The BHS Newsletter, 23rd Edition: Monday, Feb. 10, 2025
Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff,
According to the "History Channel," there are several origins of Valentine's Day. Here are a couple of excerpts from their article online:
Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, though written Valentines didn’t begin to appear until after 1400. The oldest known Valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. In addition to the United States, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia. In Great Britain, Valentine’s Day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century.
Americans probably began exchanging hand-made Valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass-produced Valentines in America. Howland, known as the “Mother of the Valentine,” made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons, and colorful pictures known as “scrap.” Today, according to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year, making Valentine’s Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year. More cards are sent at Christmas.
Whether you are a Valentine's Day person or not, take the day to appreciate those around you who love you and that you love. A meaningful "thank you," "I love you," a handwritten note, and/or a hug will go a long way over anything of monetary value. Make sure your circle knows you care for them and love them.
"Everyone has a role in our students' education... the students, teachers and staff, the parents, and the community... Go Hounds!"
***To keep up with everything "Boerne HS," please check our school website and your school email periodically. Also, follow Boerne HS on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest updates.***
Shane Wilson
Boerne HS
Important dates to remember:
February 10th to 14th - CCMR Theme Week
February 10th - Boerne FFA & Booster Club Meeting
February 12th - Boerne HS Cheer Team and Mascot Mandatory Tryout meeting (see more info below)
February 15th - School Resource Officer and Security Guard Day
February 17th - Student & Staff Holiday (President's Day)
February 27th - PTO Chick-fil-A Day!
March 3rd - Dual Credit and AP Night (see flyer below)
March 10th to 14th - Spring Break
March 19th - SAT School Day - ALL Juniors!
How can you help ADA (Average Daily Attendance) and school funding?
Schedule appointments after 10:30 am or in the afternoons.
As we progress through the year, parents and guardians remember:
It is important that you understand attendance, check-out procedures, returning of doctor and parent notes, different types of absences, how they count, etc. See this link and review the Boerne High School Attendance Guidelines and Procedures.
The 2024-2025 Boerne ISD Student Handbook, beginning on page 15, also details "Compulsory Attendance" and absence guidelines and procedures. Click here for the link to the Boerne ISD Student Handbook.
Happenings at Boerne HS:
- The Greyhound Swim teams competed at the UIL Regional Championships this past Friday and Saturday at the Southwest ISD Natatorium. Nineteen individual swimmers competed, and two advanced to State. Cooper Wagner took 2nd place in the 50m and 100m Freestyle, and Lauren Summers will advance in the 100m Breaststroke. Congratulations and good luck!!!
- Girls' basketball clinched 3rd place in the district with big wins over New Braunfels and Kerrville last week. Their overall record is 21-12, and they finished 12-5 in district. Tomorrow, they will take on Cedar Park HS in the Bi-District Round of the playoffs at Wimberley. Tip-off is at 6:30 pm. Come out and support our girls! Good luck, ladies!
- Boys' basketball will be having Senior Night Tuesday to wrap up their season. They host Kerrville. Good luck, boys!
- The boys' soccer team was off last week on Tuesday and came up short in a battle at Pieper on Friday. They host New Braunfels Tuesday and Wagner on Friday. Their overall record is 7-2-1 with a 5-1-1 district record. Halfway through district they are sitting in 2nd place. Good luck, boys!
- Girls' soccer battled all the way to the end and came up with a huge win versus state-ranked Pieper, 1-0. Their current record sits at 9-5, 4-3 in district. They are on the road all week, at New Braunfels on Tuesday and at Wagner on Friday. Good luck, girls!
- Greyhound Softball wrapped up their scrimmages last week, hosting O'Connor on Tuesday and Reagan on Friday. They begin district play tomorrow by hosting Wagner HS. Good luck, ladies!
- Baseball will have two more scrimmages this week, both at home. They host Steele HS tonight, and on Friday, they will host O'Connor HS. Good luck, boys!
- Last week, the Boys and Girls Greyhound Golf Teams took first place at the Bandera Invitational at the Flying L Golf Course. Some highlights include: Lila Sherrill hitting a "Hole in One," Rhyann Tuschinski placing 3rd overall, Vincent Namvar placing 1st overall, and Dalton Cunningham placing 3rd overall. Both teams are participating in the Taft Invitational at the Fair Oaks Country Club Golf Course today. Good luck!
