Patriot Post
September 2022
Event Information
Homecoming Football Game
Mark your calendar for our 2022 Homecoming Football game and halftime show. Tickets are on sale through the GoFan website or via the link here.
Friday, Sep 9, 2022, 07:00 PM
Tustin High School, El Camino Real, Tustin, CA, USA
Beckman is Back!
The 2022-23 school year is off to a great start. The first two weeks have already been packed with events like a pep assembly, a sidewinder, multiple athletic events, grade level meetings, homecoming halftime show preparations, and our first IN PERSON Back to School Night in 3 years! Our kids have been phenomenal and we're excited for the fun to continue!!
Graphic Design Students Create "B" T-Shirts
Students in our upper-level Graphic Design classes started the year with a project designed to show some school spirit, showcase their talent for design, AND utilize new equipment. The students worked on descriptive words for activities or traits that were important to them and used that word to create the back of the Tru Blu shirt with the Beckman "B" standing for Be. The students wore them to the first assembly and will continue to wear them to show off their artwork.
Happy Birthday on the Marquee!!!
For $25 you can have a birthday wish displayed on the Beckman Marquee. All proceeds go directly to PTO and benefit students in need.
Athletic Schedules and Team Websites
ALL Athletic teams post their most up-to-date schedules on Home Campus. If you are interested in attending a sporting event, please refer to this link for the most current and accurate information.
If you are looking for specific information about an athletic team, please refer to our Athletics Website at this link.
Meet Our 2022-23 ASB Team
2022-2023 Meet Your ASB
Homecoming Promos
2022 Homecoming Promo
2022 Homecoming Royals