Madonna Catholic School News
November 8, 2024
Dear Madonna Families,
November has been a meaningful month already with lots of important events. During parent-teacher interviews, we got to connect with families, talk about progress, and set goals for the months ahead. It’s inspiring to see how much parents care about their children's learning, and these conversations make the bond between school and home even stronger.
Remembrance Day was also an important time. It reminded us of the sacrifices others have made for our freedom. The ceremonies and moments of silence helped us reflect and show our gratitude.
And now, with fall break coming up next week, everyone is feeling excited! Knowing we have some time off soon brings a sense of joy, giving us all a chance to rest and recharge for the months ahead. Safe travels to those travelling next week and we will see you all back in school on Monday, November 18.
Madonna Catholic School Admin Team
Mrs Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
What's Ahead!
November 11 - Remembrance Day
November 11- 15 - Fall Break - No School for students or staff
November 20 - School Council Meeting @ 7:00pm ..in person!
November 28 - Advent Wreath Build @ 6:00pm
Thank you so much to Mrs Larose, Mrs Bennett and the 2L class for their work in preparing a meaningful Remembrance Day ceremony for our school today. We appreciate the time to prepare the readers, select appropriate music and involve the student reps from each class who brought forth a wreath that was lovingly created in each homeroom. May these assemblies remind all of us how fortunate we are to live in a peaceful community.
Madonna Book Fair Success!
Congratulations to George R. in 4G who is the grand prize winner as he had the most accurate guess of "how many pompoms in the jar?" that was on display during this week at our Book Fair. And as an extra bonus, his teacher, Ms. Gauthier also wins...she now has a little fund to bring great new resources from Scholastic into her grade 4 class. Thank you parents and students for supporting our school. This recent Scholastic Book Fair saw $5000 in sales! This is a tremendous achievement but it can only happen with careful planning behind the scenes. A huge shout out to Mrs. Bonsant, our librarian, for coordinating this event for our school. Happy reading to one and all!
Upcoming Insight Assessments for Grade 4 Students
Insight is a group-administered test of cognitive abilities, which will be administered to all Grade 4, 7, and 8 classes in EICS later in November. The assessment is designed to measure cognitive abilities including reasoning, comprehension, memory, and visual/auditory processing. Students do not need to study for the Insight and the results do not impact their school grades. The results provide information about students’ cognitive strengths and areas of weakness to best support and program for all learners. For more information, please visit https://canadiantestcentre.com/cognitive/insight/. If you have any questions, please contact our school's Collaborative Response Coordinator, Mrs. Agnes Wuinow. agnesw@eics.ab.ca
Jersey Day in Mrs Selingers Kindergarten
2M Jersey Trio
Recess Play
Do You Know?
Do you know of a workplace, a community centre, business or other space that would be willing to help promote our amazing school to other families? Do you have a place in yoru neighborhodd that could support us in putting up a poster advertising our school programs? Please email Mrs. Wimmer to let her know or write it in your child's agenda. We would be thrilled to share the good word about our school community and partner with you!
You can reach Mrs. Wimmer @ fiona.wimmer@eics.ab.ca
Halloween Treat Exchange
This past week our grade 4 leaders in 4G helped facilitate a candy exchange. This was a great way to get students excited about swimming while also teaching them about the importance of giving back. When students brought in a candy donation they received a swim pass to access one of our local pools. We are thrilled to donate three massive boxes of candy to a local community partner who helps serve those in need. Our students are proud to make a postiive impact in our community.
We invite our parents to come to the school to meet with one another for a short, well organized meeting. There will be an online link shared closer to the date as well. See you there!!
MCS School Council News
Parents are needed each week when hot lunch is offered in our school. Typically parents help from 11:20-12:45pm in the school kitchen where they sort, distribute and help pack up the weekly food order. Without your support the hot lunch program is not possible.
OLPH Parish News
Community News
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.