Chancellor's News Brief
December 6, 2024
Message from the Chancellor
As December begins and the Fall semester comes to a close, recognition is due for the hard work and dedication that have characterized this term. The conclusion of the semester is always a time of reflection and focus, with preparations being made for the final stretch.
For faculty, the weeks ahead will involve the completion of coursework, the administration of final exams, and the assessment of final projects. These assignments represent critical opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning and achieve another milestone in their education, an additional semester of course work. We can all harken back to our college days and the stress as the end of the semester approached.
As we sprint to the finish of the fall semester, recall your own stress as a student. Please make every effort to support students in these final stages. Whether it is through offering office hours, providing additional resources, or extending encouragement, the contributions made during this time are invaluable. One kind word, letting them know we want them to succeed and they can “make it” could be all the difference to that one student. While our culture supports such encouragement, we know being extra mindful in our engagement during these last weeks plays a crucial role in student success and upholds the high standards of excellence set by the district.
To staff and managers, the continued work behind the scenes is acknowledged and appreciated. You too are under the stress as the semester draws to a close. The essential services and coordination provided are critical to the functioning of the district, especially in these final weeks. It is recognized that these efforts contribute directly to the success of both faculty and students.
If you practice random acts of kindness, please do so with you work family and with our students too. And don’t forget to give yourself some grace. Coast CCD remains such a glue and beacon in the lives of our community and it is all because of what you do for our students and each other.
With gratitude,
Dr. Whitney Yamamura
Persistent Innovation
Please send examples of persistent innovation, by which I mean having a good idea and then putting in the hard work to make that vision a reality. The more examples submitted, the better I can highlight your successes in future letters and in the community!
College News
UndocuStories Info Session Brings Undocumented Student Experiences to Light
The Dream Resource Program recently hosted the UndocuStories Info Session at the Student Services Center at Coastline College, an immersive gallery-style exhibit designed to raise awareness about the diverse experiences of students with undocumented and mixed legal statuses. The event presented powerful, first-hand accounts from community members, showcasing the resilience and struggles faced by individuals of various backgrounds.
Attendees explored stories from deported U.S. military veterans, Undocu-Queer, UndocuAPI, UndocuBlack, DACA recipients, and Undocu-Foster youth who have known no other home but the United States. Through media displays, photos, and live testimonies, visitors gained a vivid and sobering insight into the realities of navigating life as an undocumented immigrant, including traumatizing interactions with law enforcement, the constant fear of deportation, and hesitations to seek help from authorities due to legal status concerns.
The UndocuStories session not only encouraged empathy and understanding but also reinforced the importance of fostering a more inclusive campus environment. By providing a platform for these personal narratives, the event helped build awareness and support for individuals navigating life in the U.S. with complex legal circumstances.
This initiative reflects the college’s ongoing commitment to creating safe, supportive spaces for marginalized students and promoting inclusivity across the community.
Tom Boscamp Honored as Veteran of the Year at Lawyers for Warriors Diamond Anniversary
Tom Boscamp, a dedicated Veteran Resource Center specialist at Coastline College, was celebrated as the Veteran of the Year by the Veterans Legal Institute® (VLI) during the 10th Anniversary Lawyers for Warriors gala. This prestigious event, marking VLI’s diamond anniversary, recognized Boscamp’s tireless advocacy and dedication to supporting veteran students and fostering their success in education and civilian life.
VLI provides pro bono legal assistance to homeless, at-risk, disabled, and low-income service members, working to remove barriers to housing, healthcare, education, and employment. Boscamp’s tireless advocacy aligns with VLI’s mission, making him a standout honoree at this milestone celebration.
Congratulations to Tom Boscamp and all of VLI’s 10th Anniversary Lawyers for Warriors Honorees!
OCC's Sylvia Mendez Wins Statewide Equity Champion Award
Sylvia Mendez, an alumna of Orange Coast College and a dedicated civil rights activist, has been selected as the recipient of the 2024 Alumni Equity Champion Award by the Community College League of California (CCLC). This recognition was presented at the CCLC’s Annual Convention on November 22 in Burlingame, California.
“Sylvia Mendez’s recognition as an honoree of the Alumni Equity Champion Award is especially significant as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling and the recent passage of AB 1805, which requires schools in California to teach the Mendez v. Westminster case,” says OCC President Angelica Suarez. “Her lifelong dedication to civil rights and ongoing commitment to social justice align directly with the values of Orange Coast College and the California Community Colleges.”
The Alumni Equity Champion Award recognizes outstanding alumni who have made a significant impact by advancing equity and inclusion. This prestigious honor celebrates individuals whose leadership, advocacy, or initiatives have fostered positive change, dismantled barriers, and empowered underserved communities, exemplifying the values of diversity and social justice upheld by California Community Colleges.
Sylvia Mendez played an instrumental role in the groundbreaking Mendez et al. v. Westminster case. This triumph against racial segregation in California schools was a pivotal moment in the fight for civil rights. Mendez v. Westminster successfully ended de jure segregation in California, setting a precedent for the nation. The case was named after Gonzalo and Felicitas Mendez, Sylvia Mendez’s parents, who were at the forefront of the battle for equal education.
The success of the Mendez v. Westminster case made California the first state in the nation to end segregation in schools, setting the stage for the historic Brown v. Board of Education ruling, which found that racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional.
Today, Mendez continues to share her story and discuss civil rights, including a notable return to OCC. She continues the legacy left by her parents by advocating for quality education and encouraging students to stay in school. She retired as a nurse after working more than 30 years in the field.
Mendez earned an associate degree in nursing from Orange Coast College in 1964 and her bachelor of science degree in nursing from California State University, Los Angeles.
In recognition of her extraordinary contributions, Mendez was bestowed with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011, the highest civilian honor in the United States, by President Barack Obama. Mendez was inducted into Orange Coast College’s Alumni Hall of Fame in 2024.
Chancellor, Week of December 9
Dr. Yamamura is in the District, Monday through Friday.