LISD School Newsletter

A Note from Dr. Martin
Dear LISD Families,
As we are hitting our second semester stride, it's a great time to remind you of all the ways you can stay informed about your child's progress in school. We want to make sure you do not receive any unpleasant surprises at conferences or the end of a semester.
Secondary teachers regularly update Canvas with assignments and grades, and you can get access to your child's Canvas page using THIS link. Jesse Hammond, Director of Technology, has created English Instructions and Spanish Instructions. If you still need support with Canvas, don't hesitate to contact Jesse for help - please don't give up!
Our student information system, Qmlativ, is also a way to find information about your child's attendance, schedule (secondary students), school fees, and end of term grades. You have family access to your child's Qmlativ page, and here are the steps to follow:
- Go to school district website: lopezislandschool.org
- On the home page, click on Qmlativ (in the burgandy bar right below the main picture).
- If you need to reset your password, Use "Forgot your Username or Password?"
- Once you get in, click on the drop down menu next to the house icon. Click on "Family Access".
- The following tiles contain student information: Attendance, Portfolio (to view all report cards), Schedule, Student Profile, and Fees. Questions? Contact the secondary office. Ronda is happy to help.
Conferences happen twice a year, but they aren't the only opportunity you have to communicate or meet with a teacher. If you have concerns or questions, you are welcome to reach out to teachers, and our teachers often use email, Parent Square, and phone calls to communicate with individual families.
Elementary teachers will soon be sending out a report card, which means you'll be getting some accurate and valuable information about your child's academics, habits of character, enrichment classes, and attendance.
All of that is to say we want you all to be well informed, not only about school news and events, but also how your child or teen is progressing in every area. Two way communication is so very important in this partnership, and I do truly see this as a partnership.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! As I write, we are experiencing a truly gorgeous blue sky mid-winter day.
All my best,
Upcoming Important Dates
January 28: HS Boys Basketball, 2:00 pm
January 31: NO SCHOOL
January 31: HS Basketball, Girls 5:00 pm, Boys at 6:30 pm - SENIOR NIGHT
February 10: MS Girls Basketball starts
February 12: School Board Special Meeting, 4:00; Work Session 4:30 - 7 pm
Friday, January 31 is a Special Night at the School
Please Come Celebrate our Seniors AND Celebrate Our Renamed Gym and Weight Room - 5 pm
Launching an After School STEM Club for Middle Schoolers
5th – 8th graders, come join the LIFRC after school programs new STEM club!
We will start Robotics, using a VEX IQ kit, on Monday February 3rd.
Come Get Your Chili On!
Chilly? Get your chili! Lopez Island PTSA Fundraiser! Take-home Chili Sale
Please support the Lopez Island Parent Teacher Student Association and purchase a 32 oz container of belly warming and heart filling chili. Made from scratch and vegetarian.
$20 for a very good cause -- helping the LIPTSA support our many goals this year including scholarships for seniors, supporting the Rally for the Rec campaign and providing yearbooks for students who receive free and reduced lunches!!
Order online here. Pick up will be Saturday, Feb. 8.
We will also hold onto your chili in case you can't pick it up on Saturday -- just email us at lopezislandPTSA@gmail.com to arrange for another pick up time. Support our local school and have dinner already made. Or better yet, buy 2 and have 1 for the Superbowl!
3rd Annual Crab Feed February 16
Enjoy a great meal, socialize with awesome folks, and support Lopez athletics at the same time!
Get your tickets here.
Seeking a HS Track Coach
We are hiring a high school track coach - please help spread the word. Track season is just around the corner. Also, as you know, we are still seeking bus drivers.
The school is a GREAT place to work. Great benefits, supportive atmosphere, fun and dedicated staff. Come join our team! Info on these positions and more can be found on our HR page on our website.
A Great Opportunity for Community Service Hours
LIFRC is again hosting a Bilingual Family Reading Program and will need teen assistance with the following tasks: set up, serving meals, helping preschool aged families enjoy activities, and clean up. Tuesdays for 6 weeks – February 25th – April 1st. 3:30 – 6:30. At LISD MPR/Media Center.
You will receive dinner each week!
Please text Katy at 360-472-5892, or email katy@lifrc.org
Technology Committee Meeting - January 29
The Lopez Island School District Community Technology Advisory Committee (CTAC) will be holding a meeting January 29th 5:30-6:30 PM in the school's Library Media Center. The meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend and CTAC membership is open to any student, parent, staff member, or Lopez Island community member. The purpose of the CTAC is to advise LISD leadership on the direction of technology use and integration in our school. The agenda of this meeting is a refresh on the technology plan, budget, and technology levy priorities for 2025 so it is a great time to join! Light snacks and refreshments provided. For more information please contact Jesse Hammond at jhammond@lopezislandschool.org 360.468.2202 x2111.
LIPTSA Talent Show - NEW DATE is March 29
NEW DATE!! Saturday, March 29
Lopez Island Parent Teacher Association (LIPTSA) is presenting the 3rd Annual Lopez Island School District Talent Show & Auction on Saturday, March 29 at the Community Center. This is a super fun event that always sells out! Mark your calendars now!
Senior Profile - Abril Velazco
What clubs/athletics/extracurriculars have you been involved in?
I was in French club my freshman year, Spanish club my junior year, and this year I’m in yearbook club. This will be my fourth year playing golf. I’m also on the Youth Health Advocates committee.
What is one positive memory from your time here that you’ll carry with you forever?
Last year’s prom was really fun for me. My class planned the whole thing last year, and I loved the music and the way we decorated.
Finish this sentence: “I cannot live without…….”
Music! Most of the time, I have headphones on, and I have Spotify playlists for different moods or late night drives.
What is one piece of advice you have for incoming high school students?
Don’t procrastinate! It’s something I still struggle with to this day.
What is one song that summarizes your graduation from high school?
Dream by Salvia Path. It’s a song I’ve been listening to since 8th grade and it reminds of how far I’ve come since then.
Who/what do you find inspiring?
I find my dad inspiring. He has always taught be strong and firm values and how to be a hard worker, and he has confidence in me.
What is the most meaningful assignment ever given to you by a teacher?
Mr. Tetu assigned an autobiography in 9th grade English. It gave me a chance to speak up about some things through writing that I couldn’t really talk about back then.
What’s the most important quality in a friendship? Why?
Honesty. It’s always been an important quality in my friendships, because I need someone who can be honest and direct with me.
In 10 years, I will be…
Hopefully I’ll be in the medical field, either as a nurse or a respiratory therapist. I might want to live in Seattle or California somewhere.
What are your plans after high school?
I plan to work for most of the summer to save up for college, and hopefully do a little traveling with friends. Then, by August, I’ll be moving out and going to college. I’m applying to lots of schools to see where I will get accepted.
Is there anything else you want people to know about you?
I love Mitski. She’s a singer and songwriter, and my comfort artist.
School Meals Next Week
Lopez Island School District
Brady Smith, Superintendent
Martha Martin, K-12 Principal
The Lopez Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, and Title IX Coordinator Sarah Rucker; Section 504, Steven Dahl. OR contact by phone, 360-468-2202, OR mail to 86 School Rd, Lopez Island, WA 98261.