Maple Dale Aviator News!
Friday, February 10, 2017
Help Our School Win
Writing Contest Winners
Mark Your Calendars!
February 12th: Family Skate Night at Castle Skateland
February 15th: All Pro Dad Breakfast
February 20th: No School - Presidents' Day
February 22nd: Maple Dale Spring Picture Day
Kindergarten and Preschool Tuition Payments
Third Grade Wax Museum
Thank you to all those who were able to push our buttons at the Biography Wax Museum on Friday, February 3rd! Important and interesting facts about each famous person were shared and third graders are confident that their many special guests left the wax museum feeling both amazed and entertained...not mention even smarter! A wonderful memory was created that day!
Beatrix Potter
John Glenn
Malala Yousafzai
Benjamin Franklin
Henry Ford
Steve Jobs
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Albert Einstein
J.K. Rowling
One Author, One School
For the past several years, Maple Dale has had a winter tradition of reading the same book schoolwide. This program, called “One Book, One School”, has provided the opportunity for families to enjoy reading some great titles together such as The One and Only Ivan and Gooseberry Park. This year, our tradition will look at bit different.
Today, Maple Dale kicked off “One Author, One School” with a school wide assembly. Great excitement was generated about author, Candace Fleming’s, visit on March 7th. Students are geared up and READY TO READ! In lieu of a chapter book this year, classes will share two of her beautiful picture books with their families. Instead of each family getting their own picture books to keep, students will take turns reading the books at home, and then return them to school to pass along to others. Some families and classrooms may choose to listen to the books read aloud online via the link below as well.
Both books, Boxes for Katje and Papa’s Mechanical Fish are wonderful for children of all ages and have beautiful messages about kindness, perseverance, creativity, and gratitude. Additional books will be read in the regular classroom and during students’ media center special.
Sharing books with children is a perfect way to create life-long readers! Check out Mrs. Smith's Link and learn even more about Candace Fleming and opportunities to blog about reading! Be on the look-out for news about a school community public service project!
Lastly, we’d like to send along an enthusiastic thank you to our PTO for purchasing two of Candace Fleming's books for each Maple Dale classroom!
Sycamore High School Cabaret
Join us at Cabaret on Saturday, February 11th at 7pm as The Hub at Sycamore High School is transformed into a jazz club serving drinks and gourmet desserts.
Hear the voices of choral students like you’ve never heard them before! Performers sing as soloists and in small ensembles accompanied by piano or guitar. You will enjoy original compositions, jazz tunes, folk music and musical theatre songs.
Tickets are $10 and are on-sale starting February 1st on www.AvesChoir.org and will be sold at lunch on Friday, February 10th and at the door.
Doors open at 6:30p. Come early for dessert!
The event is sponsored by the Sycamore Vocal Boosters
Save the Date for Maple Dale Family Fun Night at Castle Skateland
Make sure to mark your calendars for the Maple Dale Family Fun Night, Sunday, February, 12 2017, 4:30-6:30 pm at Castle Skateland in Loveland. Enjoy skating, food, and fun with lots of Maple Dale families!
Be on the lookout for a flyer giving you the opportunity to pre-order your tickets at a discounted price. This year, you can save the most by ordering your tickets ONLINE! More information will be going out in your child’s Aviator folder.
If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Hughes at 515-1787 or Greta Urbanek at 731-8116.
Hope to see you all there!
All Pro Dad Breakfast
Maple Dale Elementary All Pro Dad breakfast will be held on Wed, Feb 15 from 8-9 am in our school cafeteria. All Fathers and children are invited to join us for this monthly program sponsored by our partner Chick-fil-A who will be providing chicken biscuits and drinks.
This month’s topic is Bravery and how we should always take action to stick up for those less fortunate. It is free to attend and hope we will have another great turnout! Please RSVP at https://allprodadsday.com/chapters/5004 if attending.
Sycamore Gear: Parent Book Club
ALL are invited to discuss the book, “How to Raise and Adult”, by Julie Lythcott-Haims, on Feb 15 (details below).
Free babysitting will be offered. Signs will be posted for direction to HS HUB (enter main entrance at circle drive in back).
Please RSVP if you need babysitting, to www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0544A9AE2AA75-how.
Peacebuilders Parent Training
Peacebuilders Parent Training
for Maple Dale and Symmes Families
Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 6:00-8:00
Symmes Elementary Multipurpose Room
Light Dinner Provided
See flyer here, for more details and to sign up!
Peacebuilder Parent Workshop is an interactive and engaging session designed to teach parents techniques to create a peaceful home and a positive learning experience for their child. This workshop will help to build a common language between school and home. A certified trainer from Peacebuilders, along with the administrative staff from Maple Dale and Symmes will lead the training. All materials will be provided. Please join us!
SEE1 Rock Concert
You are invited to a Rock Concert by:
Sycamore Electric Ensemble
Renowned Electric Violinist Joe Deninzon
Friday, February 24, 2017
7:00 pm (Doors Open at 6:15 pm)
Sycamore High School Auditorium
7400 Cornell Rd
Tickets (reserved seating) - $10
First come, first served
All purchases are non-refundable.
All tickets will be held at Will Call.
Ways to buy tickets:
1. Online www.sbob.org
2. Mail the ticket form (Attention to: SEE 1 Concert) or drop off at HS front office
3. Pre-Sales on Thu, Feb 23 & Fri, Feb 24 (in the Commons 11 am - 12:30 pm)
4. At the Door (Cash or Credit Card only)
For more information call: SHS (513) 686-1770 ext. 3011 or Laura Lopez (513) 238-6345
Friday, Feb 24, 2017, 07:00 PM
Sycamore High School, Cornell Road, Montgomery, OH, United States
Yearbook Orders
Just a reminder that yearbook orders need to placed. Also we would love some more pictures for yearbook. Looking for older grades. You can email pictures to me. Japrior1967@yahoo.com
The final deadline to order is March 3rd. Don’t miss out on the memories and the fun and go online to order your yearbook today!
Carnival News
We are asking for volunteers to fill the following Committee Leader roles:
- Central point of contact for carnival donations
- Organize and solicit community all carnival donations (i.e. bid & buy, food and other operational needs)
- Organize and oversee the monetary sponsorship program
- Ensure Great Gatherings program is coordinated
- Develop and execute recognition program for sponsors
- Central point of contact for carnival communications to ensure consistent messaging
- Develop and executive carnival communication plan
- Collaborate with committee chairs to determine communication needs
- Draft and review communications
- Establish communication timeline
- Ensure adequate signage
- Collaborate with Donations coordinate to communicate to donors and provide recognition
Please contact Shane Davis at (513) 706-8008 or Davis.shane2@gmail.com if you are interested in either role or would like more information.
Attention Fourth Grade Parents!
We are now preparing for this special evening where we will honor these outgoing students, and help them leave their legacy with a special gift from the class. ACTIONS NEEDED: (1) The class of 2025 gift to Maple Dale will be a Welcoming, Spirited Entryway! Picture the Aves green & gold color scheme with welcoming words and atmosphere. Will you please consider making a contribution? Any amount is appreciated. Please visit http://mdpto.3dcartstores.com for more details and to make your contribution. (2) Each child will receive a Sycamore shirt at the celebration provided by the PTO. This is separate from the class gift. No contribution required! Please visit http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084eabaf2b0-maple to provide your child’s shirt size. THANK YOU! If any questions, please contact your 4th Grade Celebration co-chairs, Gina Daly and Katie Zink
About Maple Dale
Email: reinkea@sycamoreschools.org
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 6100 Hagewa Drive, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: (513)686-1720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mapledaleaviators/
Twitter: @MapleDaleElem