January 10
January 10
Friday, January 10
Note from Mrs. Fragomeni
Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season was filled with joy, rest, and time with loved ones. As we step into 2025, we’re excited to welcome our Blue Jays back to school.
This year, our students and staff are participating in the One Word Challenge by Jon Gordon. Instead of setting traditional resolutions, the Burton team and students selected one word to inspire and guide them throughout the year. Classrooms were buzzing with creativity as students shared their words and reflect on how they’ll live them out. Words like kindness, courage, friend, continue, love, and are helping to shape our community in a positive way.
We’d love for you to join us our One Word Challenge! You might select a word together or let each family member choose their own. Display your word somewhere visible, such as the refrigerator, kitchen or a family bulletin board. If you're up for the challenge, please take a picture and tag @Principal_Fragomeni on Instagram of email me!
Lauren Fragomeni
Birdhouses are BACK!
We are excited to continue our Birdhouse tradition this year to kick off 2025! This initiative brings together students from all grade levels to incorporate the 7 Habits, build connections, foster leadership opportunities, and strengthens our Burton community.
Our first Birdhouse meeting of the year will take place on Thursday, January 16. Students are encouraged to show their school spirit by wearing their Fun Run shirt or any Blue Jay gear! If your child forgets their shirt, please do not drop off their shirt. They can wear their shirt next month.
For our new Blue Jay families, this is how Birdhouses work:
- Each student is part of an assigned Birdhouse with peers from all grade levels.
- Students will stay in the same Birdhouse throughout their years at Burton, building lasting relationships and a sense of belonging.
- Each Birdhouse is guided by a Birdhouse Leader—a dedicated teacher who helps support and inspire the group.
- Birdhouses meet monthly for engaging, collaborative activities that emphasize our core values of kindness, respect, and empathy—the Blue Jay Way!
- 4th grade students assist TK and Kindergarten students to drop them off and pick the up from their Birdhouse classroom.
- 5th grade students help lead Birdhouse lessons and support our youngest learners.
District Nurse: Wellness Reminder
When to Exclude a Child from School
Many illnesses do not require exclusion. However, children may be excluded if the illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in school activities or if there is risk of spread of harmful disease to others. Criteria include:
1. Severely ill: A child that is lethargic or less responsive, has difficulty breathing, or has a rapidly spreading rash.
2. Fever: A child with a temperature of 100.4°F or greater AND behavior changes or other signs or symptoms (e.g., sore throat, rash, vomiting, or diarrhea). Your child cannot return to school until 24 hours of no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
3. Diarrhea: A child has two loose or watery stools. The child should have no loose stools for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Exception: A healthcare provider has determined it is not infectious. Diarrhea may be caused by antibiotics or new foods a child has eaten. Discuss with a parent/guardian to find out if this is the
likely cause.
4. Vomiting: A child that has vomited two or more times. The child should have no vomiting episodes for 24 hours prior to returning. Exception: A healthcare provider has determined it is not infectious and the parent/guardian provides a doctor's note.
5. Abdominal pain: A child with abdominal pain that continues for more than two hours or intermittent pain associated with fever or other symptoms.
6. Rash: The child with a rash AND has a fever or a change in behavior. Exclude until the rash subsides or until a healthcare provider has determined it is not infectious.
7. Skin sores: A child with weeping sores on an exposed area that cannot be covered with waterproof dressing.
8. Certain communicable diseases: Students and staff diagnosed with certain communicable diseases (e.g strep, flu, pink eye) may have to be excluded for a certain period of time.
9. Covid- We are still no longer contract tracing for covid and do not need to quarantine for 5 days. Everyone is able to return when they are "well," meaning fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medications. It is left up to the individual when they feel well. Also, masks are optional and not required per OCHD.
