Eagle Family Connection #5
Sept. 23-26, 2024

Update #5 - Week of September 23-26, 2024
Hello Wilkesboro families! We hope that you’ve enjoyed a restful weekend. Here are updates for the week of September 23-26. We encourage you to visit your teacher's page for more information and a direct link to each teacher’s newsletter.
On Monday, you will find an invitation to this week’s Family Literacy Night. We hope you can join us on Thursday, September 26 for a night learning about literacy and the power of connecting with words. Families can visit classrooms, talk with teachers, and learn more about how students learn to read and write and how to help from home. We’ll have a special session about the Read to Achieve law for third grade families. W e hope you can join us for this event.
On Wednesday, our 4th & 5th grade students will travel to the JAWCC for their first field trip of the year.
This year, WCS is reporting mid-quarter progress reports by sending home reports from our most recent assessments. These reports will help you understand how your child is performing in critical skill areas on benchmark screening assessments. We will send these progress reports home on Wednesday. We will send home a full report card in October with more information about your child’s progress and invitations to parent conferences.
Like all Wilkes County Schools, our school will be transitioning to using REMIND for school and classroom communications. We hope to send home information about the transition on Wednesday with progress reports.
Thursday, September 26 is PTO Spirit Night at Village Inn restaurant between 5-8 pm. All you have to do is mention Wilkesboro Elementary School when ordering for dine in or take out, and a portion of sales will be donated to our school.
As a reminder, Friday is a teacher workday. There will be no school for students.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the nest tomorrow for another good week. Have a great evening!
Click below to pay for field trips online!
Our Team of Dedicated Educators are Here to Help!
General School Information
Click for Updates from Your Child's Teacher
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Encore Classes
Need Help? Student Services are Here to Help
Need help with student services?
Need help from the school office?
Have questions for the school nurse?
Have questions about your student's information, records or attendance?
Do you questions about your student's information, records or attendance? Our data manager Sydney Nickles is here to help. She is here each day and also works at Moravian Falls Elementary. You can find her at school at 336-838-4261 or on ClassDojo. You can also reach her by email -- Sydney Nickles at nickless@wilkes.k12.nc.us
About Attendance
School starts at 7:50 each day. Students who are participating will be marked PRESENT or ABSENT. If your child is not in school, you will need to send in absence notes the next day and it will be coded as excused or unexcused. Written notes are required and can come directly from the parent/guardian or a medical office. Also note that ClassDojo messages are great for communicating an absence, but they do NOT serve as legal documentation of absences. Please send a written note. Thanks in advance for your help!
After School Care Available
YMCA After School Care Available
You can sign up for the YMCA after school care for the Wilkesboro Elementary site online. Once you are signed up, please communicate with your teacher to let them know your plans.
Also, this year the YMCA classroom will be in building 2. Please park in our back parking lot beside the MEGA Toy playground when coming to pick up your children. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed
We Need Volunteers!
We welcome volunteers to help with school events. WCS uses Volunteer Tracker to help organize this process, and we use Sign Up Genius (shared via email and ClassDojo) to make signing up easy and convenient. To get signed up, follow steps below.
1. Go to www.wilkescountyschools.org
2. Go to the PARENTS tab at the top (or VOLUNTEER at the bottom).
3. Click on VOLUNTEERS.
5. Go to the green NEW REGISTRATION and follow instructions from there.
Level 1 volunteers can help in many ways. Level 1 volunteers can sign up to help with book fairs, school events, class parties and projects, Field Day, Fall Festival, and proctoring for tests.
Level 2 volunteers can do all level 1 tasks but can also help chaperone field trips and work more closely with students in small groups. Level 2 volunteers can also sign up for classroom tutoring and assistance, reading buddy program, tutoring, leading after school activities, and chaperoning school events field trips.
We ask that all parents/guardians who plan to attend field trips sign up to be Level 2 volunteers at the start of the year. It takes a few weeks to verify volunteers, and signing up early will make sure that you are approved in time for this year’s events and field trips.
Car Line Helpers Needed!
We are looking for friend, positive people to help on morning carline. If you're interested, please complete this form and we will be in touch. Thanks for considering this volunteer opportunity!
Fill out the form below to sign up.
Our Student Handbook
Email your jokes (or questions or concerns) to Mrs. Spears!
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: 336-838-4261
Wilkesboro Elementary School
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: (336) 838-4261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilkesboroelementary/
Twitter: @WilkesboroElem1