The Olive Branch 5.7.21
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
Dear OMS families,
THANK YOU to our PTA, parents, and community for making STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK so wonderful for OLIVE-US that work at the nest. For families that might not know, we were treated all week long: breakfast items on Monday, a stocked lounge with goodies on Tuesday, lunch on Wednesday, notes of appreciation on Thursday, and flowers, tote bags, cookies, individual gift cards, and a gift card raffle on Friday! You could not have made us feel any more special and appreciated! We are incredibly grateful for your support.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Erin, Julia, and the OMS staff
Reminder - No Pets on school property
Intersections and Cross Walks
Have you REGISTERED yet?
CURRENT FAMILIES - You should have received an email from D25 with registration steps and a link to follow. If you did not receive this information please check your SPAM folder. If it isn't there contact Chris and Allison at
NEW FAMILIES - If you know of a new family moving into the area please spread the word and share the links below so that they can register too!
Kindergarten Registration CLICK HERE
NEW STUDENT (Grades 1st-8th) Pre-Registration CLICK HERE
As we like to think "the more the merrier" let's fill up the nest!
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive