Patton Parent Update
October 7 - October 11
Principal's Message
Principal's message:
Good afternoon!
We will be doing our first round of Tiger Pride Cards on October 10th. Tiger Pride is a school wide initiative to reward students who are excelling in a variety of areas. In order to receive a Tiger Pride card students must: have no missing assignments, no office referrals, and/or no tardies. Students that receive a card get incentives such as: minute early to lunch, a hat day, and other fun rewards!
Halloween is coming soon. This is a normal day at Patton and ask that students do not wear costumes to school and save the fun for after dismissal.
We will have a site council meeting on Tuesday October 8th at 4:00pm.
Parent teacher conferences will be on October 17th and 18th. 6th grade will occur in the 6th grade pod. Please come out and join us!
Have a great weekend!
With Patton Pride,
Kevin Wellington
Grade Level News
Meet the Patton Nurse!
Patton would like to introduce to you Brittney Fox. Brittney has been a nurse for 5 years, with most of her experience coming from the ER. Before she was a nurse, she was in the Air National Guard as a search and extraction medic for 6 years. This is her first time as a School Nurse. Brittney is excited to be here to take care of the students please don't be afraid to reach out and ask questions.
Illness absent protocol for Patton
Please call the school for any absences or tardiness. This allows us to record the absence.
- USD 207 policy states that all students should be kept at home for illnesses until free from fever, diarrhea, or vomiting for 24 hours without the aid of medications. A fever is considered to be 99.6 degrees or above.
- Your student will be marked Excused only if the Nurse calls and states the kid needs to go home. If the Parent chooses to take the student home it will be marked unexcused until a Medical Note is provided.
Volunteers are needed
We are looking for a few parents to help with the vision and hearing test, please see the QR code below to sign up. I have also provided the link below.
Click the photo below to see what the kids are learning with CharacterStrong
Dear Families,
We are so grateful you are a part of the school community this year.
One of the aims at our school is to equip young people for all the realities of today’s world. With that in mind, we have partnered with CharacterStrong – an organization that provides training for educators and curricula for students. Their work in grades 6-12 focus on 3 main outcomes: increasing a sense of belonging for all students, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in their academics, in their school, and in their community. Here’s what the data tells us:
Here’s what the data tells us:
- A sense of belonging in school is one of the most important conditions for learning and a fundamental support for social and emotional well-being. Nearly ⅓ of all students report a weak sense of belonging in their schools. Roughly half of 6th – 12th grade students say they don’t enjoy coming to school most of the time.
- Mental health challenges for teens have been increasing and 7 out of 10 teens in the U.S. (between 13 and 17 years old) have named anxiety or depression as a major problem among their peers.
- Student engagement drives learning and supports school success.
This curriculum was created to support school communities as they engage in the work of preparing young people to thrive in the 21st century. The research supports the effectiveness of this content to increase student’s academic success and college & career readiness. The lessons focus on developing skills and mindsets around building positive habits, understanding our emotions, improving teamwork, and increasing empathy.
One of the key parts of nearly every lesson is the “CharacterDare” for Middle School students and the “To Be List” for High School students. These are invitations near the end of most lessons to put the content that they are learning into action in the real world. If you ever want to play an active role in the CharacterStrong curricula, simply ask your student about the most recent CharacterDare or To Be List challenge. Maybe they’ll invite you to try one yourself!
Looking forward to a great year!
Sports and Activities
The link below outlines KSHSAA policy on sportsmanship. These guidelines are what Patton will follow when playing any athletic competition.
If your student will be participating in sports please make sure they have a concussion form and a physical form in the front office.
Good luck to all of our student athletes this week!
First Half of Winter Sports Coach Contacts
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball Head Coach:
Mr. Funk
Mr Floetke
Assistant Coach:
Mrs. Dennis
7th and 8th Grade Wrestling
Head Football Coach:
Cory Turner
Patton Athletics Schedule
*Games dates/times subject to change
7th and 8th Grade Football
10/16/24 Wednesday - Game will be scheduled on this date time TBD
7/8th grade Cross Country
10/9/2024 Wednesday - 4:00pm- MTMS - (Shawnee Mission Park)
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, October 8: 8/9 Drama small ensembles Site council meeting 4:00pm
Thursday, October 10: Bookfair 6th grade
Friday, October 11: No school (Half PD/Half Grading)
Monday, October 14- No school/No Staff
Tuesday, October 15: Book fair- 7th grade
Wednesday, October 16: Book fair- 8th/9th grade
Wednesday, October 16: Retake picture day
Thursday, October 17 - 8am - 7pm Parent/Teacher conferences/Book fair- parents
Friday, October 18- 8am - 12:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book fair- parents
Monday, October 21-4:30pm USD 207 board meeting (at MacArther)
Wednesday, October 30- 9th grade field trip to KU
Friday, November 1- Early Dismissal
Students extracted their own DNA from saliva (cheek cells)
Students extracted their own DNA from saliva (cheek cells)
neuron model
Mrs Harris math class decided to step outside on a beautiful day and have math class! way to think outside the box.
OCTOBER 2024-2025
Another Opportunity to help Patton please see the QR code or the link to help
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We will be feeding the teachers at the Parent/Teacher Conference on Oct 17 please see the QR code and the Link to see if you are able to help bring in food that day. Any questions please call the front office. Thank you Parents for Volunteering!!
All orders can be done online
If they are taking retakes they need to bring in their old pictures.
Patton Mission
Patton Junior High School
Location: 1 Patton Loop, Fort Leavenworth, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 651-7371