École Hillgrove
October 31, 2024
Dear Families,
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our school.
Hillgrove Happenings
Jr. High X-Country Zones
Food Bank Donations
Elementary X-Country Districts
Happy Halloween!
Month of November
Friday, November 1st
- Staff PD Day, No School
- Jr. Girls Volleyball SAPEC Tournament in Morinville 3:15pm
- Jr. Boys Volleyball SAPEC Tournament at ESSMY 4:00pm
Saturday, November 2nd
- Jr. Girls Volleyball SAPEC Tournament in Morinville 9:00am
- Jr. Boys Volleyball SAPEC Tournament at ESSMY 9:00am
Monday, November 4th
- Scheduling for Parent-Teacher Interviews Opens, click here
- Colouring Book pre-sales during lunch recess
- 56DMY St. Albert Library Tour 12:30-2:00pm
- Cheer Practice 3:15-5:15pm
- Sr. Girls Volleyball Semi-Finals 3:45pm
Tuesday, November 5th
- Colouring Book pre-sales during lunch recess
- Sr. Boys Volleyball Semi-Finals 3:45pm
Wednesday, November 6th
- Gr. 9 Take Our Kids to Work Day
- Yoga 8 Field Trip 11:25am-1:00pm
- Colouring Book pre-sales during lunch recess
- Homework Club in Hill Library 3:00-4:00pm
Thursday, November 7th
- Sr. Volleyball Finals at Bellerose
- Colouring Book pre-sales during lunch recess
- Gr. 7-9 Art Club 3:00-4:30pm
- Cheer Practice 3:15-5:15pm
- Remembrance Day Ceremonies 10am & 10:45am
- Remembrance Day, No School
Tuesday, November 12th
- In Lieu of P/T Interviews, School Closed
Wednesday, November 13th
- Gr. 7 Muttart Field Trips 8:45am-2:59pm
- Parent-Teacher Interviews 4:30-7:30pm
Thursday, November 14th
- Gr. 7 Muttart Field Trips 8:45am-2:59pm
- Parent-Teacher Interviews 4:30-7:30pm
- Elementary Science Night at Wild Rose School 6:00-8:00pm
Friday, November 15th
- 56DMY St. Albert Library Reading Show 1:30-2:30pm
- Gr. 9 Chemistry Demonstration 1:30-2:30pm
Monday, November 18th
- Fit 7A & 9A Soul Fitness 1:10-2:55pm
- Cheer Practice 3:15-5:15pm
Tuesday, November 19th
- Fit 8B & 9B Soul Fitness 1:10-2:55pm
- Parent Council and Parent Fundraising Committee Mtgs. 7:00pm
Wednesday, November 20th
- Fit 8A Soul Fitness 11:30am-1:05pm
- Homework Club in Hill Library 3:00-4:00pm
Thursday, November 21st
- Gr. 5-6 Assembly 10:30am
- Gr. 7-9 Drama Arden Theatre's Beauty and the Beast 11:30am-2:30pm
- Gr. 7-9 Art Club 3:00-4:30pm
- Cheer Practice 3:15-5:15pm
Friday, November 22nd
- Gr. 5-6 December Ski Club registration due
Monday, November 25th
- 56DMY St. Albert Fire Department 1 Tour 12:30-2:00pm
- Cheer Practice 3:15-5:15pm
Tuesdsay, November 26th
- Gr. 5 (5HO & 5MOR) TELUS World of Science 9am-2:30pm
- Fit 7B Soul Fitness 11:30-1:05pm
Wednesday, November 27th
- Gr. 6 Immunizations 8:45am
- Homework Club in Hill Library 3:00-4:00pm
Thursday, November 28th
- Gr. 7-9 Art Club 3:00-4:30pm
- Cheer Practice 3:15-5:15pm
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Hillgrove's Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held in person on Wednesday, November 13th and Thursday, November 14th from 4:30-7:30pm. To schedule your interviews please visit the school appointments website here. Scheduling will open on November 4th.
