Indian Peaks Elementary: Moose News
January 17, 2025

Indian Peaks Robotics Tournament!
We would also like to extend a big thank you to our families for donating food and working our concession stand - we could not do this without your support!
A Week in Photos: Highlighting Student Learning!
A reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Winter Conferences are quickly approaching! Our conference schedule is as follows:
- Monday, February 3
- Thursday, February 6
- Tuesday, February 11
Conferences will run from 4:00-7:30 each night.
A form went home last week for families to sign up for one of these days. A reminder that this form is due this Tuesday, January 22nd.
Preschool STEM Music Literacy Night
Preschool-aged families who live in St. Vrain Valley are invited to a magical, musical evening featuring a special reading of Emilia Tries the Cello by local teacher, author, and cellist Dr. Katarina M. Pliego. Accompanied by members of the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, this enchanting story will come to life with a selection of short musical pieces ranging from classical to pop. During the experience, children will have the opportunity to play a variety of instruments and even create their own, blending STEM principles with musical creativity. Books will be given away while supplies last, and snacks and translation services will be available.
The evening will conclude with a spectacular performance by St. Vrain’s Student Drone Performance Team.
Indian Peaks Book Fair
Indian Peaks will be holding a Book Fair from February 4th - February 13th. The Book Fair will be open during conferences. Please stop by to see our selection of books!
Book Fair Hours:
- 8:15-9:00am & 3:50-5:00pm
- During Conferences: 3:50-7:30pm
- Late Start - February 5th: 11:00-11:40am
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Blanca Perez at 303-772-7240
529 College Savings Plan
Learn about the 529 College Savings Plan for Families.
Families are invited to attend a Family Information Night on February 4, 2025 from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools (33 Quail Rd. Longmont)
Click here for more information about this event: 529 Jump Program
iPad Half Year Insurance
iPad Insurance for New Students: The half year insurance fee is now available in Infinite Campus. The fee for half-year insurance is $12.50. Families have until January 31, 2025 to pay the fee before it is automatically voided. If you are new to Indian Peaks and would like to have your student’s iPad insured, you can either pay the insurance fee in Infinite Campus, or visit the front office at Indian Peaks.
Half-year insurance is also available to current students who did not opt into insurance in Fall 2024. iPads will need to be inspected by the front office to make sure they are in working condition before getting the insurance.
Important Dates
January 20th - Martin Luther Kind Day: No School
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 303-772-7240.