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Jeremiah Gray Kindergarten Academy
Home of the Little Giants - February 7, 2020
Grandparents-Mark Your Calendars!
Congratulations to our Little Giants of the Week!
School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
Achievement Wall
Do you want to sign the wall??
Name: Rosalyn McCray
Number of years: 3 years in Perry Township, nursing 15 years
Family Info: My husband Jason, our 3 kids & our crazy dog Chico
Favorite Hobbies: Reading, thrifting, traveling, shopping
Interesting fact: We’ve lived in 3 different states
Appropriate Winter Wear
Child Nutrition
Head Lice
While anyone can get head lice, it's most commonly shared among young children. Anyone that has had to treat their family (or selves) for head lice knows it's NO FUN. If you get that dreaded call, we want you to be prepared.
If your child has lice or nits (the eggs these tiny bugs lay on the hair), you will have to come pick up your child from school. They will not be allowed back to school until you've treated their head with medicated lice shampoo and have removed all nits from their hair. When they return to school, Nurse McCray will check their heads to ensure they are ready to go back to class.
You can teach your child a few tricks to help reduce their chances for getting head lice:
-never share hats, combs, or hair bows
-keep their coats away from other coats (they can fold them up and store them in their back pack)
-keep their head off of their friends (Kindergartners LOVE to hug, so learning to hug without laying their head on each other is helpful!)
You should check your child's head right away if you see them itching their scalp a lot.
Check out the video below for more information about head lice.
Stay Connected with ParentSquare
ParentSquare is the newest communication tool designed to keep families informed. By providing your email and phone number, you will receive the following information from teachers and principals:
- Weather cancellation/delays
- Emergency notifications
- General announcements
With ParentSquare, you can receive notifications via the ParentSquare smartphone app, text message, email, phone or a combination of these.
Did you know:
That missing 10% of school days, or just 2 days each month, can put children at risk of academic failure?
Students who missed fewer than 2 days in September continued to average fewer than 2 days absent each month.
Absenteeism and its ill effects start early. One in 10 Kindergarten and first grade students are chronically absent.
By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
Attendance improves when schools engage students and parents in positive ways and when schools provide mentors for chronically absent students.
Students are more likely to go to school if they know someone cares whether they show up.
Elementary Music Festival
The 42nd Elementary Music Festival will be held at the Southport High School Fieldhouse on Thursday, March 12th at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $1 for 6th Grade students and older. Children in 5th Grade and younger are free. Tickets can be purchased at your school through the morning of March 8th as supplies last. Tickets can also be purchased at the door the night of the event, but it is recommended to buy your tickets in advance to avoid long lines. A shuttle bus will run regularly beginning at 6:00 PM from Homecroft Elementary, located at 1551 East Southview Drive.
2020-21 Kindergarten Registration Information
Kindergarten registration will begin on January 6, 2020 for those students who will be entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2020. The student must turn 5 years old on or before August 1, 2020 in order to register. There is a waiver process for children with a birthdate after August 1st up to September 1st. The Kindergarten Academy your student will attend is determined by your residence only and not where other siblings may be attending. The following is a list of home schools and the corresponding Kindergarten Academy your student will attend:
Home School Kindergarten Academy
Jeremiah Gray Kindergarten Academy
Southport Elementary
Mary Bryan Elementary
Clinton Young-if residence is North of 465 with the exception of Fox Club, OR South or 465 and East of 65
Homecroft Kindergarten Academy
Winchester Village Elementary
Homecroft Elementary
Clinton Young Elementary-areas not included above, including Fox Club Apts.
Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy
Henry Burkhart Elementary
Douglas MacArthur Elementary
Rosa Parks Kindergarten Academy
Abraham Lincoln Elementary
Glenns Valley Elementary
When registration opens in January 2020, you will need to register your incoming Kindergarten student at the Academy that your student will attend based on your address. We will have maps at Clinton Young, Jeremiah Gray Kindergarten and Homecroft Kindergarten to help clarify which Kindergarten Academy your child will attend. *Transportation information will be communicated at a later date.
