The Highlighter - January 2025

Superintendent's Update
Important Updates:
- On February 3rd, after months of planning and hard work from our community Facilities Steering Committee, the SJPS Board of Education will be voting on a resolution to put an adjusted bond proposal on the May 6th, 2025, ballot. Stay tuned for more information! Learn more about the whole facilities planning process HERE.
- Look for a Superintendent Update each month in the local edition of More to Your Door magazine! More to Your Door Articles - Superintendent's Update - Our District - St. Johns Public Schools
- The countdown for the Class of 2025 is on! In an effort to create a comprehensive guide to many of the events and happenings for the class of 2025, SJHS created this one stop shopping Senior Newsletter. Make sure to bookmark the NEWSLETTER.
- Visit our Mental Health Resources page for the latest mental health coaching and guidance.
Behind the Scenes Staff Highlight
Connie Eldred - Head PM Custodian at SJHS
Connie Eldred is essential to the success of our students, serving as the Head PM Custodian at St. Johns High School. Connie is a graduate of St. Johns High School and spend 30 years working in retail management before joining the SJPS staff 9 years ago.
What is a typical day like at your job?
A typical day starts around 2pm and finishes around 10:30pm. "We clean up after the school day, we get trash, clean the bathrooms and locker rooms. For events we have to clean all the trash and the bleachers, sweep the floors. Popcorn is wonderful!"
What is your favorite part of the job?
"I like the activities. I like watching the kids do their things. I do a lot of overtime, so I'm here on weekends a lot. I like getting to know the kids, we watch them do basketball every night, or there practices, I'm kind of involved with all of it."
Roy Davis Wins Excellence in Education Award
Our very own Roy Davis has been presented with the Excellence in Education Award! Established in 2014, the Excellence in Education awards have become a prestigious recognition for outstanding Michigan public school educators. We are thrilled to announce that in December, our very own Roy Davis was honored with the coveted title!
Throughout the school year, the Michigan Lottery highlights one exceptional educator each week with the Excellence in Education award. The award comes with a $2,000 cash prize, recognizing the dedication and impact of educators across the state. The nomination pool is vast, encompassing teachers, administrators, coaches, and support staff.
Each weekly winner, including Roy Davis, receives a commemorative plaque and enjoys a special feature in a news segment on notable stations such as WXYZ-TV in Detroit, FOX 17 in Grand Rapids, FOX 47 in Lansing, WNEM-TV in Saginaw, and WWTV-TV in Traverse City.
Congratulations to Roy for his outstanding contribution to education and his inspiring commitment to excellence.
View the interview here: https://youtu.be/hC2Hk_Y3E9w?si=UljNT8KsCQeYT4ZM
#TogetherWeSoar Feature: Rick LaBar's Impact on CAD Education at SJHS and CCRESA
For over 35 years, Rick LaBar has been a key educator, shaping aspiring designers and engineers. His last 29 years have been at St. Johns High School, beginning with drafting to what has become CAD (Computed Aided Drafting) and Design Technology . Back then it was mostly board drawing with a little 2D CAD using AutoCAD. "Now we still start with a little board drafting but they use AutoCAD and the other 3D programs, SolidWorks, Revit, Rendering Programs and Fusion 360. The ones we use are the most widely used in the area and across the United States."
Rick LaBar's classes offer a wealth of opportunities for students interested in CAD and Design Technology. As part of Clinton County RESA, students from nearby schools like Dewitt, PW, Fowler, Bath, SJ, and OE can enroll in classes of Architecture or Engineering CAD. This program allows students to specialize in either discipline from the start of the academic year, providing a focused and in-depth learning experience. Students can progress from Architecture 1 to Architecture 2, or from Engineering CAD 1 to Engineering CAD 2, depending on their chosen path.
As part of classes for SJHS, students begin with an introduction to manual drafting in the first trimester, followed by an introduction to CAD in the second trimester. Students who do not participate in the RESA program have the chance to take Intro to Drafting and then choose between Engineering CAD 1 or Architecture 1. If they wish to advance further, they can continue with Architecture 2 and Engineering CAD 2. Additionally, students interested in interior spaces can explore Interior Design 1 and Interior Design 2, which focus on interior perspectives and renderings.
One student who is in what is considered the Architecture 3 class, is also in the construction trades/building trades RESA class. "They are doing a house this year and he drew the plans up in 3D using the Revit program. “That’s pretty cool. being able to do something in one class and carry it over into another.” "Many kids come in here after having Mr. Billings metals and welding class or other classes, or during seminar to draw up their projects."
