The Owl
The Newsletter of OECHS --February 16, 2025
Good Luck, Owls!
On Saturday, February 22nd, our amazing Owls will be showcasing their talents at the NC Regional Science Olympiad and the NC Odyssey of the Mind Competition! Both teams have put in tremendous effort and dedication over the past several months to prepare for these fantastic events. Let's cheer them on and wish them the best of luck as they proudly represent our school! Go Owls! 🎉
Prom Tickets on Sale Now!
The OECHS Prom is slated for March 15th at St. Regis. Prom tickets are on sale now for $40. Guests (high school age to 20) are permitted only with approval on a prom guest permission form. See Mr. Strope for a guest form.
OECHS Class of 2029 Interviews
We are thrilled to announce that we have started scheduling interviews via Teams over the next several weeks! Our teachers are eager to connect with our prospective Owls and look forward to getting to know them better.
Class of 2025
We will only have EPF on Monday and Tuesday this week!
Seniors have a vocabulary sheet that is due at the beginning of class this week. We will delve further into saving and investing.
Class of 2026
Juniors will only have seminar on Monday and Tuesday this week!
Juniors have a NoRedInk assignment to prepare for ACT English and resources to practice for the ACT. This week, we will take a practice test for ACT Science and will be able to choose their test day for the ACT (via a Microsoft Form).
Honors Project 4 is due to turnitin.com by Friday, February 21 by 4:25 PM. This is a seven-weeks-long project whose due date (which has been extended to 2/21) is listed within the course syllabus. Late work for this assignment will not be accepted.
All student due dates, deadlines, and other important dates can be viewed by accessing the following link at any time:
Parents can view any extra details about the assignment (its location for turning in, the websites used to complete the assignment, etc.) by clicking into each event within this calendar.
English III Honors (Ms. Meyer)- This week we concluded our study of Unit 4: The American Renaissance by diving into the world of the Dark Romantics. Students examined works by Edgar Allan Poe including “The Masque of the Red Death” through an escape room activity, and “The Raven” through an examination on the stages of grief. Students also collaboratively examined various poems by Emily Dickinson. We also completed a class reading of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “The Minister’s Black Veil” and students worked collaboratively in groups to analyze the story through various perspectives and present their findings to the class. Next week, we will begin our study of Unit 5: American Identity, with short works by Stephen Crane, Jack London, and Mark Twain. 💕
Social Studies
AP World History (Ms. York)- This week we continued with our Revolution Unit. Students were introduced to the Industrial Revolution. We worked on their CCOT chart and their DBQ essay booklet and Guided notes/reading for the Industrial Revolutions. This next week they will work on Industrialization Outside the West and Economic Developments of the Industrial Revolution. They will Compare Socialism and Capitalism and work on Japan and Russia DBQ. They are scheduled for a test on Friday, February 21, 2025
American History Honors (Ms. York)- We completed Civil War Battles this week and worked on our Presidential Baseball cards. This next week we will learn about the collapse of reconstruction and begin Industry and the Guild Age. They will complete the guided reading for The Collapse of Reconstruction and work on our Presidential Baseball cards
Precalculus Honors (Mrs. Walsh)- Students wrapped up Chapter 5 last week and begin Chapter 6 Additional Topics in Trigonometry this week. They have already covered the law of sines and law of cosines, so this chapter will be a short one. Students will also be introduced to a project at the beginning of the week. This project will be completed in groups of three students.
Chemistry Honors (Mr. Stallard)- We are working on Unit 4 Understanding the Electron. Students conducted the Flame Test lab on Friday. Please see due dates below:
-Flame Test Lab due Monday Feb 17
-End of 6 weeks Monday Feb 17
-Unit 4 Test on Thursday Feb 20
-Unit 4 Worksheet due on Thursday Feb 20
AP Environmental Science (Mr. Stallard)- We are working on Unit 7 Air Pollution. Students conducted an Acid Precipitation lab this past week. Please see due dates below.
-End of 6 week Monday Feb 17
-Unit 7 Quiz (A-day Feb 17 and B-day Feb 18)
-Acid Precipitation Lab due (A-day Feb 17 and B-day Feb 18)
Pay your school fees online!
Parents: Join Our Remind Groups!
Along with Blackboard, emails, the OECHS website, and social media, our school uses Remind to inform parents of weather bulletins, weekly newsletters, and more. If you are the parent or guardian of an OECHS Owl, please join the appropriate Remind group!
Class of 2025: https://www.remind.com/join/bf83fg
Class of 2026: https://www.remind.com/join/fkf7d67
Class of 2027: https://www.remind.com/join/7ag9b99
Class of 2028: https://www.remind.com/join/3944fh
Driving Permits, Licenses, and GPAs
"North Carolina House Bill 769 became effective December 1, 1997 and reflects a coordinated statewide effort to motivate and encourage students to complete high school. This legislation requires that a student's driving permit or license be revoked if a student is unable to maintain adequate progress or drops out of school. Adequate progress is defined as passing 70% of all courses and is determined by first semester grades and second semester grades for schools on block scheduling. For schools on a traditional six-period day schedule, grades are determined by first semester grades and end-of-year grades."
Students need to maintain "adequate progress" to remain eligible for permits and licenses while in high school. Each semester, we are to notify students (and the district) when any students are not making adequate progress at the end of a semester/year. Students will then have to earn back the ability to have a permit or license after the next semester's grades are complete (and pay $50 to the DMV to have their permit or license reinstated). Bottom line: Keep your grades up in your high school and college classes or you will lose your driver's permit or license!
Key Dates
February 28th- OECHS Workday (no high school classes)
February 28th--March 2nd- No Homework Weekend (high school classes)
March 15th- Prom (St Regis)
March 18th-20th- ACT (Juniors)
April 14th-21st- Spring Break
May 16th- OECHS Graduation (7:00 pm at WOHS Auditorium)
May 17th- CCCC Graduation (at CCCC)
Onslow Early College High School
Email: james.strope@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: https://oec.onslow.k12.nc.us/
Location: CE109, 444 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546
Phone: 910-938-6702
Twitter: @OnslowECHS