Grizzly Update
For OGHS Families and Students
January 14th
Final Exam Information
Good afternoon OGHS Families, this is your principal Stefanie Stroud with information related to our upcoming exam schedule. I want to make you aware of testing options based on when we return to school.
If we return to school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 15th on a regular bell schedule or on a 1-hour or 2-hour delay, we will have 1st period exams in the morning and 2nd period exam review sessions in the afternoon. If exams start tomorrow, we will follow the schedule listed below:
Wednesday - 1st period exams
Thursday - 2nd period exams
Friday - 3rd period exams
Monday - Holiday, NO School
Tuesday - 4th period exams
Wednesday - Teacher Workday
Thursday - 1st Day of 2nd Semester
If we return to school on Thursday, January 16th on a regular bell schedule or on a 1-hour or 2-hour delay, we will have 1st period exams in the morning and 2nd period exam review sessions in the afternoon. If exams start on Thursday, we will follow the schedule listed below:
Thursday - 1st period exams
Friday - 2nd period exams
Monday - Holiday, NO School
Tuesday - 3rd period exams
Wednesday - 4th period exams
Thursday - Teacher Workday
Friday - 1st Day of 2nd Semester
Please click the link in your email or text message for more information, to view example bell schedules, and to view images of our exam schedule template options.
Our bell schedule and dismissal times on exam days will reflect a 4-hour testing window, lunch, and exam review.
ALL students will need a charged Chromebook and their Chromebook charger for testing.
As a reminder, students need to bring a note if they plan to leave school after the testing window and not attend exam review.
We are looking forward to having students back in our building. Please check your emails and phone messages this evening for information from DCS regarding school for tomorrow.
Updated Final Exam Schedule Options Based on When We Return to School
2025-2026 DCS School Calendar Flyer and Online Survey
2025-2026 DCS School Calendar Flyer (English) 2025-2026 DCS School Calendar Flyer (Spanish)
Upcoming Dates and Events
OGHS Information
Senior Information and Resources
Senior Yearbook Ads
You have ONE LAST chance to submit a Senior Message Ad for the yearbook! The final deadline to submit your Senior Message Ad for the yearbook is Friday, January 17th.
Visit www.jostensadservices.com to submit your Senior Ad.
OGHS Expectations
Oak Grove High School
Email: stefaniestroud@davidson.k12.nc.us
Website: oghs.davidson.k12.nc.us
Phone: (336)474-8280