2020-2021 Tangcheu Kai Dingmi Minkhumhnak
Kum 2020 Fall in Taangcheu (Kindergarten) a kai dingmi siangngakchia caah January 6, 2020 thawk in minkhumhnak (Registration) thawk a si lai. Taangcheu a kai dingmi hi August 1, 2019 hlan ah kum 5 a tlingmi si lai. Nan fa a kainak ding taangcheu sianginn (Kindergarten Academy) hi nan umnak hmun le sang hoih in a si lai, nan fale dang an kainak hoih in a si lai lo. Atang hi umnak sang cio hoih in kainak ding sianginn (home schools) min le Taangcheu sianginn (Kindergarten Academy) an kainak ding cu an si
Sang Sianginn (Home School) Taangcheu (Kindergarten) Sianginn
Jeremiah Gray Kindergarten Academy
Southport Elementary
Mary Bryan Elementary
Clinton Young- Fox Club ummi tel lo in, 465-North
Siloah 465-South le I-65 East sang chung ummi si ahcun
Homecroft Kindergarten Academy
Winchester Village Elementary
Homecroft Elementary
Clinton Young Elementary- hmun dang
acung i ai tel lomi vialte
Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy
Henry Burkhart Elementary
Douglas MacArthur Elementary
Rosa Parks Kindergarten Academy
Abraham Lincoln Elementary
Glenns Valley Elementary
Kum 2020 January i minkhumhnak (registration) thawk a si tik ah, taangcheu a kai dingmi nan fa hi nan umnak sang pawl kainak ding taangcheu sianginn (Academy) ah minkhumhnak va tuahpiak a herh lai. Nan fa kainak ding Taangcheu Sianginn (Kindergarten Academy) umnak hi theih nan duh ahcun Clinton Young sianginn ah hmanthlak (Maps) kan tar lai i zoh khawh a si lai. *Bus cit dingmi konglam cu a hnu deuh ah theihter a si te lai.
Información de Registración de la Academia de Kindergarten – 2020-2021
Las registraciones para el Kindergarten iniciarán el 6 de enero del 2020, para aquellos estudiantes que inicien al Kindergarten en el ciclo escolar 2020-2021. El alumno debe haber cumplido los 5 años en o antes del 1 de agosto de 2020 para poder registrarse. Hay un proceso de exención para los niños que tienen su fecha de nacimiento antes del 1 de septiembre. Las Academias de Kindergarten están determinadas por su domicilio solamente y no donde otros hermanos(as) asisten. La siguiente es una lista de las escuelas y la Academia de Kindergarten correspondiente al estudiante:
Escuela Academia de Kindergarten:
Jeremiah Gray Kindergarten Academy
Southport Elementary
Mary Bryan Elementary
Clinton Young-si reside al Norte de la 465 con la excepción de Fox Club, o al Sur de la 465 y al Este de 65.
Homecroft Kindergarten Academy
Winchester Village Elementary
Homecroft Elementary
Clinton Young Elementary-todas las áreas no incluidas anteriormente y Fox Club Apts.
Douglas MacArthur Kindergarten Academy
Henry Burkhart Elementary
Douglas MacArthur Elementary
Rosa Parks Kindergarten Academy
Abraham Lincoln Elementary
Glenns Valley Elementary
Usted debe registrar a su estudiante de Kindergarten en la escuela basándose en su dirección, cuando se inicien las registraciones en enero del 2020. Tenemos mapas de la escuela Clinton Young para clarificar que Academia de Kindergarten le corresponde a su hijo(a). *La información de transporte será enviada en una fecha posterior.
2020 Choice Application Information - Incoming Kindergartners
The choice application period for the 2020-2021 school year will be open from January 6, 2020 through February 21, 2020. Choice is for residents of Perry Township only. Applications and instructions will be available through our website under the “For Parents” tab as well as at each elementary school beginning January 6th. There will be a limit of 20 choice spots available per Kindergarten Academy for incoming kindergarten students. There will be no transportation provided for the kindergarten choice program. Please read the instructions and complete the application as directed.
2020 Choice Application Information - Grades 1-5
The choice application period for the 2020-2021 school year will be open from January 6, 2020 through February 21, 2020. Choice is only for residents of Perry Township. Applications and instructions will be available through our website beginning January 6, 2020 under the “For Parents” tab as well as at each elementary school. Please read the instructions and complete the application as directed. Students entering the first grade will be assigned to their home school, this may not be the school attached to their Kindergarten Academy. Please remember that Jeremiah Gray Elementary and Rosa Parks Elementary are Choice Schools only. Please note that a completed application is required for incoming first graders that have older siblings that attend a choice school. No late applications will be accepted.
Our students need you!
*We CDL Train*
Contact our Transportation Dept
317-789-6225 or apply online at www.perryschools.org
Important - Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance is available to any parent/guardian of a student in Perry Township. Please contact your school's front office for information on cost, coverage and how to sign up or you can visit our website at perryschools.org under the parent section.
