Clever Family,
Students have returned to the building, and learning is happening in every classroom—it’s a joy to see their energy and enthusiasm as we kick off the second semester! Even though the snow gave us an extra vacation day, it’s great to be back and moving forward together.
Please take a moment to review the AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction) information included in the newsletter below to stay informed about our procedures for inclement weather. We want to ensure everyone is prepared in case more winter weather comes our way.
On Tuesday evening, our school board held its January meeting. You can find the full January Board Notes in the newsletter, but I wanted to highlight a few key points for you:
Next Year’s School Calendar:
AMI Days: In the 2025-26 school year, inclement weather days will start with AMI days, with up to five AMI days available.
Make-Up Days: If we exceed five AMI days, March 30 (Monday) will be used for day 6, and April 27 (Monday) for day 7. Additional make-up days (days 8-12) will be added to the end of the school year.
Last Day of School: The last scheduled day of school is May 15, barring excessive weather-related closures.
Holiday Breaks: Thanksgiving break will remain Wednesday through Friday, and Christmas break will continue as a full two weeks.
Final Week Schedule: The last week of school is planned as a Tuesday-Friday schedule.
Alternate Cancellation Days: Should a need to cancel school arise due to something other than inclement weather, the makeup days of March 30 and/or April 27 will be used.
Leadership Updates:
Congratulations to Tyler McNealy, who will step into the role of High School Assistant Principal and Activities Director for the 2025-26 school year. We are thrilled to have him in this important role.
Luke Brosius will assume the role of Elemiddle Activities Director while continuing some teaching responsibilities. We look forward to the positive impact he’ll have on our K-8 campus.
With Mr. McNealy moving to the high school next year, there we will be an opening for the Elemidde Assistant Principal position. This position will have an emphasis on student discipline, attendance and academics. This individual will work closely with the K-8 principals and staff.
We hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and had time to relax and recharge. We appreciate your continued support, and we’re looking forward to a great second semester!
Dr. Breeden
Clever R-V School District
This year we will be sharing notes from our monthly board of education meetings in our community newsletter. Click the link button below to see notes from our January board meeting.
Building a Brighter Tomorrow
As we move ahead with our building project, our goal is to keep everyone up to date on the progress. The weather will play a role in the timing of certain phases of the project. As of now, dirt work is planned for the week of January 20th. Click the link below for the Construction Zone portion of our school website where we will post updates as the project progresses.
Raptor Alert Information
We feel it is a good idea to occasionally remind everyone about the Clever R-V School District’s safety protocols. As we have shared before, the state of Missouri has partnered with Raptor Technologies which provides an app designed to protect students and school employees during an emergency event. Clever Schools utilizes this app and has trained all employees on how it works.
The Raptor app allows school employees to initiate a hold or a lockdown should a situation warranting such action arise. Raptor alerts may be activated for various reasons, ranging from a staff or student needing medical assistance (resulting in a hold) to more serious safety threats requiring a lockdown. Each situation is managed with the appropriate response.
Parents are not notified for minor hold situations. However, in the event of a safety issue that necessitates a lockdown, families will be informed and provided with as much detail as possible.
Faculty and staff are alerted to a Raptor notification through an alarm on their mobile devices. Students may also hear this tone, which many have come to associate with an alert. Teachers will inform their students if the alert signifies a hold (normal classroom activities continue) or if a more serious situation is unfolding.
The most important thing to emphasize to your child is that their teacher will provide the necessary instructions for any situation. If your child mentions that a Raptor alert occurred at school, please be assured that if you were not notified, it was a minor issue that posed no safety threat to students or staff.
For more details about our safety protocols, visit our website: www.cleverbluejays.org.
Each month, Clever School District joins Greater Ozarks Cooperating School Districts in celebrating educators. We celebrate four outstanding educators, and this January we are recognizing our newest Teacher Proud recipients! Huge congratulations to Deanna Williams, Kelli Kuhl, Mary Hepler, and Trina Stevens. We are so blessed to have each of them in our district!
Winter is upon us and here in Missouri snow/ice can come at anytime. At this time, we have had one inclement weather day. As a reminder, our first two snow days are built in to the calendar and will not need to be made up. Days 3-7 will be AMI days. Days 8-12 (hopefully we will reach this amount!) will be added on to the end of the year. Please click the link below for AMI information, and reach out to your building principal or the central office if you have any questions.
From Our Early Childhood Team
Save the Date!
We are rolling out the red carpet for a night of glitz, glamour, and family fun at our Hollywood-Themed Valentine’s Dance!
Celebrate love and togetherness under the spotlight with music, dancing, and unforgettable memories.
Date: Friday, February 7th
Time: 6:00-8:00
Location: The Gillis Place, Clever MO
Who: Clever families with children in PAT-2nd grade
Dress to impress in your best Hollywood-inspired attirre or come as you are and get ready to shine like a star!
Tickets are on sale now:https://forms.gle/9uaXh2dpPqaPEUas6
*Please note a limited number of tickets are sold so get yours sooner than later.