September 27, 2024

Yelm 100 Year Video
Congratulations to the city of Yelm! What a great year of celebration activities. Take time with you family and friends to watch the video made by the city to highlight the history. Yelm Community Schools is proud to be part of this history as shared by alumni, teachers, parents and a school board member.
Did You Know...
Impacts of the Levy Loss on Special Education
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Act, also known as IDEA, requires districts to support students who qualify based on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Loss of levy dollars has had an impact on our special education program with a ripple effect on general education programs. Learn why Special Education funding must be a priority which requires cuts in other programs.
Students can graduate from YHS with a diploma and college degree for FREE!
Political Science 210
American Sign Language 152
Conditioning Exercise 110
Prairie Elementary Turns 40 Years Old
This week Prairie hosted their Pride Assemby with a few featured guests to celebrate their 40th Anniversary. Alumni Nick Allard, KIRO 7 Meteorologist;, Retired Teacher Sandra Allard (you guessed it - Nick's Mom) and Retired Principal Jim Eisenhardt who opened the school joined the students. Look for a future video of the "Kindergarten Weather Lesson" led by Nick and Prairie's Music Teacher Kara Clary.
Bringing Learning to Life
Teaching Sportsmanship and Playing by the Rules
When sportsmanship issues led to the temporary closure of Southworth’s turf field, five high school Advance Careers in Education students stepped up to help. They created a lesson plan, including a classroom session and a relay race, to teach teamwork and conflict resolution to Southworth’s fourth and fifth graders.
These high schoolers not only delivered engaging lessons but modeled essential skills like adaptability and leadership, adjusting their approach to fit the needs of their audience. Their positive influence was clear, as Southworth students learned how to show respect and work together. This initiative highlights the power of peer role models and the lasting connections being built between grade levels.
Community Resources
Dollars for Scholars Events
- Participating in the Taste of the Prairie
- Donating items to the online or live auction
- Bidding in the online auction Feb 28 - March 7
- Attending the live auction - tickets available online
Visit the Yelm Dollars for Scholars website or follow them on Facebook. Every student that applies will earn a scholarship.
Yelm City Arbor Day Art Content
The Yelm Tree Advisory Board cordially invites you to participate in the 29th Annual Arbor Day Art Contest. The theme of the art contest this year is “we celebrate trees because they…”
Submit all artwork that relates to the 2025 theme on standard white 8.5” x 11” paper whether hand-drawn or computer generated and please limit text on drawings
Please attend the arbor day celebration where winning art will be on display Friday, April 25, 2025, from 6:00pm – 7:00pm @ Yelm Community Center at 301 2nd St SE, Yelm, WA.
DEADLINE: Submit all entries at Yelm City Hall located at 106 second St SE no later than March 14, 2025.
Annoucements & Reminders
NO SCHOOL MONDAY - Martin Luther King Jr Day
As we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we honor Dr. King’s legacy of equality, justice, and peaceful activism. His vision and dedication to civil rights continue to inspire us as we strive to create an inclusive and respectful community. We encourage families to take this time to reflect on the values Dr. King championed and how we can work together to ensure a better future for all.
HALF DAY FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 - End of Semester
Next Friday will be a half day of school. Teachers will be finalizing grades for the end of the semester. Look for report cards to be posting in Family Access in a few weeks.
If you need assistance accessing your students grades or report card, please contact your school or visit the website for Skyward Family Access Resources.
Kindness Week - January 27-31
We hope our entire community will join us in Kindness Spirit Week. Help your students plan ahead to demonstrate kindness each day!
Check website calendars for activities and events.
Jan 20: NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr Day
Jan 21-24: SmileMobile @ YHS
Jan 21: Levy Forum @ Fort Stevens 5:30pm
Jan 22: Levy Forum @ Yelm MS 6pm
Jan 23: School Board Meeting @ District Office 6pm
Jan 24: 1/2 Day - End of Semester (No preschool)
Jan 27-31: Kindness Week
Feb 11: Election Day
Stay Connected
Yelm Community Schools does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment opportunities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights: Doyla Buckingham, 360.458.1900,; Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Cadero-Smith, 360.458.6120,; and HIB & 504 Coordinator: Shannon Powell, 360.458.6124, Address: 107 First St N, PO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597.