Welcome to Arbonne's 30 Days!
Healthy Living Starts Now!
Congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier you!
Welcome to your new health journey!
We are so excited to be partnering with you for the next 30 days and beyond. This page includes fantastic resources to help you have a successful first 30 days to the rest of your healthier lifestyle. Use this page, in addition to staying connected with your consultant so we can help you along your journey! We can't wait to hear about your successes!
Prior to getting started, you might be experiencing some periods of digestive discomfort, low energy, and generally not feeling your best. As you go through the month, pay attention to how your body is feeling and how your overall sense of wellbeing is changing. These are the signs that your body is starting to return to more normal functioning, and those are the changes you want to be able to note and celebrate!
30 Days to Healthy Living is designed to help each person identify how they can choose to use food as fuel for their bodies to optimize how they look and feel, inside and out. It will help you to identify any foods that you are eating that might not be serving your body well. Our goal is to help you tune in to the messages that your body is sending so that you can eat and drink more intuitively, giving your body the nutrients that it needs to function optimally.
The program will also help support a balanced gut. So much of the body’s overall wellbeing is controlled by our gut, so supporting this area of our body will help optimize how we feel as well as how we look. The program is also designed to help us feel more confident in ourselves. When we are rested and working to reduce feelings of stress, then we are better able to care for ourselves. A positive mindset can also impact our confidence because when you feel good physically and mentally, you look good too! It is important to be aware that while on this plan, some foods and beverages will be limited or avoided. The Arbonne nutrition products paired with the plan help to provide nutrients for health and energy. At the end of your 30-day reset, you will begin to reintroduce more foods to help support the benefits you have achieved.
Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living Program is intended to act as a jumpstart toward the happy, healthy lifestyle you dream of that helps you look and feel your best.
Five Key Areas of Focus Over the Next 30 Days
We will be focusing on the following things...
1. Eat Clean
This plan focuses on eating organic, non-GMO foods free of preservatives, additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavours and all other toxins. Food is either fuel or poison. Simply put, anything that can’t be used as energy in the body is a toxin. Organic fruits and vegetables contain up to 40% more antioxidants than those conventionally grown. This plan will help you learn how to fuel your body for optimal health by eating clean, close to nature and TOXIN FREE!
2. Eliminate Allergenic, Addictive, & Acidic Foods
Many people experience symptoms of premature aging or poor health and have no idea that the solution may be as simple as removing possible food allergens & sensitivities. This plan includes removing possible allergenic foods like gluten, dairy, soy and processed sugars. If you cringe at the thought of removing a certain food, chances are, you are sensitive to it. Generally speaking, the food you crave is the food that’s killing you.
3. Increase Nutritional Intake
Due to the overabundance of pre-packaged and fast food, many people today are overweight yet malnourished. They carry toxic fat while their bodies are starving for real nutrition. This condition can be reversed by eating whole foods and supplementing with nutrients to fill in possible deficiencies created by mineral deficient farm soils.
4. Balance Blood Sugar
The 30 Day Clean Eating Program encourages eating low on the glycemic index for many reasons. The high, moderate and low “glycemic index” is a measure of how a given food affects blood-sugar levels, with each food being assigned a numbered rating. The lower the rating, the more gradual the infusion of sugars into the bloodstream and the more balanced the blood sugar.
High glycemic meals cause you to feel hungry soon after you eat. Eating low glycemic meals reduces hunger cravings. When blood sugar goes up in response to a high glycemic meal a process called “glycation” takes place, which promotes thinning of the skin, wrinkles and wrinkles. It’s not just candy bars and cupcakes that elevate blood sugar. Pasta, bread, potatoes, white rice and high glycemic fruits are also responsible.
5. Support Elimination Organs
As good as the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program is, it would be incomplete if it did not support the body’s FOUR elimination pathways: the liver, kidneys, intestines and your largest detoxifying organ, your skin. It is nearly impossible to avoid the toxins we come in contact with on a daily basis. If toxins enter your body faster than they are removed, you will experience signs of toxicity. If on the other hand, you give your body the support it needs to eliminate these toxins, it will perform optimally.