The 2023-2024 Grade 6 PAT results will be available for pick up in the front foyer of the Hill during Parent-Teacher Interviews.
Lost and Found Notice
Students are reminded to check the lost and found for any missing items. Items will be displayed in the hallways of the Hill and the Grove during Parent-Teacher Interviews. Any unclaimed items will be donated after interviews.
Photo Retake Information
Photo retakes were completed on Monday, October 28th. These retakes will be available in the same gallery as the original photos from September, accessible using the same access code that was previously provided. Retake photos should be available for viewing within a week from the photo date.
How to Order:
- Head to the website: https://smartphotography.ca/
- Select "Order Your Photos Now"
- Enter the Online Access Code that was provided to students on the View Proofs sheet
- Select photo size item
- Select image and Continue to Options
- Add to Cart and Checkout
If you have any questions or need the online photo access code, please contact Smart Photography at 780-944-0800 or info@smartphotography.ca.
Remembrance Day Information
- The volunteers from the Royal Canadian Legion will be providing poppies to our students for the Remembrance Day Ceremonies. Poppy donations will be accepted up until Friday, November 8th. Thank you in advance for your donations!
- Calling all Cadets, Scouts, and Guides- if you would like to be a part of our procession during this year's Remembrance Day Ceremonies, please touch base with Ms. Wiens and Mme Gagnon.
- We would like to welcome all active and past military members from our school community to join us for our Ceremony of Remembrance on Friday, November 8th. The commitment will be from 9:45-11:15am. Please contact Meg Wiens meghan.wiens@spschools.org or Merdith Gagnon meridith.gagnon@spschools.org
- Due to our student numbers and fire code requirements, we will be holding back-to-back repeat ceremonies in the gym. The first ceremony will begin at 10:00am and the second ceremony will begin at 10:45am, ensuring that all students can participate in honouring and remembering those who have served. Each ceremony is anticipated to be 30 minutes in duration.
Food Hampers Available
If your family would benefit from a food hamper, please reach out to our school office. You can contact us by phone at 780-459-4456 or by email at hg@spschools.org. Hampers will be ready for pick up or delivery on December 13th.
2024-2025 School Apparel Orders
Get ready to show off your school spirit! Hillgrove apparel orders for the 2024-2025 school year are now open, with delivery scheduled before winter break. Order online here.
Colouring Book Fundraiser
The grade 9 Art students are publishing a colouring book to help raise funds for The Mustard Seed in Edmonton, in support of people living with poverty and houselessness this winter season. The theme is "Imagine" and all books can be pre-ordered for a cost of $8.00 each. The books include 40 hand-drawn images, and are professionally printed on heavy paper, with a glossy coloured cover. They can only be purchased by pre-ordering the books in the front foyer, by calling Sheila Paul in the front office, by going on PowerSchool, or by emailing andrea.daly@spschools.org.
- Tables will be set up in the Grove on Nov. 4th and 6th for Grades 5-6 students to order during the second half of lunch.
- Tables will be set up in the Hill on Nov. 4th-7th for Grades 7-9 students to order during the indoor portion of lunch.
Thank you, in advance, for supporting our students' efforts and helping those in need this winter season. Please contact Mrs. Daly if you have any questions.
Art from the Heart Campaign
The "Art from the Heart" campaign is a collaboration between the St. Albert Photography Club, Grade 8 art students from École Hillgrove School, and the St. Albert Sturgeon Hospice Association (SASHA). Through this initiative, students interpreted photographs taken by the Photography Club, creating artwork inspired by their feelings about hospice and palliative care. Each piece reflects their unique perspective on compassion, support, and the importance of quality of life.
These stunning works of art, crafted with thought and heart, are now available as greeting cards. All proceeds from the sale will go directly to supporting SASHA’s volunteer programs, ensuring that those in our community facing a life-limiting illness receive the compassionate support they deserve. We are proud to showcase the talent and empathy of these young artists and excited to share their creations with you!