- Congratulations to our six athletes who signed National Letters of Intent to continue their Academic and Athletic careers last week: Ty Bush, Braden Bays, Hutson Hendrix, Logan Schram, Reese House, and Hudson McNew!
- Greyhound Track and Field competed in the Charger Relays this past Thursday here in Boerne. They will be in Boerne again this Thursday as they host the Greyhound Relays. Good luck, Hounds!
- Greyhound Tennis saw its first action of the Spring this past Friday as they traveled to Mason to participate in the Puncher Shootout! They brought several medals home from the two-day event. This week, they will travel to San Antonio to participate in NISD's Anne Marie Invitational. Good luck, Hounds!
- Congratulations to the Boerne HS Dance Teams this weekend. They competed at the MA Dance competition at Champion HS. Varsity and JV placed first in many divisions. Congratulations!
- Congratulations to the Boerne HS German Club and their success at the Sprachfest this past weekend at O'Connor HS. Please see the results and pictures below. Good luck at the State competition!
Girls Basketball Bi-District Playoff - Tuesday
Greyhound Football State Medal Presentation
Congrats Cooper...Headed to State Swim in 2 events!!!
Congrats Lauren... Headed to State Swim!!!
February 5th Signing Day... Congratulations!!!
Ty Bush - Football
Brayden Bays - Football
Logan Schram - Football
Hutson Hendrix - Football
University of Arkansas
Reese House - Baseball
University of New Mexico Highlands
Hudson McNew - Baseball & Football
Trinity University
Eagle Scout Project - Will Tate
Will Tate
9 garden boxes installed
HOSA Advances to State!
This past Saturday, the Boerne HS HOSA Public Service Announcement Team placed 2nd in the Area competition and will advance to State. Members of the team (L to R) are:
Emma Murphy
Andie Geddes
Faith Lopez
Sophia Hernandez
Congratulations and Good Luck at State!!!
Congrats Boys and Girls Golf: 1st Place in Bandera
Boerne HS Dance sweeps the competition!
BHS Varsity Starlettes
Varsity Starlettes Results
JV Silver Stars Results
German Club competes at the Sprachfest
This past Saturday, February 8, 17 BHS students participated in our annual Sprachfest competition, held both virtually & in person at O’Connor High School. Sprachfest is like a UIL competition for German but has multiple events available. BHS students competed against other middle school and high school students from the South/Central TX region, and the top 5 placers in each event qualify for the Texas State German Contest, held at Texas State University on March 1. Students compete in art events (e.g. – crafts, digital logo design, needlework, photo essay, etc.), research papers focused on German-Texan themes, declamation (prose/poetry), drama (duet acting, puppets, and skits), music (e.g. – classical ensemble, folk dance, polka band, vocal events), oral tests (directed dialogue, extemporaneous speaking, pair discussion, oral presentation, sight reading), and written tests (culture, grammar, reading/listening comprehension, etc.), Scavenger Hunt & Pass Auf! (a trivia-style game played in teams).
Boerne High School earned 318 sweepstakes points collectively, garnering them 3rd place in the small school division (based on German enrollment rather than UIL designations)!
Please congratulate the following students on their placements at Sprachfest and for nearly all of them, their qualification for the Texas State German Contest on Saturday, March 1!
Save the date: Thursday, February 27, 2025, for our annual Sprachfestabend, when we’ll have artwork on display and students/groups will perform their pieces. It will be in the BHS auditorium starting at 6 PM.
Art/Culture Events:
Poster Design – Abigail Koenig, 1st place
Poster Design – Jackson Olivo, 2nd place
Shirt Design – Jutta Schomberg, 2nd place
Crafts – Jackson Olivo, 3rd place
Photography – Delilah Schmidt, 3rd place
Digital Logo Design – Kate Whittenburg, 6th place
Doll Costume – Chris Samsa, 7th place
Needlework – Sara Kleeman, 7th place
Photography – Keira Reischling, 7th place
Digital Logo Design – Ty Morgan & Julian Wasel, 10th place
Declamation: (All qualified for state!!)
Poetry Reading, Level 1 – Carter Krug, 1st place
Prose Reading, Level 1 – Carter Krug, 1st place
Poetry Memorized, Advantaged – Jutta Schomberg, 1st place
Prose Reading, Level 4 – Cole Grotjohn, 1st place
Music Events: (All qualified for state!!)
Folk Dance – Matthew Brock, Leah Campbell, Gus Mattiella (CHS), Keira Reischling, Chris Samsa, Delilah Schmidt – 1st place
Oral Tests: (All qualified for state!!)
