October 2024 Newsletter
Oct 2 - Nov 5, 2024
From Principal Larama
What a great start to the school year!
We had a great turnout for the PTA Back to School BBQ and Car Wash last Friday. We enjoy these opportunities to engage with our parents and other community members and are looking forward to more opportunities in the future. The month of September was a good month for teaching and practicing our schoolwide expectations and rules, gathering important academic data from each student through iReady diagnostics and other assessments, and to launch into our core academic instruction. I want to thank each of you for supporting your children through the start of the school year!
October 2, today, is Custodial Workerโs Recognition Day.
We have two great custodians as Jackson Elementary. Rick Wartnebee is our head custodian and Vera Vlasenko is our night custodian. They work endlessly to ensure our school and campus is in tip-top shape. If you'd like to thank one or both of our custodian's, please email hharris@everettsd.org any thank you's for Mr. Rick or Ms. Vera and Mrs. Harris will make a Thank You Book to give to our amazing custodial staff.
Attendance Matters:
Please do everything you can to ensure your child is at school on time each day. If your child is absent, please email or call the school to report your absence.
Thank you and have a wonderful October!
Mr. Larama, Principal
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From the Counselors
The Jackson Counseling department is entering week 4 of classroom guidance lessons in every grade level and classroom (K-5).
Students in grades 3-5 are halfway through the Second Step Bullying Prevention curriculum; learning how to Recognize, Report, and Refuse bullying. Students are learning how to Recognize bulling by knowing the definition of bullying, when someone continues being mean on purpose, and it's not stopping. It is unfair, and one-sided - where one person or group keeps trying to hurt or threated another, and the other person or group is not trying to hurt anyone back. Students are learning when itโs time to Report bullying to an adult. Lastly, students are learning that to Refuse bullying, we communicate assertively.
During October, which is National Bullying Awareness Month, we will wrap up our remaining Bullying Prevention Unit lessons. Please visit our district website for more information regarding our district's policies and process related to harassment, intimidation, and bullying. https://www.everettsd.org/domain/1487
Our K-2 students have received Second Step Unit 1 Skills for Learning lessons, where they learned:
- Listening to Learn
- Focusing Attention
- Following Directions
- Self-Talk for Learning
- Following Directions
- Being Assertive
Your counseling team,
Terry and Annie
Arts & Humanities Month
Audiology Awareness Month
ADHD Awareness Month
Bullying Prevention Month
Cyber Security Awareness Month
Global Diversity Awareness Month
Principal Appreciation Month
Upcoming Events
Oct 2 - Custodial Workerโs Recognition Day
Oct 2 - Soccer Club (1st and 2nd Grade for club registered students only)
Oct 3 - Soccer Club (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade for club registered students only)
Oct 4 - LIF (Learning Improvement Friday) 2:15 p.m. Release
Oct 5 - World Teachers' Day
Oct 8 - School Board Meeting, CRC Board Room, 4:30 p.m.
Oct 9 - School Picture Day
Oct 9 - Soccer Club (1st and 2nd Grade)
Oct 10 - Soccer Club (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade)
Oct 10 - World Mental Health Day
Oct 11 - No School
Oct 14 - PTA Cherrydale Fundraiser Ends
Oct 14 - Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct 16 - Coffee & Donuts with the Principal, 9:15 am
Oct 16 - Soccer Club (1st and 2nd Grade)
Oct 17 - Soccer Club (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade)
Oct 17 - PTA Meeting in the cafeteria, 5:30 p.m.
Oct 17 - Great Washington Shake Out
Oct 18 - LIF (Learning Improvement Friday) 2:15 p.m. Release
Oct 21 thru 25 - School Bus Safety Week
Oct 22 - School Board Meeting, CRC Board Room, 4:30 p.m.
Oct 23 - Soccer Club (1st and 2nd Grade)
Oct 24 - Soccer Club (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade)
Oct 25 - PTA Spirit Day <- link: Character Day
- Come to school dressed as your favorite storybook, movie, or television character! Please avoid masks, gory make-up, and weapons of any kind (including toy weapons), and please be respectful of school dress code.