ID Required
Visitor & Volunteer Policies
Volunteers play an important role in our school district. Their guidance and influence can encourage the academic, social, and personal success of students. Their skills and willingness to assist can help principals and teachers tackle some of the items on their long to-do lists. Perry Township Schools promotes an environment of safety, trust, and respect. In accordance with state law, volunteers must wait until after their background screening process is complete to begin their volunteer assignment.
All background screenings need to be completed on a laptop or personal computer (PC). Due to security settings, smart phones and tablets will not allow the completion of the application process.
Please see below for an explanation of the appropriate levels to ensure you are completing the correct background check for the appropriate volunteer position. All links can be copied and pasted fort the appropriate link to complete the volunteer process.
Volunteer Access Levels
Level I Visitor: Volunteer application and formal background checks are not necessary. This level is for guests who are visiting the office only, having lunch with their student, and guest speakers that will NOT have one-on-one contact with the students. Level I visitors are required to have their driver’s license or ID scanned through the visitor system for a limited criminal history and an instant sex offender screening.
Level II Volunteer/Visitor: A Raptor background check is necessary. The $5 paid fee and the background check must be completed every school year. Level II Volunteer/Visitors have access to students during the school day. Positions that would fall in this level include classroom party parents and guardians, field trip chaperones, tutors, Hope tutors, and student teachers completing field experience only. This list is not all inclusive. The link can be found here: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MTA2MDplbi1VUw==
Level III Volunteer/Visitor: SafeHiring expanded background check is required. $24.90 fee (minimum) and must be completed every five (5) years if there is no break in volunteer service. On May 1, 2019, the state legislature passed House Bill 1209 which requires expanded criminal background checks for volunteer coaches. Level III Volunteer/Visitors/Coaches have direct and potentially unsupervised interaction with students. Positions that would be covered by this level include extra-curricular coaches (e.g. club sports – lacrosse, bowling, etc.) and non-employee sponsors (e.g. robotics, show choir, etc.). If you have lived outside the state of Indiana, there may be additional costs associated with the background check request.
Perry Township values all of our volunteers and truly appreciates your efforts with both volunteering and making sure the safety of our student is priority #1.
What''s going on in the Community
Census 2020
Completing the census is safe, easy, and important. In 2020, the Census Bureau will accept responses online. Responding is easy and convenient and can be done in 12 languages. You can respond online, by phone, or by mail. Additionally, responses to the 2020 Census are confidential and protected by law. Completing the 2020 Census form is an easy way to help shape a brighter future for the children in your home.
Make sure everyone is counted. Whether a child is related to you or not, every child in your home must be counted. This is what you need to know about counting children: 1. Your response to the census are private and will be kept confidential, as required by law. 2. Count children and babies who live with you even if their parents do not. 3. Count children who are living in your home on April 1, 2020, even if they are only staying with you temporarily. 4. Count every child who lives and sleeps in your home at least half of the time. 5. If a child’s time is evenly divided between two households, count where the child is on Census Day – April 1, 2020. 6. Count newborn babies, even if they are still in the hospital on April 1, 2020.
Southport Public Library Events
Lego Day – Saturday, February 8, 2020 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Families and children ages 2 and older are invited to drop in any time to learn to play and play to learn by using a variety of building items. Lego bricks, Duplo bricks, gears and bristle blocks will be provided.
Paws to Read - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Children who are reluctant readers are invited to read to registered therapy dogs who love to listen to stories! This activity can help improve a child’s reading skills and self-confidence. Participants can sign up for a 15-minute reading session.
Camp Invention
Secure your spot today!
Register at INVENT.ORG/CAMP or 800-968-4332
Camp Invention is for children entering grades K-6th
Location: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
5241 Brehob Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46217
Date: June 22 – 26, 2020
Time & Cost: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM / $235.00 (before discount)
Camp Director: Lindsay Compton / lcompton@perryschools.org
NFL Flag Football
Designed for Boys & Girls Ages 4-14. School Teams are Forming Now!
-Teams formed by school, grade, and buddy request
-NFL Flag jersey & flags included
-Featuring a seven week season of play
-Games played on Sunday afternoons
-Season begins Sunday, April 19 th , 2020!
Registration Deadline is March 15 th .
Register Online: www.INDIANAFLAGFOOTBALL.com
Questions? (317)759-2691
Jeremiah Gray Kindergarten Academy
Website: http://www.perryschools.org/jk/
Location: 5225 Gray Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States
Phone: (317) 782-2240
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JGKALittleGiants/
Twitter: @JGKAPrincipal