Reynolds Band E-News

Week 23
Feb 19 - SB After School Rehearsal 4:30-6 PM @ PHS Band Hall
Feb 26 - Pre-UIL @ PHS during school (WE, SB, CB only)
March 1 - 5th Grade Instrument Fitting Day (volunteers will be needed!)
March 5-7 - CB and SB UIL Day - Reedy HS - Times TBD by Region 24
March 25 - WE After School Rehearsal 4:30-6 PM @ PHS Band Hall
March 25 - Percussion Concert @ PHS - 6:30 PM
March 27-28 - WE UIL Day - Wakeland HS - Times TBD by Region 24
For all band-related questions, please do not reply to this email. Instead, please email your child's director separately using their district email address.
Direct replies to this email will not go to any directors' email inboxes and will not be seen.
Performance Opportunity
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band ONLY
The Reynolds Band has been asked to perform for the upcoming Festival of Nations event, which will be taking place on Thursday, February 27th from 6-7:30 PM at Reynolds. We are thrilled to be included in this event and hope to include as many students as we can.
We have put a survey into Google Classroom for Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Band members to complete to determine whether we can accept this invitation. We need to give an answer to administration today if possible, so we will have students complete this form today during class.
If it looks like we will have enough members available to have a viable performance, it will become a required event for any students who are available that evening.
While we are unsure of the details at this time, we anticipate only about a one hour commitment for the evening, depending on our performance time slots. Students will likely be asked to arrive at Reynolds about 20-30 minutes prior to performance time and then will be allowed to depart as soon as the performance is completed (or go enjoy the culture fair with their friends and family!).
Once we have more information, we will let our WE, SB, and Jazz families know what to expect!
A Video Series: Final Week
Thank you for joining us in the video series! As detailed throughout the month, music is an incredible asset to every child's education in so many ways. We hope to see all of our amazing band students continuing their band journey next year!
If you have any questions about what band will look like for your child next year, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's director.
In our final video, we review how music education can change a child's life!
Major upcoming rehearsals and performances just for Wind Ensemble members are listed below. The dates below only include rehearsals and performances specifically relating to State Honor Band and National Festival entries. (Does not include section-specific performances/events or Solo contest)
- Feb 26 - Pre-UIL @ PHS (parents invited!)
- March 25: 4:30-6:00 - UIL Final Rehearsal @ PHS
- March 27-28: UIL @ Wakeland HS (parents invited!)
- April 29: 4:30-6:00 PM - Full Band Rehearsal @ PHS
- Weds May 7: Spring Concert @ PHS (public concert)
- Fri May 9: Dallas Festival of Bands @ St. Andrews Methodist Church in Plano (parents invited!)
- Sat May 10: 1:00-2:45 PM - Wind Ensemble Final Recording Concert @ PHS (Concert @ 2PM)
The events below are just for Symphonic Band in preparation for UIL C&SR. This does not include spection-specific performances or solo contest:
- February 19th - 4:30-6:00 PM - Rehearsal @ PHS
- February 26 - Pre-UIL @ PHS (parents invited!)
- March 5-7 - UIL C&SR @ Reedy HS (parents invited!)
The events below are important Concert Band UIL events:
- February 26 - Pre-UIL @ PHS (parents invited!)
- March 5-7 - UIL C&SR @ Reedy HS (parents invited!)
Pre-UIL Schedule *Logistics Sheet Added!*
Feb 26, 2025 | Prosper HS Auditorium
WHO: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble Members
WHEN: February 26th - During School
ATTIRE: Formal attire - please double check for all black dress shoes and tall black socks. If your child is NEW to Reynolds, please secure the following items in addition to black dress shoes and tall black dress socks prior to February 26th:
- Black slacks (dress pants)
- Black button down dress shirt - no extra pockets or other markings.
CHAPERONES: We will need 2 parents per band to ride a bus with the students. Chaperone signups are available in CutTime!
AUDIENCE: Parents are also invited to come watch us perform at PHS! If you wish to attend, please check in at the front office at PHS and let them know you are there to watch the band perform. They will scan your ID. Let them know if you need help finding the auditorium!
TIMES: The schedule with call times and return times is pictured below. Here are the performance times:
- Concert Band - 10:00 AM
- Symphonic Band - 11:00 AM
- Wind Ensemble - 12:00 PM
**The Logistics Sheet is linked below! Paper copies will go home late this week.
Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble students will receive a paper calendar for their sectional schedule this week. Please see their January and February calendars below.
WE Percussion
Tuesday Am - 6:40-8:00 in the Band Hall
Thursday 3:45-5:00 PM - Band Hall
Band Olympics Medal Status
Jr. Olympian | 65 Points
- Ishan G
- Aadhya B
- Abhinaya T
- Deva K
- Siri S
- Lakshmi G
- Braden H
Bronze | 100 Points
- Akhil N
- Anvika H
- Krithika M
Gold | 300 Points
- Shreya R.
Students on the No Photo List in Skyward cannot be included in any of our event photos, regardless of parent intent. This includes the Yearbook!
If your child has been removed from photos but you want your child to be in band photos, please check your child's skyward account and un-check the No Photo button or call the front office at Reynolds for instructions if you need help.
7/8 Band Supplies
Beginning Band Supplies
Access at reynoldsband.com/lessons
Private lessons are a vital part of any successful band program and are what make the Reynolds band students really great musicians! Prosper ISD bands are very fortunate to have a staff of incredibly highly qualified teachers that have been vetted by the same intensive processes as all Prosper ISD school teachers. We very highly recommend that any and all band students enroll lessons offered through the Reynolds Band. Additionally, most students who take lessons from Reynolds lesson staff are able to take lessons during band class!
**Reminder: Private lessons are required for Symphonic Winds members as well as french horn, double reed, and percussion students.
Clarinet, saxophone, low brass, and percussion: Due to the high demand of for lessons from our amazing teachers at Reynolds as well as other schools, these sections tend to fill up FAST - we highly recommend signing up sooner than later to ensure a spot in the studio!
For more information about our lesson program, please visit reynoldsband.com/lessons or click the link below to enroll your child in the 2023-2024 Reynolds Band Private Lesson program today!