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St Francis of Assisi News
Term 3 Issue 14 19th September 2024
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Welcome to the last newsletter of Term 3! It's been another very busy term with a number of highlights for parents, children and staff. As the Djilba season has blossomed, it has been nice to see the Spring weather put a bounce in the step of many within our community as the sunshine and warmth takes hold.
Children have once again been outstanding for the duration of the term and the teaching and learning in classrooms, along with the varied extra curricular activities has made for a vibrant term with lots to celebrate.
Tomorrow, we farewell the Thistlethwaite family (Oscar 3W/Sam 5W). They have been part of our community for the past 7 years and are now venturing to the South West for a sea change. We wish the whole family well as they embark on the next part of their journey and thank them for their contribution to our school.
I am pleased to announce that Mr Chris Rebeiro has been appointed the Physical Education teacher for 2025 and beyond. Chris is an experienced educator with over 6 years of experience and is currently the PE teacher at St Elizabeth's, Hocking. Chris' ability to develop strong relationships with children, staff, parents and the wider community will be an asset to our school in the future and we are excited about the direction of the PE program moving forward. The children and staff will have an opportunity to meet Mr Rebeiro next term. He reluctantly provided the photo below!
Thank you to the P&F and all the parent volunteers who assisted with the Disco last Friday night. The kids had a great night and despite the chaos, things ran relatively smoothly. Events like these aren't possible without the help of volunteers and whether you were turning a snag, eyeballing kids as security or ticking names off lists, thank you!
Term 4 sees us transition to the Summer School Uniform. These requirements are on the school website and uniform items can be purchased from the Uniform Shop during opening hours or via the online system with JFE. Next term the Uniform Shop will be open on Monday afternoons from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. A reminder to parents about haircuts and jewellery/earrings for next term. There may not be a tie to worry about, but please ensure the rest of your child's appearance is in line with our uniform policy.
A reminder to parents and grandparents that tomorrow at 11:30am we will hold our annual Grandparents Assembly which includes performances from a number of our instrumental students and children who participated in the Spirt of the Art Catholic Performing Arts Festival. Following the assembly, grandparents and parents are invited to stay for community lunch with their children. Thank you to the P&F and the many volunteers who assist in preparing the sausage sizzle. Should parents wish to access the performances, it can be viewed at the following link:
This year marks the 20th year on this site as Brighton Catholic / St Francis of Assisi! We will be marking this occasion on Friday 25th October (Term 4) with a liturgy at 1:30pm followed by a sundowner in the new covered area. We would love to see current/former parents attend. Please RSVP via the link on the invite for catering purposes or via here:
As part of our ongoing commitment to our children and continually upgrading our facilities, over the October holidays, Mr Clarke has coordinated the purchase and install of six new basketball rings for the outdoor courts. We recently visited Hale school who had the same rings installed over four years ago and it was pleasing to see the excellent condition they were in considering their daily use! (See photos below). We will now be able to provide three rings on each court, with one Junior Court using lowered rings and the Senior Court fixed at official height. We hope this further engages our younger children in 'getting buckets' and develops some future 'hoopers' from our area. Clearly, I am down with the lingo. A big thanks to Mr Clarke for leading and coordinating this upgrade initiative.
Please see the attached list of school, religious, sporting and P&F events for Term 4. At the time of publication, this list is up to date and accurate, however, the most accurate resource for school dates is the online calendar accessed at the below link. Parents are asked to familiarise themselves with relevant dates for their children.
Big preliminary finals this week with the Cats v Lions and Port v Swans. If you're not a Victorian, then it's a pleasing sight! With the weather improving and more sunshine, it certainly looks like a great couple of weeks for school holidays.
Thank you to all our families for their ongoing support this term and to our children for their efforts in another busy term. I know all staff and leadership continue to do our very best for the children in our care. Whilst we may not always agree, educators and parents share the same priority, making decisions in the best interests of the children. We appreciate your partnership in building a Christ-centred, student focused environment and hope families use the time over the two weeks to rest and recharge. If you plan on travelling, please stay safe and we look forward to all the children returning in Term 4.
Have a wonderful holiday break and see you when school returns on Monday 7th October.
Best wishes
Jason Baker
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
St Francis Feast Day and Mission Fete
Notes will be coming home from classes in the last few weeks of term about the St Francis Feast Day and Mission Fete. Please make note of the day - Friday 11th October (Week 1 term 4). We will start the day with a Whole School Mass - all parents and caregivers are encouraged to attend our special, school feast day Mass.
Teachers will be asking for volunteers to help with the Mission Fete and for donations for the class stalls - please ask your child if they have any notes from their teacher!
St Francis of Assisi
Francis was born at Assisi, Italy in 1182 into a rich family. In his young adult years he loved pleasure and expensive clothes!When he heard the Lord, Jesus, calling to him he left his life of excess and greed and went to live a life of poverty and service. Francis put on the clothes of a poor shepherd and began to preach to the people about peace with God, peace with others and peace with yourself. He looked on all of creation as his brothers and sisters, because they were all created by the same God.
Francis took 12 young men to Rome with him and the Pope gave him permission to start a new religious order, the Franciscans. Francis also helped St Clare to start the order of nuns known as the Poor Clares.
