Sentinel Snapshot
September 6, 2024

Welcome Back Sentinels
Admin Corner
Better Together
As I was walking around campus yesterday I came across this group of students in the science hallway. I just love the message here! When we work together, we can navigate challenges so much easier than when we go it alone. Like I told the boys, teamwork makes the dream work!
SHSD Family & Student Handbook 2024-2025
Picture Day Follow Up
Thursday’s picture day took us longer than expected, some students did not get their pictures taken. We have a list of those students who still need their pictures and are working with our picture vendor to schedule a date for this. As soon as we know the date, we will communicate that to families and students who still need to get their pictures taken.
First Spirit Assembly
Sports this week
We have a lot of amazing sporting events this week. Let's all come out to support our Sentinels.
Entry Fees
Athletic Volunteer Opportunities
We Need Your Help
Our student-athletes and coaches could really use a hand this upcoming school year. We want to make the game day experience great for everyone and need volunteer to make it happen. Below is a link for each sport where coaches have identified areas they could use some help. Please consider taking a shift or two. Even if your student isn't on the team, it could be a great opportunity for you to accompany them to a game and to come see our Sentinels in action.
Training will be provided for all roles.
All volunteers need to be cleared by the school district. You can do so at https://www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us/who-we-are/departments/volunteers/volunteer-application-process.
Staff Spotlight
Meet Your Counselors
Schedules and Counselor Availability
Check Your Schedule
Schedule Change Requests
Students can drop in to see their counselor during their lunch to request a schedule change. The first few weeks of school, it’s important that students are in class. For this reason, we ask that students do not leave class or make an appointment for a schedule change request. Students have 7 school days to request a schedule change. The last day will be September 9th.
Schedule change requests are honored based on availability in that class period only.
Counselors CANNOT make schedule adjustments for the following reasons:
To accommodate for teacher preference (to include preferred learning style);
To have a different lunch;
To be with a friend; and,
To move a specific class to a different period in the day. (Ex: Weights at the end of the day.)
Counselors CAN make schedule adjustments for the following reasons:
Missing a classes needed for graduation
Academic misplacement: Academic misplacements are when a student is placed in the wrong level of class (Honors/AP vs. regular pace) or is placed in a class without meeting the pre-requisite (placed in Algebra 2 without passing Geometry first).
Hole in their schedule: A hole is when a student has an unscheduled period.
New Students
Welcome! We are excited to meet you! Please read through the welcome email you received from the registrar, Ms. Rady. In the welcome email you will find the dream sheet and a link to schedule an appointment with your counselor, if needed. If you didn’t receive an email, please reach out to Ms. Rady, jrady@steilacoom.k12.wa.us.
If you are new and would like a tour, please come to the counseling center.
Running Start Students
If you need an EVF, please make an appointment with your counselor. QR codes are on the counselor's door.
If you need to change your class at SHS to accommodate your schedule at the college, please email your high school counselor your specific request. Counselors will only be changing SHS schedules to accommodate their college schedule for Fall Quarter only. Not all requests can be honored due to class seats and master schedule constraints.
Counseling Items for the Week
Next week is Suicide Prevention & Awareness Week. Counselors will be in the lunchroom all week to provide resources and raise awareness. SHS believes YOU MATTER!
Unlock Leadership and Opportunities with Steilacoom High School's JROTC Program!
Discover the incredible opportunities and experiences offered by the JROTC program at Steilacoom High School – where leadership, discipline, and community come together!
Community Opportunities
Tacoma Youth Chorus
Does your student love to sing? If so, don't miss the amazing opportunity to join the Tacoma Youth Chorus.
Stay Connected with Parent Square
Steilacoom Historical School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
About Us
Email: steilacoomhsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Website: www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Location: 54 Sentinel Drive, Steilacoom, WA, USA
Phone: 253-983-2300
Instagram: @bigsteilly
Facebook: Steilacoom Sentinels
Daily Schedule: Bell Schedule