The Tiger Times
West Newton Elementary
Email: sstrube@decaturproud.org
Website: decaturproud.org/westnewtonelementary
Location: West Newton Elementary School, 7529 South Mooresville Road, West Newton, IN, USA
Phone: 317-856-5237
Twitter: @wntigers
Dear West Newton Families,
West Newton Elementary is celebrating its 200th Anniversary! We will be celebrating with our students on Fri., Sept. 13 at our Tiger Time celebration with our students, staff, and honored guests. I do love it when our youngest students ask if I was principal 200 years ago! It is great to be a West Newton Tiger!
We are preparing for our Parent - Teacher Conference Day on Wednesday, Oct. 2 so please look for some important information that will be coming home from your child’s teacher in the month of September. Teachers will set up your child’s conference with you based on what is best for your schedule so that your child can showcase his or her accomplishments thus far in the school year.
We have Movie Night coming up on Fri., Sept. 13 from 5:30-7:30pm. This is only for West Newton students and the cost is $5 per student with all proceeds going to our West Newton PTO. Permission slips + $5 must be turned in by Wed., Sept. 11, please. Also, parents must sign in their students on Movie Night as well as come in to the school to sign them out at the end of Movie Night.
Our West Newton staff takes great pride in honoring our Veterans. If you know of a Veteran who is in need of Military Family Resources, please share our West Newton website at WN Military Family Resources so that our veterans can access resources at the following links: Indiana Dept. of Foreign Affairs, Helping Heroes, Marion County Veteran Affairs. Mrs. Amanda Burch is our Military Family Resources contact at West Newton and she can be reached at 317-856-5237, ext. 21206.
The West Newton staff continues to prepare our students to be “Tomorrow Ready”. Thank you so much for partnering with us in our students’ success and for sharing your children with us. #DecaturProud
With Tiger Pride,
Susan D. Strube
Vaccination Clinic
All Indiana students are required to be up to date on immunizations. Students who are not up to
date on immunizations will not be allowed to attend school beginning Friday, October. 4th. We
have partnered with the Franciscan Health Immunizations group to host a clinic during the
school day at West Newton Elementary on September 27. Consent forms will be sent home
with your student in the coming days. If you would like for your student to attend this clinic,
please fill out the consent form completely (including the insurance information) and return it to
school as soon as possible. For questions regarding the vaccine clinic, contact the Franciscan
Health Immunizations department at 317-528-6374.
District Attendance Policy
Daily attendance is essential for academic growth and development. Regular daily attendance is the responsibility of the parent and student. Students are expected to comply with Indiana’s Compulsory Attendance statute (IC 30-33-2) which requires students to attend school. Communication regarding attendance between home and school is essential to student success.
Parents/Guardians are to report the absence of their child to the school on the day of the absence. In the event of a single absence, a written, verbal, or electronic statement of the cause will be accepted.
Excused Absences
Students are expected to be in school except for the following reasons with documentation:
A. Illness verified by a note from the parent (by phone, written, or electronic communication) *The school reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate the cause of each in the event of prolonged, repeated, or unexplained absences before excusal.
B. Illness verified by a note from the doctor.
C. Service as a page or honoree of the general assembly
D. Service on a precinct election board or helper to a political candidate on the date of an election
E. Subpoena to appear in court as a witness in a judicial proceeding
F. Exhibiting or participating in the Indiana Fair for educational purposes by a student or member of the student’s household.
G. Participating in an educationally related non-classroom activity which is consistent with and promotes educational philosophy and goals of the School Corporation, facilitates the attainment of specific educational objectives, is part of the goals and objectives of an approved course or curriculum, represents a unique educational opportunity, cannot reasonably occur without interrupting the school day, and is approved in advance by the school principal.
H. Doctor, dentist, counseling appointments (Documented with a note from the doctor, dentist or counselor for an excused absence)
I. Death in the immediate family
J. Recovery from an accident
K. Required court attendance
L. Major religious holidays and religious instruction provided by a church up to 120 minutes/week per the guidelines in IC 20-33-2-19
M. Required appointments for the citizenship process
N. Military connected family absences related to deployment and return
*The above list of excusals applies to all MSD of Decatur Township Schools. Secondary (middle and high schools) have additional excusals due to the age of students. Full attendance policies for each school can be found in the student handbooks on the school webpages.