Oral Presentation, Advantaged – Sara Kleeman, 2nd place
Oral Presentation, Advantaged – Jutta Schomberg, 4th place
Directed Dialogue (Interview event), Level 2 – Matthew Brock, 5th place
Written Tests:
Culture, Level 3 – Noelle Muir, 1st place
Culture, Level 3 – Jackson Olivo, 2nd place
Grammar, Level 3 – Jackson Olivo, 2nd place
Culture, Level 3 – Ty Morgan, 3rd place
Spelling, Level 3 – Noelle Muir, 4th place
Advantaged Speaker Test – Jutta Schomberg, 5th place
Culture, Level 2 – Matthew Brock, 5th place
Listening Comprehension, Level 3 – Noelle Muir, 5th place
Reading Comprehension, Level 3 – Noelle Muir, 5th place
Spelling, Level 2 – Matthew Brock, 5th place
Advantaged Speaker Test – Julian Wasel, 6th place
Reading Comprehension, Level 3 – Jackson Olivo, 6th place
Listening Comprehension, Level 3 – Ty Morgan, 8th place
Grammar, Level 2 – Matthew Brock, 9th place
Research Paper: Jackson Olivo, 1st place
Scavenger Hunt: Abigail Koenig, Ty Morgan, Delilah Schmidt, Marlee Evans - Qualified
Pass Auf! Varsity: Noelle Muir, Jackson Olivo, Ty Morgan, Keira Reischling, Julian Wasel - 5th place
Pass Auf! Novice: Adeline Koenig, Delilah Schmidt – 3rd place
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Jennifer Christianson
German Club
Celebrate College, Career, & Military Readiness with us at BHS: Feb 10th - 14th
Please join us at our PTO meeting this week...
Trying to stay warm? Check out these Hoodies and Sweatshirts from the PTO:
It's getting chilly, and we are all in need of some cold-weather Greyhound Spirit Wear! This sale is a special one, as ALL proceeds benefit Hound Hut Students. The Hound Hut has been developed by the PTO to help purchase spirit wear, game tickets, Prom tickets, caps and gowns, etc., and sponsors other spirit-related activities for BHS students in need.
Boerne HS Cheer Team Mandatory Tryout Meeting
Boerne HS Mascot Mandatory Tryout Meeting
An Announcement from Nurse Gish
Teachers and Staff,
Our annual Stop the Bleed training during Advisory Class will be offered on Thursday, February 13. This is NOT mandatory but strongly suggested if you have never taken a course or need a refresher. Please come to L103 from 11:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.
Everyone is invited to attend, all students and adults. Please complete the Google form if you are interested in coming. https://forms.gle/ASUiLJYKHYMbZ9Jf8
Carole Gish, BSN, RN, NCSN
Boerne High School
Boerne HS Counselor's Corner
Hey, Greyhounds! We hope you are conversing with your teachers and parents as we enter the 2025-2026 school year course selection process. Please utilize the Boerne ISD High School Course Catalog to review our course offerings as well as information regarding Dual Credit, AP, and Core Complete options. We will be working with students individually during their course selection. *Please understand that our response time to non-emergency emails and phone calls will be delayed as we are meeting with students individually throughout the month of February.
Dual Credit:
We will hold a second Dual Credit Information Night on Monday, March 3rd, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the BHS Library. Northwest Vista College's application deadline is March 28th. All links and information presented can be located in the Dual Credit Google Classroom. If your student was unable to attend, please have them join the Dual Credit Google Classroom using the following code: jfjgiiu
· If you need your official transcript, please come to the counseling office to get a transcript request form. All transcripts have to be requested through the front office. Counselors can provide you with a copy of your unofficial transcript.
· You’ll need to log into College Board to send your SAT scores to the colleges you are applying to.
· If you need a letter of recommendation, please pick up a Senior Resume Packet in the counseling office and allow at least two weeks for your letter to be written.
*Seniors, please be sure you are completing your FAFSA application. We will handle all opt-out FAFSA forms in late April/May.
SAT School Day
All juniors will be taking the SAT during the school day on March 19th, 2025. If you are a senior who would like to test, please be sure to stop by the counselor’s office by Friday, March 7th, to be added to the testing roster. The cost for seniors to take the SAT on March 19th, 2025, is $60.00. You can pay by cash or check in the counselor’s office.