Francis had a vision where he saw Jesus hanging on the Cross. The marks of the five wounds of Jesus (the Stigmata) were left in his hands, side and feet. Francis died on October 4, 1226.
Term 4 Masses and Liturgies
Parents and Caregivers are always welcome to join us in prayer at our whole school masses.
Friday 11th October - St Francis of Assisi Feast Day (Mass 8:45am, Mission Fete)
Friday 25th October - St Francis of Assisi 20th Anniversary
Friday 1st November - All Saints Day Mass 1:45pm
Wednesday 4th December - Thanksgiving Mass / Graduation 8:45am
"The measure of love, is to love without measure." St Francis of Assisi
Miss Dee Campbell
If your child would like to participate in an afterschool sport next term, below is a note with a list of sports available. Please notify them ASAP so the organisation can get an idea of numbers going into next term.
If your child is in Year 3 and participating in Swimming Lessons please return the Swimming Form ASAP back to Miss K or the front office.
Have a restful break! See you in Term 4.
Meagan Kruenert
Sports Teacher
This week we celebrate a couple of amazing sporting achievements in our community. Last Sunday, 8th September Josh Epple and Kamron Makawa played for Joondalup Wolves in the U12 WABL Championship Division Grand Final at Bendat Stadium. This year, only 8 associations made Division 1 across the state, with Josh and Kamron's team taking out the Willeton Tigers. It's an impressive achievement from both boys as I know they were both strong contributors not only on the day, but throughout the season. Kamron was also awarded Finals MVP - some NBA swagger with the championship rings and gold bling! Congrats boys!
From basketball to football (or soccer as us Aussies like to call it!). Alkimos FC had their end of season presentations on Sunday 15th and three of our St Francis boys in Year 4 were prominent. Ned Horrocks was recognised as Coaches Player of the Year, while Charlie Jones was awarded Players Player (voted by his team mates) and Alfie McSheffrey received Most Improved. A huge achievement to have three teammates all Year 4 students at SFOA being recognised in various ways for their team contributions. I believe Mr Haydon is trying to lay claim to some of the credit, drawing very loose parallels between the boys' ability and his Monday morning weekend soccer recap!
Dear Parents,
School fee reminder statements have been sent out this week to families only on Bpay, cash or Eftpos payment arrangements. Please remember that families who are not on a payment plan need to finalise their full school fees by the 31st October 2024. If you have any queries, please contact myself on 08 9562 9528 or email finance@stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
As always we are grateful to those families who continue to support our children by paying their school fees regularly.
All families on Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) need to provide the school with their current card to continue receiving the discount for 2024. If your card has expired, please bring in your new card to the school office ASAP. If we do not receive your HCC you will be charged the full fees.
Kind regards,
Geneve Bastian
Thanks to our school community, the P&F have had a great term 3. We have hosted some amazing events and the community spirit was out in force.
Last week we had the Spooky School Disco, which was the P&F friends event for term 3. It was our opportunity to give back to the kids and parents.
On Friday we have the end of term community lunch and look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Thanks to all our volunteers including Parents, teachers and IMCC students for the school Disco and Communtiy Lunch, they are successful because of your support.
Have a great school holidays!
Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday over the next month:
Grace Richards, Finley Knowles, Victoria Mahony, Thomas Hennessey, Antonio Joaquin Calosing, Finn Mitchell, Jack Leach, Briadh Lynch, George Durant, Duke Lynton, Arabella Lee, Peyton Ratta, Lincoln Dock, Theodore Harper, Henry Smith, Marx Miranda-Becker, Marcus Atuer, Harper Grant, Jedd Hitchcock, Sofia Kent, Samuel Desta, Marcus Hofstede, Arisha Chauhan, Charlie Knowles, Harrison Hansord, Ava Flick, Riley Thorp, Majak Bol, Elyse Smith, Kayarnah Farmer, James Markham, Zachary Nilson, Logan Hunt, Eloise McAlister, Shya Volner, Eleanor O’Connor, Noah Robertson, Taj Pinkerton, Teddy Pallister, Braxton Prunster, Isla Prunster, Mareng Ajo, Ava Riley, Harper Thomas,
We wish you all a wonderful day!!
Friday 20 September - Grandparents Day Performing Arts Assembly (11:30am) / Community lunch (12:30pm)
Monday 23 September - Friday 4 October - School holidays
Monday 7 October - Students return for Term 4
Friday 11 October - St Francis Feast Day / St Francis Liturgy (8:45am) / Mission Fete (11:30am)
Please see below for the latest Camp Australia newsletter and school holiday program.
Applications are invited from students entering Year 7 2025 for Instrumental Music & Choral Scholarships. Apply online, applications close on Friday 20th September 2024. For more information, please see the details below.
Where: Operating out of the demountable at the rear of the school!
Ph: (08) 9204 1701
Email: mailto:sales@jfe.net.au
Address: 1/85 Guthrie St, Osborne Park 6017
Mon-Thur: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Email: admin@stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au
Location: 1051 Connolly Drive, Butler WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9562 9500
Facebook: facebook.com/stfrancisbutler
Instagram: https://instagram.com/stfrancisbutler
Email: standrewsclarkson@gmail.com
Website: http://www.standrewsclarkson.com/
Location: 53 Belleville Gardens, Clarkson WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9407 7512
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/standrewsclarkson/