Baby it's Finally Cold Outside!
It's Winter (Texas Style)
Tuesday just got more terrific! Spend $50 and get one of my favorite scarves for ONLY $14.99! You'll also earn $25 Dot Dollars to redeem towards a purchase after the holidays! It's definitely a WIN-WIN!
It Pays to Shop
Need some teachers gifts or stocking stuffers now??? Shop here in November and for every $50 you spend- you will earn $25 Dot Dollars to shop with after Christmas!!!! Get the gifts you need NOW- and treat yourself to something new and fabulous with your Dot Dollars!!
Interested In Becoming A Stylist Along With Me?
Do you want a fun flexible part time job, or even a new full time career? Join my team with Stella & Dot and earn as much money a month as YOU want!!!! Be your own boss!! I as you mentor will train you to start your business off successfully and make it everything You want it to be! Earn thousands of dollars a month and have super fun accessories for FREE as a job perk! Please message me here for more info!
Happy Christmas Shopping My Friends!
Sarah Stone Bragg, Star Stylist + Stella & Dot
Email: sarahstonebragg@gmail.com
Website: www.stelladot.com/sarahstonebragg
Phone: 210-663-0881
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahstonebragg/
Twitter: @sarahstonebragg