News from Centennial Middle School
May 3, 2024
Centennial Middle School
Website: www.isd12.org/cms
Location: 399 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: 763-792-5400
Dates to Remember
Monday, May 6th: A Day
Tuesday, May 7th: B Day
- 6th Grade Band Concert, 7 pm, MS Auditorium
Wednesday, May 8th: A Day
Thursday, May 9th: B Day
- 7th Grade Band Concert, 7 pm
Friday, May 10th: A Day
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
- 8th Grade Band Concert: Tuesday, May 14th, 7 pm
- 8th Grade Graduation Dance/Party: Friday, May 17th, 6:30-8:30 pm
- Choir Concerts (6th-8th Grades): Thursday, May 23rd, 6 pm, 7 pm, & 8 pm
- Memorial Day -- No School: Monday, May 27th
Click here to view the CMS Calendar on the CMS webpage.
CMS Student Council News!
H2O for Life Update
We challenged the 8th graders to fill the gap of the awesome work 6th and 7th grade did to raise money for H2O for Life! 6th and 7th grade raised an amazing $2304.83!!!! We sold some apparel, getting us now to a total of $2353.56! We will send out the final numbers next week after the 8th grade donations are counted, but if you didn’t get a chance to participate, you can donate online here: https://www.h2oforlifeschools.org/donate?campaign=2166
We are so thankful for all the donations and giving towards helping a school in South Sudan Africa get clean water!
May 6th-May 10th is Staff Appreciation Week!
The CMS Student Council has some fun planned next week to thank our staff and to engage with them!
Monday: Autograph day! Collect autographs from are Star-Worthy Staff!
Tuesday & Wednesday: Find a staff member who…bingo boards! Students get a board and find staff members who fit the box. When they get a bingo they can turn it in for a prize drawing! Staff will also be getting some prizes too!
Thursday: Student/Teacher Dress-Up Swap Day! Teachers dress up like students and students dress up like teachers!
Friday: Thank a staff member! We will provide thank you notes for students to write to a teacher or staff member! We will help deliver those notes! Student Council will also drop off a small treat to the staff this day as well.
Join us in thanking our amazing CMS Staff during the week!
Middle School Track Meet
The Middle School hosted a track meet on Wednesday, May 1st. This track meet was rescheduled due to weather and the weather this week cooperated! It was a gorgeous day and the students did awesome!
Sign Up for the 8th Grade Graduation Semi-Formal Dance/Party by May 10th!
Join your friends for the 8th grade party/dance at Centennial Middle School, sponsored by the CMS Student Council! Celebrate middle school memories and look forward to new memories in high school. Registration information can be found here.
When: Friday, May 17, 2024
Where: Centennial Middle School - Cafeteria
Time: 6:30--8:30pm
Students must arrange for their own transportation to and from the party. Students must be picked up at 8:30pm.
$15 (admission and snack with beverage included)
Registration Deadline Friday, May 10, 2024, 3:00pm
$20 LATE REGISTRATION (space permitting)
Deadline Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 3:00pm
Financial assistance is available. If needed, please email Tammy Larsen at tlarsen@isd12.org.
Annual Fete des Lacs Logo Design Contest
Fete des Lacs (or the “Festival of Lakes”) is a week-long community festival in Centerville, MN. This year's Fete des Lacs will take place July 16-21. The theme this year is "Shoot for the Moon."
The annual Fete des Lacs Logo Design Contest is happening now! Students can win cash prizes for their design submissions: 1st Place $100 prize; 2nd Place $50 prize; Honorable Mention $25 prize.
Entry forms are due to Mrs. Herrick in room #E106 by May 8th! The entry form can be accessed here.
Order your 2024-2025 EduKit Now!
2024-2025 School Supply Kits
Centennial Middle School is pleased to be partnering with EduKit again this year! EduKits offer families a fast and easy option to order grade-level school supplies! These kits have been custom built to include items selected by our teachers!
The 2024-2025 School Supply Kits are ready to order now! All orders must be placed by June 18th. No late orders will be accepted.
EduKits will contain all the grade-level school supplies needed for the 2024-25 school year! EduKits will be ready to be picked up at the back-to-school Materials Drop Off Days (August 20th or 27th) or on the first day of school.
To order, scan the QR code or go to www.edukitinc.com and search "Centennial Middle School" in Lino Lakes. Check out the EduKit flyer below for prices and information.
EduKit Flyer 2024:
2023-24 Fees
Do you have some outstanding fees to pay?
Remember to check your Campus Portal account to see if you have any remaining fee balances. Fees for the 2023-24 school year need to be paid by the end of the school year. Questions? Email Tammy Larsen at tlarsen@isd12.org.
District News
Community Event: Guest Speaker Kate Swenson
Mark your calendar! Kate Swenson of Finding Cooper's Voice" and author of Forever Boy will speak at a community event on May 14, 2024, 6:30pm at Blue Heron Elementary, 405 Elm Street. Tickets can be purchased at the QR Code; cost: $15. Proceeds will support the SPecIal Needs (SPIN) Centennial Parent group to help pay for next year's speakers and childcare, and The More Than Project, a non-profit serving special needs, parents, siblings, teachers, and more. Tickets are limited.
