The STEM Weekly Stream
Edition 1
Welcome to a New School Year
Welcome STEM Family to the 2024-2025 School Year. We are very excited to embark on another year of excellence at STEM Academy. We will continue to challenge our students to achieve all goals and continue to strive for greatness. We have many exciting things planned for the Upcoming Year and We are currently forming new community partners and initiatives to continue to build the greatness of STEM Academy and the continued strive for academic excellence. One important highlight is the reinstatement of the National Honor Society Charter for STEM Academy and Chester High School.
Back to School Night
Please come join the STEM Academy Family and meet our AMAZING Educators at Back to School Night, Thursday, September 19th at 5:00p.m. thru 7:00p.m. You will have an opportunity to meet Your Student's Educators and well as the New Administrative Team at STEM Academy
Football Schedule 2024
Cross Country Schedule 2024
Volleyball Schedule 2024
Go Clippers!
Soccer Schedule 2024
For the Betterment of Our Children
STEM Upcoming Events
Sept. 19th Back to School Night
Sept. 17th-20th MAP Assessment Testing (ELA and Math-all grades)
Sept 25th Staff In-Service No School for Students
Picture day for grades 9, 10, 11 is in the process of being rescheduled. Please look for an upcoming date in October
Student attendance will be a major area of focus at STEM and throughout CUSD this year. In order for our students to achieve at the highest level, they need to be on time and in all their classes each day. We need all students and families to be aware of these guidelines and work together to ensure we have a great year. 1st Period begins promptly at 7:30a.m. Students are allowed to begin entering the building at 7:10a.m. and are encouraged to go to the Cafeteria to get breakfast. All students must enter the school building no later than 7:40 a.m. Students will be marked tardy if they are not in class by 7:45 a.m. Students will not be admitted into their classroom after 7:45 without a late note signed by the Front Office. Students will not be allowed inside the building after 8:00 a.m. without a parent or guardian to sign them in. Students will be reminded of these rules in all classes. We appreciate the support of families helping to improve student attendance this year!
Cell Phones According to teachers, parents, and even students themselves, it is clear that the biggest distraction to learning is their phones. We cannot expect teaching and learning to occur when phones are in the hands of students during their classes. Therefore, students will not be permitted to have cell phones in the classroom this year. · Students will be required to put their phones away during the school day · Students will be permitted to access their phones at lunch and return the phones to their bag before returning to class · Headphones/earbuds/Airpods may not be worn in school Students who choose not to adhere to these rules will be subject to escalating consequences. This will be an adjustment for our students, but certainly a positive one. We appreciate the support of our Families to make this happen!