TK/Kindergarten Information Night, Registration & Schools of Choice
While it might be hard to believe, it’s time to start thinking about Kindergarten for Fall 2025. In the Berkley School District, Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten information nights, enrollment and the Schools of Choice application windows happen in January and February each year. Starting early allows the District to plan staffing, class sizes and support for students before the year ends. If you have an incoming Kindergarten student this is important information to save. If you know someone who has a child who will be five years old by September 1, 2025, please share this information with them!
TK & Kindergarten Information Nights
Learn about the kindergarten curriculum, how to prepare for the big first day, enrollment options, and Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten readiness. All TK and Kindergarten students need to be five years old by September 1, 2025.
During the evening, families will be able to ask the Principal questions, learn more about each school and hear about the #BerkleyDifference. You do not have to be a resident to attend the Kindergarten Information Nights, they are open to all who are interested in the Berkley School District. Learn more about Kindergarten enrollment and readiness by visiting our Enrollment webpage.
Angell Elementary School: Wed, Jan 22, 2025 | 6:30 pm
Burton Elementary School: Thurs, Jan 16, 2025 | 6:30 pm
Pattengill Elementary School: Tues, Jan 21, 2025 | 6:30 pm
Rogers Elementary School: Thurs, Jan 23, 2025 | 6:30 pm
Norup International School: Wed, Jan 15, 2025 | 6:30 pm
Kindergarten Registration for Berkley School District Residents
Berkley School District resident registration for both Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten begins February 3 and runs through February 14, 2025. Registration takes place entirely online, including the required document uploads. Visit the enrollment webpage to begin your registration, verify your residency through our District boundaries document and see what paperwork you need to upload to complete your registration. We can’t wait to meet our new students!
Schools of Choice Window for TK-Grade 5
The Berkley School District Board of Education has approved limited Schools of Choice (Section 105) openings (up to 150 slots) in Kindergarten through 5th grade for Oakland County residents for the 2025-26 school year. Those who are interested in attending the Berkley School District, but who do not live within District boundaries may apply.
Important Schools of Choice details include:
Schools of Choice application period is February 10-28, 2025
Completed applications must be submitted online
No applications will be accepted after the deadline of 5:00 pm, February 28, 2025
Applicants will receive email notification of their student's Schools of Choice status mid to late April following the lottery
On the application, families will select which school they’d prefer to attend: Angell, Burton, Norup, Pattengill or Rogers
For current Schools of Choice families, if you have an incoming TK or Kindergarten student, please be sure to fill out this year’s application as well. Priority is given to siblings.
If you have any questions regarding the upcoming Kindergarten Information nights, please reach out to school secretaries and/or principals.
If you have any questions regarding the enrollment process, please contact the Enrollment Office at 248-837-8026 or visit the Enrollment website.
If you have any questions regarding Schools of Choice, please contact Stephanie Helterbran, Pupil Accounting and Central Enrollment Supervisor, at 248-837-8045 or visit the Schools of Choice website.
MLK Day of Service
Berkley, Clawson & Royal Oak Partner to Honor Dr. King on MLK Day - January 20th
The cities and school districts of Berkley, Clawson and Royal Oak announce their joint MLK Day event for the entire community to remember, participate, and honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
On Monday, January 20th, 2025, the community is invited to celebrate A Day On, Not a Day Off, with the three school districts and municipalities. Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy breakfast together, participate in a Freedom Walk, complete volunteer activities such as donation sorting and blanket making.
This year’s event takes place at Berkley High School, (2325 Catalpa, Berkley MI 48072) and begins at 9 am.
The event committee will also be collecting donations to support the following groups:
Redford Brightmoor Initiative
Cass Community Social Services
Judson Center
Royal Oak First United Methodist Church
Welcome Inn
Guests are encouraged to bring donations with them to the event or order donations on the event’s Amazon Wishlist.