*All 5 areas are supported by ARBONNE’S whole food nutritional line that is certified vegan and free of gluten, dairy, soy, and artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.
So your kit is on its way ...
- Take before pictures! Trust me, you won't regret it! Also, take measurements and note down weight (although we don't focus on numbers on the scales as it's more about how you feel)
- We work as a team to coach you through the program to help you reach your goals! The most important note to remember with this program is that your body will take from this program what it needs! For some, that may be more weight loss than others or more inches than others. However, the way you will feel after 30 days will be very different from how you feel on day one.
- You will gain access to our exclusive, closed and private Facebook group for support (if on facebook), accountability and recipes. This is a great resource to keep you motivated and inspired!
There are a few KEY things you'll want to prepare over the next few days if you haven't already...
- Put the 7 Day Cleanse AWAY...you won't need this until Week 3.
- GO SHOPPING!!! Bring your grocery list (included in menus) and get all your meal ingredients. Get your healthy snacks as well! You can find ALL that you need, in terms of grocery lists, meal plans & recipes, right in the Files section of our Facebook group and at the bottom of this page.
- Prepare your snacks in grab bags so they are ready to grab 'n go! (i.e., cut up your veggies, prepare baggies of almonds, have your Arbonne fizz sticks and Arbonne protein bars ready to go for the next day).
- Make a batch of muffins! (see the recipe in the Recipe Book link below).If you are a Carb person...having something compliant that you can bite into will make this a smooth transition, and help you avoid caving in.
- Remember to drink WATER! It is important to consume at least 1/2 of your body weight per day to help flush everything away. Pop in an Arbonne Energy Fizz Stick for added flavour and energy!
- Prepare your MINDSET! Prepare your MINDSET. I cannot emphasise enough how important this is. Rather than thinking "I can't have this...or that". Start creating lists of what you CAN have. If you get clear on this from the get go...this will be SOOOOOO much easier.
TIPS to Keep in Mind
- Start off with only 1/4 scoop of the fibre a day for the first week (2nd week 1/2, 3rd week 3/4 and 4th week full scoop). For most people they don't get near the amount of daily fibre they need to so working your way up is key. Also if you are feeling super bloated or gassy the first few days, double up on your Gut Health for a few days. Take one in the morning and one in the afternoon until the bacteria in your gut can regulate itself.
- Gut Health Digestion & Microbiome Support can be used a few different ways but it is important and key to take it first thing in the morning. You can add it to 118ml of water, OR to your smoothie. It is a great way to get the digestion working right away. My favourite way to have it is in my Gut Glow Shot (a scoop of greens, gut health sachet and skin elixir sachet - if you have it)
- To make a good Protein Shake make sure you have a good blender on hand! It is really important to add healthy fats and fruit or vegetables, otherwise it's just a snack and not going to give you all the nutrients you need, plus it won't be as filling. I recommend using your blender in the morning for your morning shake and then you can always pack the protein in a baggy in a shaker cup to fill with water and ice for lunch! I love that it is easy to take anywhere you go! Plenty of people make their shakes the night before as well. (just make sure to blend or shake before drinking). Check out all of the Protein Shake recipes in here as well as watching the video on how to make a smoothie. Have FUN with this. Find what you like and play with the flavors and consistencies. There are so many different recipes but I recommend trying to find 2-3 that you truly LOVE. Underneath are my favourites.
- Remember that this is a completely new routine for your body and it does take some time for it to adjust. The first few days are the hardest! Listen to your body and know that caffeine and sugar withdrawal symptoms the first few days are normal. It gets BETTER....A LOT BETTER!
Lastly... we may say this is a 30 Day Challenge.... but really it is about little decisions that happen in 20-second increments.
We really encourage you to take a before photo and measure yourself. You can also weigh yourself but this is not what we focus on too much. But definitely measurements and photo, you will be so glad you did, even if for your eyes only!
We are here to support you every step of the way!
Please feel free to contact us with questions! :)
Cheers to your health!