Weekly S.O.A.R Report
W.B. Beam Intermediate School
Revised EOG Testing Schedule
Reading - Tuesday May 14
Math - Thursday May 16
Science (5th Grade Only) - Monday May 20
Rules for Drinks on Campus
Awards Day!
Mark your calendars for Wednesday May 22, we will be having our awards day presentation at 8:30. Please join us in Starnes Auditorium to celebrate our students!
Coding Club is Back for 24-25 School Year
Yearbook Order Time!
Parent-Guardian Survey - Spring 2024
Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids Program
Our school, along with other schools across the state, is participating in the “Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids” initiative. As part of the program, water tap samples were collected recently at our school. Of the 10 tap samples that were collected, nine taps met water quality expectations. One of them – a water fountain inside the auditorium – did not meet expectations. Therefore, the water fountain is not available for use at this time. Please let us know if you would like additional information about our school’s involvement in “Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids.”
W.B. Beam Intermediate School
Email: jdwhite@gaston.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.gaston.k12.nc.us/wbbeam
Location: 401 E 1st St, Cherryville, NC 28021, USA
Phone: (704) 836-9114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WBBeamIntermediate
Twitter: @WBBeamFalcons