5th Grade at Briarcliff
Week of March 10th - 14th

Important Dates
March 20th - T-shirt Order Forms Due
March 28th - Field Trip to Charlotte Motor Speedway
March 28th - End of Quarter 3
March 31st - April 4th - Spring Break
April 18th - No School
What we are Learning
ELA - We are reading and learning about personal qualities needed to be an effective leader of change.
Math - We are using models to multiply and divide whole numbers, decimals, & fractions.
Science - We are learning about structures & functions of living organisms.
East Cary Middle School Open House
5th Grade Class Shirts
The 5th grade classes will have the option to order class shirts representing the class of 2025. the shirts will be gray with a royal blue screen print. Each shirt will include a signature of all the 5th graders.
If you are interested in buying a shirt, your student will be bringing home a t-shirt form on March 4th.
How to Pay:
1. Pay via cash ($9.95)-please put money in an envelope for the student's teacher
2.Check made out to Briarcliff PTA
3.QR code on the form.
Please include your student's t-shirt size.
Orders are due NO LATER than March 20th.
Middle School Updates
As we near the end of the school year, it is time for you and your 5th grader to begin planning for middle school. Your child’s counselor, teachers, other staff members, and I want to ensure you are prepared for this experience. Your child will be recommended for core courses (Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) and any support services received (IEP, 504, ESL). This information will be provided to you on a course verification sheet, and you will have the opportunity to review and approve the information on the sheet. Your child will also be able to select elective courses. These courses are not required subject areas like reading and math but optional courses that may interest your child. Each middle school offers unique elective courses your child can take. Your child will choose his/her elective courses online using PowerSchool. School staff will guide each student in this process, as the courses will be selected during the school day. This process will occur from March 10 to April 10th. Once students have selected their elective courses, you will receive a course verification sheet on April 15th to review and approve, along with the core courses previously referenced. Verification sheets must be returned to the school counselor by April 22, 2025. We encourage you to review the elective course options available to your child prior to the course selection period. You can view the electives offered at your child’s assigned middle school by visiting www.wcpss.net/rising6th We look forward to supporting your child during this exciting transition to middle school.
Yearbook Orders
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are on sale now!
They are due no later than March 28th.
Link: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order
ID Code: 14923025
Price: $21 (cash, check, online)
Questions? Email hehorton@wcpss.net
5th Grade End Of Year Party
Save the date! 5th grade parents are planning an end of 5th Grade party on June 13th from 5-8 pm at Ritter Park in Cary. Any donations towards the shelter and non-food supplies are greatly appreciated! You can Venmo Jessica at @jessicadjohnson or send in cash if you prefer. This event will be for all of our 5th graders and their families on the last day of school to celebrate! Parents will receive more details as it gets closer to the date. Thanks!
Daily Reminders
1. Make sure your student is bringing a snack and water bottle everyday.
2. Please remind your student that devices (phones & watches) are to be on silent, airplane mode, or off during the school day per Wake County Policy. Students should not be using them during school hours.
3. Notify the office and your student's teacher if there are any changes to your student's transportation.
4. Check your student's Tuesday folder for important information. Tuesday folders are purple until new ones arrive.
Field Trip Information
We are very excited to announce our 5th grade field trips:
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Fall Play at East Cary Middle School ($5)
Traveling by WCPSS school buses
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
NO Chaperones needed
Friday, March 28, 2025
STEAM @ Charlotte Motor Speedway ($70)
Traveling by charter buses
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Chaperones needed
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Science Fun for Everyone ($12.50)
On Campus
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Volunteers needed (at least 2 per class)
Friday, April 25, 2025
East Cary Middle School Tour ($5)
Traveling by WCPSS school buses
10:15 am - 12:30 pm
NO chaperones needed
The total cost for all four trips is $97.04 per student. Please send in the exact amount, unless you want extra funds donated to our 5th Grade Field Trips.
Cash and checks are accepted. Checks can be made payable to Briarcliff Elementary School. Any field trip money needs to be sent in the included envelope with the child’s name, teacher, amount, and Field Trips written on the envelope.
Online payments are accepted. The link to pay online is https://wcpss.schoolcashonline.com/ . You can also access this link from the Briarcliff Elementary School website.
Attached are the Parental Consent form and lunch forms for off-campus trips. Complete BOTH sides of the Parental Consent form along with the school lunch request forms. The permission and lunch forms MUST be completed and returned to your child’s teacher by November 6, 2024.
Would you like to volunteer for our Science Fun trip? If you are a WCPSS approved volunteer and are interested in chaperoning either trip, please let your child’s teacher know.
Would you like to chaperone the trip to Charlotte? If you are a WCPSS approved volunteer, the cost for each parent/guardian is an additional $12.58 (please send this as a check or in cash). We are allowed a limited number of chaperones for this trip, so spots will fill up quickly. Please let your child’s teacher know if you want to attend by November 12, 2024 and send in your fees with your child’s payment. The deadline to sign up as a chaperone for the Charlotte trip is November 12, 2024.
We are looking forward to these field trip opportunities!
Save The Date
Moving Up Ceremony - June 12th
More details to follow.