Madeira Middle School News
November 1, 2024
Where Learning is Personalized and Success is Ensured
Teaching & Learning
Climate & Culture
Communication & Partnership
Sound Operational Management & Financial Stewardship
Principal Update
Madeira Middle School Families,
We hope you were able to spend some time outside this past weekend to enjoy the beautiful weather!
We want to make sure you have our Veterans Day Program marked on your calendars for next Monday, November 11th beginning at 9:00 in the middle school gym. Our 7th/8th grade Band and Choir students will be performing as we honor our local Veterans. The program lasts about an hour and guests are invited into the cafeteria to enjoy refreshments from our PTO.
Our first full LIGHT Day on October 25th was a success. It was a day filled with fun activities highlighting the five pillars for what we embrace here at MMS; Leadership, Integrity, Generosity, Honesty, and Teamwork. Students in grades 6-8 came together with their Houses for fun activities ending with a pep rally and tug-a-war.
Our 8th graders enjoyed a wonderful Washington DC trip October 15-17th. We made the choice to move the trip to the fall for our 8th graders in order to continue to foster connections throughout the class that we hope will have a positive impact for the rest of their year here at MMS. So many memories were made. A big shoutout to all of our staff chaperones that made the trip this year!
When you find a painted rock in the community, hopefully the message that it reads will prompt you to pay it forward. Our 6th graders walked throughout the community last Friday, spreading kindness. This is in connection with a book that they read, Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
If you have driven through the middle school parking lot you may have noticed the work being done on the baseball field. They are installing turf on the infield. This project is moving along with a projected end date in February. Please note that the field and portions of the track are closed while this project is underway.
Parents, if you receive an email which appears to be from me or another MMS staff member, please check the email closely to make sure it is from "madeiracityschools.org". Unfortunately there are people creating fake accounts and sending emails out that appear to be from a Madeira staff. Please check the address closely before responding.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Have a wonderful week!
Niki Huelsman
Principal, MMS
Mark Your Calendars...
November 7 - Family Fun Night
November 7 - 8th Grade Visit to MHS
November 7 - 6th Grade Gifted Testing
November 7 - 8th Graders at MHS for the MHS Showcase 2.0
November 11 - Veterans Day Program 9:00-10:00am
November 15 - Last day for luminary orders
November 22 - 8th Grade Career Day 9:00-11:00am
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Field of Flags
This Veterans Day, Madeira Middle School's National Junior Honor Society is hosting a Field of Flags to honor local veterans and raise funds for our nation's heroes. Each flag, available for a $1 donation, represents a veteran and their story of courage and sacrifice.
All proceeds go to the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) organization, which provides vital services for veterans and their families. Flags will be sold to students from November 4th to 8th, and parents and community members can also purchase flags through the school.
Join us in honoring our veterans and supporting those who have given so much.
See the form below for more details.
Madeira Schools Foundation
Are you looking for an amazing Family Fun Night experience AND an opportunity to raise money for Madeira Schools Foundation at the very same time? Look no further! The Madeira Schools Foundation is partnering with the Acres Cincinnati for a fundraiser. The Acres is offering a lighted forest walk for the upcoming holiday season, and 20% of ticket sales from November 5-November 7 will go to the MSF. Please visit www.acrescincinnati.com for more information and to purchase tickets. Be sure to specify that you’d like to support the Madeira Schools Foundation at checkout.
Class Sweatshirts
MMS National Junior Honor Society is selling class sweatshirts! Order form is linked below. All orders MUST be in by Tuesday, Nov. 12. The sweatshirts are $40 and will be available for distribution before winter break. Please indicate on the order form if this will be a gift and we will contact parents directly to pick up the sweatshirt from the main office. Money raised from the sweatshirt sales benefit NJHS projects.
Congratulations to our new NJHS members!
Congratulations to the following students for their acceptance into NJHS:
7th Grade
Audra Allen, Isla Baxter, Lia Benetti, Abbie Brooks, Maximus Bruening, Anna Bryn, Caden Chu, Jude Cowden, Bridget Creedon, Annie Cunningham, Brody Cunningham, Dylan Drews, Rosalind Eppert, Brysoin Felicelli, Evelyn Foley, Cailyn Fong, Kate Frazier, Conner Geers, Sydney Haizlip, Alexander Hoffman, Delilah Hoffmann, Abigail Hough, Chase Hough, Emma Howell, Finn Hurley, Lucas Kimble, Ryan Knueven, Bryce Lewellyn, Avey Lockhart, Mason Meadows, Luna Mendez-Morales, William Morgan, Louis Moyer, Aubrey Muhlen, Maxwell Nelson, Bennett Rapp, Lillian Rosendale, Molly Rossiter, Henry Scott, Eli Shafer, Owen Shafer, Callum Singh, Jesse Spencer, Harper Suit, Elsie Thomas, Carter Trimble, Grace Wood
8th Grade
Grayson Bouchard, Addison Brock, Lillian Carpenter, Hollyn Egan, Charlotte Ewald, Jocelyn Mount, Isabelle Oyler, Hutton Yankie
Madeira Helping Hands
The holiday season is quickly approaching. As a service to the students and families of our community, the Helping Hands program is intended to facilitate Madeira’s ability to provide support for those of us in need through the school year. We understand that hardships can arise unexpectedly, and we know that there are many people in our town that very much want to help. Helping Hands is an effort to make the connections that help our community be a better place. Please read the attached letter for ways your family can assist those in our community or click on this link to receive assistance during the holidays.
