Board of Education Meeting RECAP

HHCS Summer 2024 Board Meeting Highlights
Welcome to our HHCS Board of Education Recap. This document will share the broad topics covered at our June 13, June 27, July 5 (Special Board Meeting), July 11, and August 8 board meetings. If you prefer more detail, please access our board meeting videos.
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A Quick Look
Building and Athletic Handbooks were approved for 2024-2025
Various contracted service agreements were approved
Year-end FY24 and FY25 appropriations were approved
WHS Student Council submitted a parking lot painting proposal for seniors, which was approved
Bus routes for 2024-2025 were approved
OSBA Board Policies were approved at the recommendation of the policy committee; the cell phone policy was tabled pending constituency feedback in 2024-2025
Strategic Plan implementation with accountability measures were reviewed
Many personnel items were approved throughout the summer months
Key Items
It was a busy summer in the HR department. Approximately 50 new staff members were hired to fill many classifications of vacancies throughout the district. We would like to thank those staff members who have retired or left HHCS for new positions and welcome our new staff to HHCS for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Board of Education approved student handbooks for Studebaker Preschool, all elementary buildings, Weisenborn Junior High School, and Wayne High School. Additionally, the Athletic Handbook was approved for the upcoming athletic seasons. Handbooks provide a wealth of information and expectations for our students, athletes, and families to refer to throughout the year.
Seniors were permitted the opportunity to express themselves in the form of painting parking spots for the first time at Wayne High School. Thanks to the Student Council and advisors, a proposal was submitted and approved by the Board to kick off this new look in the parking lot.
HHCS contracts with many partners and service providers to support students and district operations throughout the school year. Those contracts are approved by the Board at various times throughout the year, including the summer months. These include the Montgomery County ESC, South Community, Maxim Health Services, Preschool Promise, and many others.
Achieve Today, Excel Tomorrow - Our new strategic plan and district vision are officially underway, setting the direction for HHCS for this school year and beyond. Quarterly progress reports are a commitment made to monitor progress and ensure accountability. The first quarterly report was provided by Mr. Enix on August 8, showing action steps and evidence indicators that are already in progress as we start the year.
Bus routes are always approved by the Board, and this year new routing software has been used to accomplish this enormous task. As with any new system, a few growing pains are expected, but we look forward to the updated models and routes getting underway at the start of the year.
Our district policy service, OSBA, provided a summer update with five policy additions/revisions for consideration. The Policy Committee convened in July to review the updates and moved three of those forward for approval on August 8. It was also determined that the cell phone policy, which aims to limit or eliminate (with exceptions) cell phones during the school day, would be tabled until feedback can be obtained from various district constituents during the first semester. The new required policy is required to be approved by July 2025.