Attendance Notifications & Truancy Prevention
Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence is any absence not covered under the definition of excused absence or an exception to compulsory attendance. An out-of-school suspension shall not be considered an unexcused absence.
Three (3) unexcused absences - teacher will call the parent/guardian and document with office administration; Notification sent via Skyward Family Access
Five (5) unexcused absences within a ten (10) week period - Skyward letter sent; required attendance conference scheduled including a representative of the school, a teacher of the student, and the parent/guardian; Student Attendance Success Plan created at conference (see checklist for guidance and success plan document)
Eight (8) unexcused absences - Skyward letter sent and school administrator will call the parent/guardian
Ten (10) unexcused absences - letter sent from the Superintendent’s office, delivered by Decatur Township School Police; a report will be made to DCS (Send to Lisa Perry)
Fifteen (15) unexcused absences - home visit made by school personnel
Twenty (20) unexcused absences - a report will be made to DCS; Letter sent from the Superintendent’s Office scheduling a meeting with the District Attendance Officer. Send documentation of all steps completed to Kathy Flores (form coming soon) The meeting will be scheduled AT THE SCHOOL w/ Emily LeMay and Principal present (Kathy will send calendar invite)
**Continued absences may result in a referral to the Marion County Prosecuting Attorney, Juvenile Division
**The district reserves the right to refuse intra-district transfers due to excessive absenteeism
**District administration reserves the right to refuse out of district requests due to excessive absenteeism
Policy updated in accordance with SEA 282.
Proud to be a WN Tiger!!
West Newton PTO - Events at a Glance
9/10/24 - PTO Meeting @ 5:00 pm
9/26/24 - Grandparent's Night / Bookfair Opening 5:30 - 7:00 pm
9/27 - 10/4 - Scholastic Bookfair - 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
10/2/24 - Student Led Conferences AND Trashbag Pick up
10/4 - 11/8 - Gray Brother Pies Fundraiser
10/22/24 - PTO Meeting @ 5:00 pm
Popcorn is $.50 per bag. Popcorn money will be collected all week and the popcorn will be distributed during the students' lunch time. All proceeds benefit the Student Activity fund and the Staff Fund.
Popcorn Friday will take place every other week!!
Decatur Township School Police Department, (DTSPD), in collaboration with the Drug Free Coalition, is excited to offer a new diversion program for students found to be in possession of tobacco products,
e-cigarettes, and or vaping devices. DTSPD has also partnered with our local courts in an effort to minimize the use of these products and devices on our campuses. Our students, if found with the aforementioned items, would be in violation of Indiana Code 35-46-1-10.5, Minor in Possession of a Tobacco Product or an Electronic Cigarette or 7.1-5-12-8 Smoking in a Prohibited Area. Each of these would be met with an Indiana citation, also known as a “Uniform Traffic Ticket,” (UTT). When submitted to the courts, the cost of the ticket for this violation is $170.50. This is an actual ticket and will affect your license or the ability to obtain one if left unpaid. Our objective however, is not to create financial hardship, but to have an opportunity to educate students and families on the dangers of vaping and tobacco products. Twice per month, DTSPD officers will present a 1-hour class for students who have opted to accept the terms of the diversion program. The cost of the class for a student attending alone is $75.00. If a student attends the class with a parent or guardian, the class is discounted at a cost of $25.00. Upon the completion of the class, the UTT, or citation, will not be referred to the courts, and there will be no record of the violation. A student may only participate in the program once per school year, and only twice throughout their entire school career.
Indianapolis Public Library: Decatur Branch Programming Survey
Hello Decatur Township community members.
Please share your input on programs you would like to see offered at the Indianapolis Public Library Decatur Branch and what times work best for you and your family. Follow the link to fill out a brief survey. Thank you for your time. https://forms.gle/SMY6iUxCGHUaSbMF9
Distribution of information by a community group in accordance with MSD Decatur policy does not imply, directly or indirectly, that the group's program(s), event(s) and/or service(s) is sanctioned, sponsored or endorsed by the district, the Board of Education or the superintendent."