact the parent/guardian, stating the reason for removal and the day the student may not ride the school bus. The driver should notify the school administration as soon as possible. The suspension cannot take effect until the contractor/driver has made successful contact with the parent or guardian.
Upcoming Events: October
Mission & Vision Statements
Mission Statement
Glen Avenue School creates a caring school community that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be thoughtful, responsible, and highly productive citizens as well as lifelong learners.
Vision Statement
Glen Avenue Elementary School will be:
- the school where all teachers want to teach,
- Students want to learn, and
- Families wish their children could attend