Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
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February 14, 2025
A Note from Ms. Looman
I hope you all enjoy a wonderful February break!
DESE has published the 2024 School and District Reports for schools in Massachusetts. Ours can be found at https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2024/07170010
News from Nurse Kat
Hello Colrain Families,
In order to accurately track clusters of illness that may be present in our school, it is especially helpful to provide some specific information to the school nurse/front office when your child is home sick.
Relevant information includes: whether or not they have a fever, sore throat, headache, stomach ache, or other physical symptoms, whether or not they have been seen by a primary care provider or at an urgent care center, and if they have tested positive/negative for illness like strep throat, flu, covid, etc. Information can be provided via email or phone call.
Another piece of information to note: if you communicate with the office/nurse that your child will be home sick, that absence is excused, up to 3 days. For illnesses that last longer than 3 school days, the district requires a note from a provider documenting that your student has been seen and assessed. A note from a provider may include a "may return to school on" date or simply list the dates they are excusing a child's absence; both are acceptable. These can be sent in with your student when they return to school or faxed directly to the school.
If you have any questions about any of this please reach out!
Take care,
Kat Brow, BSN, RN
School Nurse, Colrain Central School
Phone: (413) 624-3451 ext. 102
Fax: (413) 624-0176
Sustainability Study Update
The Steering Committee has planned a series of meetings to share the results of the work of the Sustainability Study with community members in the eight towns served by the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts. Each meeting will include a presentation followed by an opportunity for discussion of the findings and the pros and cons of each option. Community members, parents, students, school staff, and elected officials are encouraged to attend.
Meeting dates/times are in-person with a virtual option, unless otherwise noted:
● February 25, Buckland-Shelburne Elementary, 6:30-8 pm
● March 6, all virtual meeting, Google Meet, 6:30-8 pm (virtual only)
● March 11, Sanderson Academy, 5:30-7:00 pm
● March 19, Hawlemont Regional School, 6:30-8 pm
● March 20, Mohawk Trail Regional School, 6:30-8 pm
● March 26, Colrain Central School, 6:30-8 pm
Community members are encouraged to learn more about the Sustainability Study by visiting www.2districts8towns.org. The website includes reports that have been written by BERK12, presentations to the Steering Committee and other groups, and the project work plan. Recent additions to the website include Frequently Asked Questions and a series of informational briefs on topics such as class size, best practices, and moving grade six to middle school.
Zoom links and a registration link for the community meetings are posted on the website. For more information, contact Project Manager Jake Eberwein, jakeeberwein@gmail.com.
PTO News
- www.scholastic.com/bf/colraincentralschool
Coming March 14th...
Paint n Sip!!!
A PTO Fundraiser featuring the talented Genie Shearer & Sarah Schoedel!
Tickets will be limited so stay tuned!
- The next PTO meeting is Thursday, Feb. 27th at 3:30 in the staff room.
Upcoming Events
2/17-2/21: February break: no school
2/27: 3:30 PTO meeting
2/28: 5th & 6th grade Lasagna Dinner fundraiser
3/13: 5:30 Eric Carle Bonding with Book event
3/14: 6:00 PTO Paint & Sip
3/19-3/24: PTO Scholastic Book Fair
3/20 & 3/21: 12:30 dimissals: Confernces
3/26: 6:30: BERK 12 Sustainability meeting
3/28: 9:30: PK registration (no school for current PK students)
3/28 10:30: K registration (no school for current K students)
12:30 dismissals: 3/20, 3/21
1:50 dismissals: 3/5, 3/12, 3/26