Principal's Newsletter
From the desk of Dr. Tiffany Jacobson
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Students were bustling with excitement all week for the long anticipated Spring Break. We talked of airplane trips, road trips, day trips, sleep-overs and playdates! Despite all of the excitement, our wonderful staff managed to maintain familiar learning routines and make it a productive week of learning for your little one.
In Pre-K this week students continued the unit of study on pets. The focus centered on exploring the emotions pets evoke within us - we considered the question "How do pets make us feel?" Those without pets discussed the feelings elicited by their stuffy companions. To hone fine motor skills, time was dedicated to crafting pet rocks, assigning names and discussing their preferred food and color. Math sessions were filled with counting, matching, and graphing activities, including number cards, counting bears, bar graphs, and picture graphs, alongside the creation of spring-themed patterns.
In Kindergarten this week, students enhanced their phonemic awareness by segmenting words, identifying consonant digraphs, and decoding three-sound words containing digraphs. They also practiced using these concepts to promote accurate spelling. In Readers' Workshop, students used their Reading Super Powers to deepen comprehension, specifically with story elements such as characters, settings, and main events. This week's read-aloud featured Not Norman by Kelly Bennett. It is a heartwarming story about friendship, acceptance, and the unexpected joys that come from unlikely situations.
In the Writing Workshop, students celebrated their writing accomplishments. Math lessons involved practicing addition and subtraction through games, modeling number stories with equations, and mastering the use of number lines. In social students, students explored their state and town of residence, and learned about different spring weather patterns and corresponding bird behaviors. In science, they described how animals seek safety to ensure survival.
Enjoy this week's photo gallery -
From the District
2024-2025 BUDGET
At its regular public meeting on March 26, the Board of Education approved the 2024-2025 school district operating budget, which includes an additional spending proposal to go before Westfield voters on April 16. A Budget Snapshot infographic has been posted to the Budget Portal, along with the User Friendly Budget, As April 16 approaches, please consider joining our two remaining community engagement sessions on Wednesday, April 10 from 12-1 p.m. or Thursday, April 11 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Both sessions are virtual, with links provided on the community engagement portal page.
K-8 STEAM Night - Save the Date: April 29
Save the Date for Westfield K-8 STEAM Night on Monday, April 29 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Wilson Elementary School, hosted by the PTC Gifted Education Committee. Additional details, including how to register, will be shared in PTO and principal newsletters during the week of April 8.
The Optimist Club of Westfield is accepting nominations for the 26th Annual Intermediate School Outstanding Teacher Award. The deadline to submit nominations is Wednesday, April 10. Learn more about the nomination process here: https://www.westfieldnjk12.org/article/1504870
Kicks for a Cause: Got Sneakers Fundraiser Puts Best Foot Forward! Click below for more information.
Upon return from Spring Break on Monday, April 8 (and weather permitting), the Westfield community will have the opportunity to view a partial solar eclipse. Learn more in this 1+ minute PSA about how to do so safely.
Safety solar eclipse sunglasses have been purchased and will be distributed to each student prior to dismissal on Monday, April 8.
Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library are holding their 49th Annual Used Book Sale. All families are encouraged to donate used books in good condition. Donations may be left in the drop box at the front entrance.
Family Resource of the Week
Click on the hyperlink for books to teach about EASTER and PASSOVER.
Upcoming Events
29: Schools Closed
1-5: Schools Closed
3: School Librarian Day
5: School Paraprofessional Day
8: Total Solar Eclipse (between 2 - 3:30 PM)
12: Spirit Day | Special Education Family Social, 3:30 pm
16: Earth Day Assemblies
19: Training Day
24: Administrative Professionals Day
26: PTO Spring Family Social
1: First Day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
1: Spring Book Fair
3: Spirit Day | rain date Spring Family Social
6: Staff Appreciation Week
8: Flower Patch | School Nurse Day
10: Rain date Flower Patch
13: Pre-K Tournament of Champions (Field Day)
17: Training Day | First Grade Orientations at Elementary Schools (more information to follow)
20: Rain date Pre-K Tournament of Champions (Field Day)
21: Kindergarten Field Day
24: Schools closed
27-28: Schools closed
28: Rain date Kindergarten Field Day