Helping Hands link: Click here for holiday assistance.
Thank you for your ongoing support of this program.
Math Counts
I am excited to announce this school year's launch of our competitive math club, Math Counts! This club is designed for students who excel in mathematics and are eager to explore challenging problems in a fun and engaging environment.
First Meeting Details:
Date: Thrusday, November 7
Time: 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: room 205
Math Counts is a wonderful opportunity for students to challenge themselves, work collaboratively, and participate in competitions. If your child has a passion for math and is looking for a stimulating experience, we encourage them to join us!
Please complete the math counts permission slip if your child plans to attend. I have printed copies in my room (205). I look forward to a fantastic year filled with problem-solving and challenging math! Students can return the permission slip to room 205 when completed.
Best regards,
Catie Sherman
Madeira Luminaria 2024
The Madeira Luminaria is BACK! The MMS PTO is excited to partner with the City of Madeira Parks and Rec Division this holiday season to make St. Nicks Night on December 5th the biggest and BRIGHTEST event to bring in the holiday season! Luminary kits are now on sale and will be delivered right to each person's front door! New this year, is the option to donate a luminary kit. Each donated kit will be placed along St. Nick's sleigh ride route to light his way!
Orders can be placed by visiting the fundraiser website at https://givebutter.com/MadeiraLuminaria2024 or by scanning the QR code located on the flyer. Paper order forms are also available at the MMS office and the Madeira city building. All orders must be placed by November 15th! If you would like to help the MMS PTO deliver the luminary kits, please consider signing up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4FAEAA22ABFD0-52195566-mmsluminary
Changing of the Guard Ceremony
8th Grade in Washington DC
Thank you to all of our staff chaperones
School Fees
Each year it is necessary to have student fees to pay for the consumable materials used by your child during the school year. These materials are workbooks, paperback novels, or online resources that the students use or art supplies they use for their projects, which need to be re-ordered for the following year.
It is highly recommended that every student purchase the optional chromebook insurance, which is $25 per year. When accessing EZPay you will need to do the "add-on" to add the insurance. The deadline for purchasing chromebook insurance is September 30, 2024. Total fees with this option selected will be $90 for each student.
If you plan to pay by check, please make the check payable to Madeira Middle School, and include your child’s name. You can also pay the fee using a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover by going to the district website www.madeiracityschools.org click on Quicklinks then on Student Fees and follow the prompts.
If you are unable to pay the fees right away, please contact the office at 513-561-5555 to make arrangements for fee payment.
Purchasing Chromebook Insurance
If you would like to purchase the insurance there are one of two ways this can be done.
1. You can send in a check made to payable to Madeira Middle School for $25.00 which can be add to your students school fee payment. School fees this year are $65 by adding your insurance the total amount due will be $90.
2. You can pay online by following these directions:
Go to the Madeira City School website
Click on “Quick Links”
Click on “Student Fees – EZ Pay”
Enter your information and student number
Once the fee information comes up go to the far right and click on “Activity Fees” (it is in a lighter colored box)
Click on the “Chrome book Insurance” (second option down green box) from there you will be able to add the insurance to your child’s fees.
Yellow House showing up!
Orange House coming together!
To report your student absent, please call 513-924-3777 and leave a voicemail with your student's name, grade level, and reason for absence. You can also email alubert@madeiracityschools.org to notify absences planned in advance.
If you are picking your student up early from school, you can call ahead or send an email and we will have your student ready in the office for you. You will still need to come into the office to sign he/she out. If they are returning before the end of the day, they can come back into the office and sign themselves back in.
Important: Students who are absent from school may not participate in after-school athletics or activities on the same day. In addition, if a student leaves school early or arrives after 10:30am to school, they may not participate in after-school clubs or activities on the same day without a doctor's note (from a scheduled/routine appointment).
Girls on the Run
6th Grade Food Truck Day
Art Club creating some fall decor
Yearbooks for Sale
If you are interested in ordering your child a 2024-2025 Madeira Middle School Yearbook the link is below:
Yearbooks are $20. Orders are due February 15. Thanks!
Girls on the Run
Yellow House LIGHT Day Rotation
Orange House LIGHT Day Rotation
Blue House LIGHT Day Rotation
Green House LIGHT Day Rotation
Red House LIGHT Day Rotation
Additional Resources
Madeira Middle School
Email: nhuelsman@madeiracityschools.org
Website: madeiracityschools.org
Location: 6612 Miami Avenue
Phone: 513-561-5555
Twitter: @MadeiraMiddle