Requested Donations
Non-perishable food: Canned goods, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, granola bars, boxed food items
Home items: Toilet paper, dish soap, paper towels, laundry detergent
Toiletries: Shampoo/conditioner (including the following brands: Shea moisture, As I Am, Curls, Aunt Jackie's), deodorant, shaving cream, feminine products
Diapers and pull-ups: All sizes, no opened packages
New children's books: Infant through middle school age
Clothing: Socks (all sizes), underwear (men and children), winter hats (adult)
See a list of requested donations and additional event information on the City of Royal Oak website.
Winter Weather Policy
Winter Temperatures:
When the temperature "feels like" is 9 degrees or below, we will have indoor line-up and indoor recess. In the morning (beginning at 7:50am), our 5th grade safeties will open the doors and allow students to line-up inside the building. Students will then walk and line-up outside their classroom.
Student Drop Off:
- Please utilize the rec center drop off area to ensure students are exiting vehicles safely.
- Please pull forward before dropping off your child.
- All students should exit and walk on the sidewalk for student safety.
- If students arrive prior to 8:00 am, they may walk and line-up with their class
- Indoor line-up: Students can enter through the playground doors (near clock tower) at 7:50am
- Please do not drop off students near the Nadine doors. This area is utilized for families in the ASD program.
Ms. Smith's Snacks
Burton Behind the Scenes
Looking for a glimpse into all the learning, fun, and creativity at Burton? Please follow me, principal_fragomeni on Instagram.
Burton Spirit Wear Shop
The spirit wear shop features Burton's updated logo. The crest, much like the classic football clubs, signifies the strength and lineage of our community. The bricks proudly represent our school building, the welcoming front sign, and the iconic clock tower—a true testament to our heritage. And, of course, our Blue Jay has been given a modern look, embodying the spirit of growth and innovation that defines us.
Let's show off our Burton pride!
Important Events
*January 16: Burton TK/K Information Night at 6:30pm
*February 17: 1/2 day for students (AM only) - Dismissal at 11:20am
*January 20: No School - MLK Jr. Day
*January 30 - Music Concert at Norup for grades 2 (6pm), 3 (6:30pm), 4 (7:30pm)
*February 4: PTA Meeting - 7pm Burton Media Center
*February 14: 1/2 Day for students (AM only) - Dismissal at 11:20pm
*February 17 - Feb 21: Mid-Winter Break (no school). School resumes February 24
*March 4: PTA Meeting - 7pm Burton Media Center
*March 5 - 7: 5th Grade Camp (4th grade safety patrol takes over)
*March 20: Spring Conferences, 5pm-8pm (virtual)
*March 21: Spring Conferences, 8am-4pm (no school for students)
Save the Date-Music Concerts
PTA Information
Next PTA Meeting:
Tuesday, February 4 at 7:00pm in the Burton Media Center or join for a "listen only" on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 880 9518 4741
Passcode: 26315
PTA Membership:
All are welcome! Please join the Burton PTA to help support our community!
Burton PTA Executive Board
President: Leah Wallbilich
Vice President: Natalie Friedman
Secretary: Ciara O’Laoire
Treasurer: Max Shear
Chair of Standing Committee: Elizabeth Scott
Principal: Lauren Fragomeni
PTA Tree of Giving
The Burton PTA Tree of Giving highlights incredible contributions from our PTA, each leaf showcases items they've generously funded for our school community.
Morning Announcements
Each week our morning announcements on kindness, respect, and empathy featuring:
- The Pledge from a different classroom each week
- Wednesday Would You Rather? and Too Cute Tuesday!
- Friday Read Aloud
- Important events happening at Burton
January Lunch Menu
Tuesdays = Dominos Pizza
On Tuesdays, Domino's Pizza will be among the five food choices students can select. All students ordering pizza will receive ONE free slice and a vegetable, fruit, and milk. If your child would like an additional slice of pizza (2 slices total), they must preorder it in the morning and have at least $2.00 in their student account. On Tuesday mornings, classroom teachers will ask students if they would like one slice or two. This is helpful so the lunch team is accurate on the total pizza slices to decrease food waste.
To add funds to your child's account, please access the Parent Portal.
Go Blue Jays!