TSI Testing:
The next TSI test for the Spring will be on February 20th, 2025. We will offer the TSI every two weeks in the Spring semester. Please be sure to use the updated Google form/QR code to sign up. All sign-ups and payments are due TWO days before the TSI testing date. Scan the QR code in the counseling office to register, or click the link here. You may pay $15 for the full TSI in our office or on RevTrak. If paying for 1-2 sections, you must pay in the counseling office to avoid the full $15.00 on RevTrak.
Our alphabet splits are listed below. If you haven’t met your school counselor yet, please reach out so we can make that welcome more personable.
Oneida Sitterle – A-Ga oneida.sitterle@boerneisd.net
Andrea Aldrete: Ge-N andrea.aldrete@boerneisd.net
Heather Shannon: O-Z heather.shannon@boerneisd.net
Katrina Erdos: Counselor Secretary katrina.erdos@boerneisd.net
Click below to find the BHS Counselors webpage and contact info...
Click below to find the BHS Teachers webpage and contact info...
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Families are encouraged to complete the application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals available here or return the completed paper form to any campus office.
To view the complete free and reduced lunch letter please see below.
What is the GABC all about???
The "Greyhound Athletic Booster Club" (GABC) supports all athletic teams at Boerne High School, working to help our student-athletes achieve their best and make the most of their high school athletic careers. Championships are earned by teams committed to excellence and benefit from complete “buy-in” and support from the student-athletes, coaches, student body, administrators, parents, and community.
By becoming a member of the GABC, you not only support the Boerne High School Athletic Department, individual sport programs, coaches, parents, and student athletes, but you also make a smart financial move. All contributions, donations, sponsorships, and memberships are considered charitable contributions and are tax-deductible. So, avoid the lines and hassle of writing another check and register online. Click on the tab below to go to the website and become a member!
Boerne HS FFA Booster Club
Our Booster Club plays a crucial role in ensuring every Ag student has access to the opportunities that come with FFA membership. With one of the largest programs in the area, volunteers are vital to our success, and there are many ways you can contribute and make a meaningful impact. You can find volunteer opportunities through your account in the Membership Toolkit.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we help fund equipment, hotels, and other essential needs to support our teachers and students as they compete at local and state levels.
Not a member yet? It’s not too late to get involved! Join us today at: https://bhsffabooster.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/293405.
We look forward to partnering with you, seeing you at events, and working together to make this year a success for our Boerne FFA students!
Best regards,
Boerne FFA Booster Club Board
The next FFA Chapter & Booster Club Meeting is:
Mon., Feb. 10th at 6 pm in the BHS Ag Building
Get your Boerne HS FFA Spirit Wear ASAP...
Our BHS FFA Booster Club is thrilled to offer BHS FFA Spirit Wear, now available for purchase! Whether you're a student, parent, or supporter of BHS FFA, these items are a great way to show your support for our Future Farmers of America.
Visit the Spirit Wear Store to purchase BHS FFA t-shirts and hats today!
Once you’ve placed your order, here’s what you can expect:
- Orders will be fulfilled within 5 business days.
- All items will be delivered to the BHS Front Office, where parents or students can pick them up.
- You will receive an email notification once your order has been fulfilled and is ready for pick-up.
Thank you for supporting our BHS FFA students and the BHS agricultural program. We look forward to seeing you proudly wear your BHS FFA gear!
Use the QR Code below to order your Yearbook and Senior Ads today!!!
Calling all SENIORS!!! Grilled Cheese Wednesdays...
Boerne HS Campus Behavior Expectations...
We ask that you review our "Campus Behavior Expectations" with your student. If your student wants to be successful at Boerne HS academically, socially, and emotionally, these three simple, easy expectations can be followed. As faculty and staff, we plan to model these behaviors to our students daily. We will be visiting with and reminding our students about these expectations consistently and ask that you do the same.
Be prompt and productive - be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, and do what you are supposed to do.
Have respect for yourself and others - when you have respect, you make good, thoughtful choices considering everyone's feelings and beliefs.
See something, say something - be a voice for someone when they can't. If you see or know something is wrong, alert an adult you know ASAP. Don't overlook something you know is wrong.
Student Code of Conduct, Handbook, & FAQs
To view the Student Code of Conduct, please click here.
To view the Student Handbook, please click here.
To view an FAQ with more information, please click here.
Contact any Boerne HS administrator if you have any questions regarding the Student Code of Conduct.