The program jumps at the chance to do projects in the community when needed. Some examples of past projects have included:
- A couple students did the drawings for the ambulance building addition a few years ago. "One of my architecture students drew the building (pole structure). We worked with the architect, who also happened to be on my advisory committee. He had to stamp them in the end, but the students drew them."
- "One engineering student who also worked at a civil engineering firm in the summer, did all the site work they took to the city planning meeting to get it approved. They used his drawings."
- Plans for the storage barn located near the tennis courts and track.
- Plans for the dugout on the old SJ baseball stadium which included a second story and press box.
- Plans for a new PW softball/baseball dugout and press boxes and a remodel for their football locker room.
"Anytime we can get something realistic like that, we do it."
Varsity Girls Basketball Starts Season Strong
- The team has started the season 9-1 including a Reed City Championship where they dominated a couple of tough teams from the extremely competitive west side of the state. (Updated record through 1/28/25 is 11-3)
- Coach Fillwock credits their early success to team cohesion with acceptance of roles and commitment to everyone giving their all for the good of the team over self.
- " I’m incredibly proud of what this team is accomplishing this season so far. Our start has been better than many predicted and I believe it is because of every player’s commitment and effort in giving their best for the good of the team and focusing on team success. I am excited to see what this team will achieve this season!" Coach Fillwock
Keep up with all Redwing Athletics at www.stjohnsathletics.com/
Competitive Theatre Places First, Moves on to Regionals!
On Saturday, 1/18/2025 the 64 students in our St. Johns Competition Theatre Troupe participated in The MIFA District Level One Act Theatre Festival at John Glenn High School Bay City. They performed in the Studio and Mainstage Categories. Both shows will move on to the Regional Festival hosted by St. Johns High School on 2/1/2025. READ THE FULL PRESS RELEASE
Safe Routes to School
On January 13th, St. Johns Public Schools Board of Education held its Second Annual Joint Meeting with the St. Johns City Commission. Superintendent Dr. Berthiaume discussed several joint efforts with the City including the grant process for Safe Routes to School, which will ensure our students have safe routes to walk to school.
From the Fox 47 interview with Superintendent Dr. Berthiaume:
"It all comes down to safety, right? Whether kids are in school, leaving school, or coming to school, we try to provide a safer environment for them," said Berthiaume.
One way the district is working toward that goal is by applying for a new "Safer Routes to School" grant. View the Fox 47 segment HERE.
"The SRTS Grant is a movement and a federal program to make it safe, convenient, and fun for children, including those with disabilities, to bicycle and walk to school. When routes are safe, walking or biking to and from school is an easy way to get the regular physical activity children need for good health. Safe Routes to School initiatives also help ease traffic jams and air pollution, unite neighborhoods, and contribute to students’ readiness to learn in school" (shared from SRTS website). For more information, please go to https://saferoutesmichigan.org."
Redwings Play in District 5 MSBOA All-Star Orchestra
On January 18, 2025, students who were nominated by their orchestra teachers participated in the District 5 MSBOA All-Star Orchestra event. The event was held at St. Johns High School and students came from Mt. Pleasant MS, Midland Jefferson MS, Midland Northeast MS, Saginaw White Pine MS and St. Johns MS. The students started working together in the morning with guest conductor and St. Johns HS alum Ben Gudbrandson (Class of 2008). After rehearsing throughout the day, they performed a concert for friends and family. St. Johns students who participated were Alexa Benner, Morgan Cook, Benjamin Davenport, Acadia Gentile, Henry Goff, Sydney Johnson, Isabella Lillmars, Nicholas McGillis, Parker Moser, Tessa Norris and Emerey Rosekrans.
Staff vs Students Holiday Assembly
Before the holiday break, students and staff participated in the middle school's staff vs students annual assembly. Winners were crowned in the ring toss competition and the ugliest sweater contest and the MS Staff All Stars took on the girls volleyball and boys basketball teams in friendly contests. Who do you think came out on top? Click here for a full photo gallery of the excitement.
Redwing Receives $5000 Aviation Scholarship
If you see a plane above SJHS, give it a wave. It may just be SJHS Junior Christian Simmons. Christian is enrolled in the Aviation Program through Eaton RESA. Despite only recently getting a driver's license, he's also learning to fly and on his way to a pilot's license. He was recently recognized by the MSUFCU Foundation with a $5000 Scholarship. See the story on WILX. https://www.wilx.com/2025/01/16/aviation-students-receive-scholarships-msufcu/
Mental Health Updates
January Parent Guidance Newsletter
Click for full newsletter
Coaching For Parents
Click for Parent Coaching Website
Capturing Kids Health Newsletter
Click for larger version