Oct 25 - PTA Trunk-or-Treat <- link: 5:30 - 7:00 pm
- Join us at the school for a night full of fun! Wear your favorite costumes & travel through an array of decked out trunks handing out free candy! Some refreshments will be available as well. Suggested $1 donation per person at the gate.
- Volunteers, Trunks and Candy donations needed! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0A48ABAE2FA4F94-trunkortreat#/
- The Winner of Best Trunk receives a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Contact us at jacksonptaemail@gmail.com with any questions.
Oct 25 - LIF (Learning Improvement Friday) 2:15 p.m. Release
Oct 30 - Soccer Club (1st and 2nd Grade)
Oct 31 - Soccer Club (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade)
Nov 1 - LIF (Learning Improvement Friday) 2:15 p.m. Release
Nov 2 - No School for Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 3 - No School for Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov 6 - Soccer Club (1st and 2nd Grade)
Nov 7 - Soccer Club (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade)
Picture Day
Picture packets will be sent home by Friday, Oct 4.
๐ Exciting News for Everett Families! ๐
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department is excited to share that eligible students can receive free year-long haircuts through the Kutz 4 Kidz program! This incredible program is sponsored by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Snohomish County and the Coverson Family.
Whoโs eligible?
Kutz 4 Kidz supports homeless, low-income families, and students receiving free or reduced lunch, with a special focus on African American students and those facing economic hardships.
How to get vouchers?
Speak to your school counselor or family support person for more information.
PTA Newsletter
Jackson Connections - Jackson Elementary PTA Newsletter - October 2024
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Tropical Spirit Day and everyone who was able to join us for our Tropical Back to School BBQ and 5th Grade Car Wash! Our events were more successful because of you! Weโll be looking for your Character Spirit Day outfits, and we hope to see you for our next event, Trunk or Treat, both on October 25th!
Our Cherrydale Fundraiser is underway through October 14th!
This is a great opportunity to get some early holiday gifts while supporting our Jackson Silvers. Our fundraising allows the PTA to continue to host low cost or free events for our whole community! We canโt do it without you!
A message from the PTA Executive Board
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JacksonElemPTA
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/JacksonelemPTA/
Jackson PTA October Meeting
Thursday Oct 17 at 5:30 pm in the Cafeteria
Enter through the front doors.
STUDENTS, PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, FAMILY & FRIENDS! (You don't have to be a member to attend)
Please come join us at our meeting. Your voice matters! Thursday Oct 17 5:30 pm in the Cafeteria
Snacks and light refreshments provided.
Reflections Update
Reflections submissions are due November 8th! This yearโs theme is Accepting Imperfections. Email us at jacksonptareflections@gmail.com for more info or check out our website: https://jacksonelementary.givebacks.com/w/reflections
Art Docents Needed
We are looking for art docent volunteers for this year. Please contact Holly Valluzzi at Havalluzzi@gmail.com to learn more.
Donate to PTA by Shopping!
Set up Shop to Give through Givebacks to earn donations for PTA through https://www.givebacks.com/home and collect Box Tops for Education by downloading the app, selecting Jackson as your school, and scanning your receipts through www.boxtops4education.com
Donโt forget to join the PTA!
Visit our website to join through our online store: https://jacksonelementary.givebacks.com/
Cherrydale Fundrasier Important Dates to Know!
Place your coupons in the clear box on the PTA Bulletin Board to get your prize on the Friday delivery days!
Friday Sept 27
Registration Day! - Sales packets went home
Friday Oct 4
Prize Delivery Day 1 - Coupons due Thursday 10/3
Thursday Oct 10
Prize Delivery Day 2 - Coupons due Wednesday 10/9
Monday Oct 14
Fundraiserโs Last Day! - Turn in paper order forms to the PTA mailbox - Last day to place online orders
Orders and Final Prizes Pick Up Day! - Details to come