Pack of 8 cards: $20
Pack of 16 cards: $35
Order online between Nov 1st and Nov 22nd, 2024
Cards will be available for pick up at pre-determined locations and times between Wednesday, Dec. 4th and Saturday, Dec. 7th, for those in the St. Albert area. For anyone outside our area we will contact them and make arrangements to get the cards to them as best we can.
Any other questions please call Heidi Evans 587-921-1345 SASHA cell.
Hillgrove Games Room
With the cooler temperatures approaching, we are seeing increased use of our lunchtime Games Room. We are always looking to expand our collection of resources, so if you have any gently used board games, card games, or activities that you no longer use, we would greatly appreciate any donations.
Homework Club (Gr. 5-9)
Homework Club will be available Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00pm in the Hill Library for all students in grades 5-9. During this time students can access teacher and/or peer support for their course work or utilize a quiet space to get caught up on their homework. Please reach out to Mme Girard, megan.girard@spschools.org for any specific queries regarding Homework Club.
Please note there is no Homework Club on Wednesday, November 13th due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.
Art Club (Gr. 7-9)
Art Club is a drop-in group that runs Thursdays from 3:00- 4:30pm in the Art Room (room 203). All are welcome - you do not need to be registered in Art this year in order to participate. Art Club is a very relaxed space... a chance to work on ongoing art projects, create something new and different, learn a new technique, or simply sit and sketch. Feel free to bring your own materials and sketchbook, but know that there are also lots of things you can use in the Art Room, too. On occasion we have special events like "Paint Like Bob Ross" day, or gingerbread house decorating.... these events change year to year depending on the participants. Hope to see you there!
Please note there is no Art Club on Thursday, November 14th due to Parent/Teacher Interviews.
Save the Dates
Mark your calendars for Hillgrove's upcoming December concerts!
- Wednesday, December 11th: Grades 7-9 Band Concert at Hillgrove School.
- Wednesday, December 18th: Grades 5-6 Concert at the Arden Theatre. Tickets will be available to purchase starting December 1st through the Arden Theatre. Ticket prices are $5.00 plus a service fee.
Respecting Our Community
We kindly remind all students to be respectful of our neighbor's properties while waiting for St. Albert Transit. Please avoid gathering on front yards or other private spaces, and remember to keep the area clean by disposing of garbage properly. Let's work together to keep our community a welcoming place for everyone!
Parent Council & Parent Fundraising Committee
Parent Council and the Fundraising Committee meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Parent Council will begin at 7pm, directly followed by the Fundraising Committee meeting. Please note that no meetings are held in December or June. The next meeting is Tuesday, November 19th in the Hill library.
School Construction
Future Pedway
We are excited to see the progress of the construction of the pedway that will be connecting both of our buildings. As this is an exterior project we anticipate very minimal interior disruption. Students have adapted to the changes in pathways between buildings. Homeroom teachers will continue to review these changes with students as construction advances.
Parent Parking Information
To accommodate the exterior construction of the pedway we have temporarily lost some parking stalls. We are asking that parents do not park in the staff lot as all parking stalls are reserved for staff. Parents can continue to utilize the city lots adjacent to each building as well as street parking. As always, we ask that you be extremely mindful of resident driveways. Should you require it, the wheelchair accessible parking stalls beside the Grove main doors and the Hill South doors remain available to our families.
School Counselling Services
Important School Reminders
Morning Routine
School doors will open at 8:15am. Please ensure students dress appropriately for the weather if you plan to arrive early. The first bell rings at 8:22am. Registration and attendance begins promptly at 8:25am. Please arrive on time.
Parent Parking Reminder
- Due to limited parking space and to ensure the safety of our students please do not drive through the staff parking lot to drop off and pick up students.
- Please do not park in the school bus lanes during peak times (8:00am-8:30am and 2:45pm-3:15pm).
- Please keep residential driveways clear in our school community.
Student Attendance
Regular attendance at school plays a key role in student learning, achievement and social-emotional health. Should your child be absent from school, please contact the office by:
- Phoning 780-459-4456
- Submitting an online absence report here
- Emailing hillgroveattend@spschools.org
Automated phone messages will be sent out to notify families of any unexcused absences.