Summer EBT Benefit
In summer 2024, families who were approved for educational benefits for the 2023-2024 school year may receive $120 for each eligible school-aged child to buy groceries when school is out through a new program through the United States Department of Agriculture. Most families receiving benefits this school year will receive the Summer EBT funds automatically, but some parents will need to apply. See the Centennial website for more information.
School Day Schedule Adjustments
All elementary schools, Centennial Middle School, Centennial High School, and the Centennial Area Learning Center will adjust their start time by five minutes, effective for the 2024-2025 school year. This change allows for more time between the secondary and elementary school schedules to ensure buses run on time.
2024-2025 School Day Schedule
Elementary schools: 9:22 am-3:52 pm
Centennial Middle School: 8:05 am-2:55 pm
Centennial High School and Centennial Area Learning Center: 7:55 am-2:43 pm
Make a Difference and Substitute in our Schools! Centennial is also hiring for the 2024-25 School Year!
Don’t miss this chance to get involved and make a difference in the Centennial School District! Positions and information can be found on the Centennial website.
An “Eye-Tastic” Opportunity!
Mr. Gutbrod’s 5th grade class at Blue Heron Elementary and the Circle-Lex Lions’ Club are working together, with you, to get needed eyeglasses to people in developing countries. Send your donated eyeglasses by May 31 to Blue Heron Elementary, c/o Mr. Gutbrod’s 5th Grade Class, 405 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN 55014. “You can be the person to help someone get the glasses they need to have a better life.”—excerpt from an essay written by Olivia, a 5th grade student in the class.
Student Contest Alert!
Let’s clear the clouds at Centennial! Students, grades 6-12, can submit a 30-second PSA video to educate their peers, school, families, and the community on the dangers of vaping nicotine. PSA’s will be shown at their school, featured on the Centennial ISD 12 website, newsletters, and social media. Each member of the winning team receives a pair of Studio Beats Buds! Contest information can be found on the Centennial website. Submission deadline is May 20. The contest is sponsored by the Centennial Wellness Committee and funded by an Anoka County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Grant.
Community Education
Happening soon:
Jun. 2- Intro to Canoeing on Rice Creek (entering gr. 6-9)
Jun. 10- Cougar Basketball Camps (entering gr. 7-9)
Summer Cougar Strength (entering gr. 6-12)
Centennial Theater Presents: Snow White (entering gr. 4-12)
Jun. 13- Design Your Own T-Shirt (entering gr. 7-9)
Jun. 16- Tenicity Beginner Group Tennis (ages 5-7)
Cougar Soccer Academy (entering gr. K-7)
Jun. 17- High School Swim and Conditioning (entering gr. 7-9)
Jun. 18- Intro to Diving (ages 9-13)
Jun. 24- 3D Printing: Minecraft Creations (entering gr. 7-8)
How to Cook Minnesotan (entering gr. 7-9)
Global Cuisine from Scratch (entering gr. 7-9)
Jun. 27- Centurion Lego Robotics (entering gr. 7-8)
Go online to view all activities and to register: www.isd12.org/community-education.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack!
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Reporting Student Absences
Student absence requests are submitted through Campus Parent Portal. An “Attendance Request” link will be found on the Parent Hub on your school website for easy access to the Portal and resources to assist.
The direct link can be found here: https://www.isd12.org/departments/technology/campus-attendance
Helpful links:
Parent Portal Login Assistance
For attendance reporting questions, please email Sara Verke at sverke@isd12.org.
E-Hall Passes and Early Releases
If you need to pick your child up from school before the end of the school day, please make sure you fill out an Attendance Request in Campus Parent Portal. Students will then receive an appointment pass in E-Hallpass. Please remind your child to check their E-Hallpass every hour.
Unless it's a last-minute emergency, please also give your student a reminder before they go to school if you are picking them up early. As a second scoop, you are welcome to text them if they have a cell phone, as most students check their phones between class periods and at lunch. You may also email your child using their school email address as well.
Centennial Resource Locker
The Centennial School District has compiled a wide variety of resources for our students, families, and greater community. These resources include mental health, learning and enrichment, services specific to our aging population, crisis, where to find economic assistance and much, much more. You can find these resources on our district website here.
"Week at a Glance" Links on MS Website
Schoology vs. Campus -- Parent Accounts
24/7 Free Academic Support for Students in Grade 6-12
Centennial School District has partnered with Paper to provide free, 24/7 access to 1-on-1 tutoring and writing support for students in grade 6-12. Through federal relief funds, we are able to provide additional academic support for students. Students can access this online tutor via the chat function. The app is available on student Chromebooks. For more information about Paper, click here.
Food Services Information & Menus
Click here for all Nutrition Services information, as well as lunch and breakfast menus.