1st grade Assignments
April 6-10, 2020
Monday, April 6, 2020
Reading- MyBook "The Talking Vegetables" pages 55-77 (Turn and Talk with Student)
The Talk Vegetables Comprehension Quiz
Writing-What would you say to the spider in the story? Don't forget to use quotation marks!
Math-Go Math 15.1 pgs 545-548
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Reading- MyBook "The Talking Vegetables" pages 55-77 (Turn and Talk with Student)
The Talk Vegetables Comprehension Quiz
Writing-Write about a time you learned about a life lesson
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Words to Know-High Frequency words page 294
Spelling-Vowel Diphthongs /ow/ /ou/ page 295
Writing-Write about a time you resolved a problem using your words.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Phonics-Review page 298
Writing-How have you helped out at home since we have been out of school?
Math-Go Math 15.2 pages 555-556
Friday, April 10, 2020
Notes for the week
Reminder-All assignments are available in the online format or by packet. If you received a packet from school for the week of March 30-April 3, you will need the MyBook that was sent home.
Assignments are due on Monday, April 13.
Don't forget you should still work on iRead and Mathletics in addition to your regular assignments.
Take a walk in your yard and enjoy the weekend!