If your child is late or is being picked up early, please ensure they sign in or out at the office. The office must receive notice from a parent/guardian before a student can be dismissed early during school hours.
Student Cell Phones
During instructional blocks and transitions between blocks, student cell phones are required to remain secured in their locker. Students may use their cell phone during their scheduled lunch break.
The school is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen cell phones.
Zero Tolerance of Illegal Substances
Our school has a zero tolerance policy for being in possession or using illegal substances on or off school property during school hours or school sponsored events. As all Hillgrove students are under the age of 18, these substances include:
- drugs of any kind including alcohol or marijuana
- vaping or vape supplies
- cigarettes
Dress for the Weather
Students should be arriving to school with weather appropriate clothing as they need to be prepared to go outside for recess/lunch, physical education as well as times planned by teachers throughout the week. As the weather changes from morning to afternoon we are asking students to always come prepared with appropriate clothing regardless of the weather forecast.
Inclusive School Environment
School Fees
School fees for the 2024-2025 academic year are to be paid at the school via cash or cheque (payable to St. Albert School Division) or online through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please ensure any outstanding fees from previous school years are settled.
Transportation Information
Bus Location
The following buses park in front of the Grove building: 103, 105, 108, 109, 119, 128
The following buses park in front of the Hill building: 104, 106, 110, 114, 129, 130, 131, 138
Going to both locations: 152, 153, 154
If you have questions regarding transportation you may contact the transportation department at transportation@spschools.org or (780)460-3712.
Division News
2025-2026 Calendar Feedback
We have drafted the 2025-2026 school year calendar. You will notice one major difference from past calendars - the addition of a week-long November break. We made this change based on the feedback we received from the parent and staff survey we did this past spring, where a small majority favoured this break, and many other respondents had no preference. The addition of a November break also brings our calendar in line with surrounding school divisions, who have offered a November break for the past few years.
This draft calendar has not been finalized, and we welcome feedback. Please provide your input by email to paul.macleod@spschools.org no later than November 12th.
To view the draft calendar, please click here.
Elementary Science Night at Wild Rose School
Wild Rose School invites families to an exciting Elementary Science Night on Thurdsay, November 14th, from 6:00-8:00pm. This event will feature interactive science stations and will be a chance for students and families to explore the wonders of science together. If you're interested in attending, please complete the registration form here.
Please note: This event coincides with Hillgrove's Parent-Teacher Interviews.
St. Albert Public Schools Holiday Card Contest
The St. Albert Public Board of Trustees are once again hosting their Holiday Card Contest. Students are invited to submit a festive drawing that will be entered for the contest. One submission will be chosen and reproduced on this year's cards. Submissions are due November 4th. Please click here for more information.
Grade 9 Football Interest
Curious about joining Bulldogs Football at Bellerose? Fill out the form in the link below for updates and an invite to our Grade 9 Open House.
2024-2025 School Calendar Update
Families may have noticed one significant change to the calendars for the 2024-25 school year. Across the division, schools will no longer have early dismissal on the first Wednesday of every month for staff meetings. Instead, professional development days will be combined with staff meetings, resulting in a full day off for students each month. You can view the calendars on the division website: https://www.spschools.org/division-operations/calendar.
Why was this change made?
This schedule allows for better continuity of learning for students, with more full days of instruction.
It will help decrease student absenteeism, as it allows a full day for families to schedule appointments, vacations etc.
It provides families with a long weekend every month.
It will help families with childcare arrangements.
It will be a more effective and productive use of time for staff as their attention is not divided between providing instruction and PD/meeting times.
Kindergarten students will be on a more similar schedule to their older siblings.
More concentrated time for staff learning.
If you haven’t already viewed the calendars, we encourage you to do so. If you have questions, please contact our Human Resources department at 780-460-3712.
Student Mobile Devices
We kindly ask parents to take the time to read through the below document regarding the use of personal mobile devices in schools.
Community News
Contact Us
50 Grosvenor Boulevard, St. Albert, AB, Canada, T8N 0X6