January and February Itinerary
Monday the 6th January to Wednesday 5th February
Daily Itinerary
Book your fun Vacation Care now
Please pack your child/ren the following:
- A Full lunch box (Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea)
- A Drink Bottle (We can refill),
- A Hat and Sun Safety Clothing (T-shirts) to OOSH Every day.
- Enclosed Shoes (No scandals or crocs unless specified waterplay)
Week 1
Monday 6th- Forties Nerf War
Come dressed as your favourite Character
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create Drop Boxes
- Create Treasure Chest
- Create Splashes
- Create Med-Kits
- Create a Map
- Create Player Cards
- Plan- Are we playing- Solo, Duo, Trio or Squad (4 People)
Extra Outside Activities:
Obstacle Course
Create Respawn Areas
30 Minute Round- Group 1- 30 Children
30 Minute Round- Group 2- 30 Children
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
1:15pm- 2:15pm
Create Respawn Areas
30 Minute Round- Group 2- 30 Children
30 Minute Round- Group 1- 30 Children
Afternoon Activities:
- Slime Slurp Jugs
- Harma Bead Shock Waves, Banana, Coconuts, Mushrooms
- Pom Pom Lama
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Nerf Target Shoot out
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Create Respawn Areas
30 Minute Round- Group 1- 30 Children
30 Minute Round- Group 2- 30 Children
Extra Information: Children will not need to bring anything we have nerf guns, bullets and glasses.
Tuesday 7th- Timezone
Excursion: Children to be at service at 9:30am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create a point throw game
- Create a Skee Ball Run
- Create a Scratch Jnr Game
Outside Activities:
- Ping Pong Tournament
- Handball Competition
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Greenhill's Timezone 10:30am- 2:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch (We will take our bags and eat at venue)
Afternoon Activities:
- Create and play magnetic claw machine
- Moving Balloon Cars
- Catapults
- Harma Bead Tokens
Outside Activities:
- Activity Booklets
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest.
Wednesday 8th- A Day about Reptiles
Reptile Incursion
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create your own Squishy reptile
- Make a spiral snake
- Moveable lizard Creations
- Snake like jewelry making
Extra Outside Activities:
Oz Tag on the field
Skipping under cola
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Group 1: 11am Reptile Interactive Show (1Hour)
Group 2: 12:30pm Reptile Interactive Show(1Hour)
12:00 pm-12:30 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Beaded reptile keychains
- Sandpaper painting experience
- Loom Band reptile eyes creation
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Jump like a crocodile competition
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Thursday 9th- Sonic
Excursion: Children to be at service at 9:00am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create Golden Rings (For afternoon activity)
- Sonic Spinners
- Ring Toss
- Crystal Creation Experiment
Outside Activities:
- Sonic Inspired obstacle course
- Sonic Catch (Dodgeball)
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Glendale Movies 9:30am- 1:00pm
1:00- 1:30pm pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Find then hidden Gems for the paradox
- Create a sonic run course
- Slide Hockey
Outside Activities:
- Volley Ball
- Golden Ring Race
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest. Children will receive Popcorn and a drink.
Friday 10th- Colour Run
Dress in white, it's time to get COLOURFUL!
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Suncatchers
- Colourful Playdough exploration
- Harma Beads
Extra Outside Activities:
- Catch the water game
- Water Water, Soak
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Bop Til You Drop Colour Run- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Afternoon Activities:
- Bracelet Creations
- Scientist Kit
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Badminton
- Parachute Games
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Extra Information: Please bring your child/ren a spare change of clothes and a towel. Children can wear crocs during this event as it is waterplay.
Week 2
Monday 13th- Video Gamers
Gaming Van: 10:00am-4:00pm
The children will organise their own small groups of 6-10 children and will take turns having game time in the gaming van with Educators
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Magnetic Pacman
- Create a game cube
- Paper Tetris
- Blind Magnetic face game
Extra Outside Activities:
- Activity Book
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Create 3D Stories and Glasses
- Tin foil Creations
- Mini Projectors
-3D Wall Creations
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Tuesday 14th- Taco Tuesday
A Day inspired by Encanto the Movie- Dress up for a Fiesta.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Festive Lanterns
- Fiesta Banner
- My gift is door 'inspired by Encanto'
- Mini Catus craft
Extra Outside Activities:
- Volleyball
- Skipping/ Rope Jumping
11:30am-12:30pm- Fiesta Dance Party
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch (Lunch Provided) Please bring your child their full lunchbox in case they do not like the tacos provided
Afternoon Activities:
- Stem Butterflys
- Paper Puppet Toucans
- My Family Tree
- Encanto BINGO!
- Origami Flowers
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Wednesday 15th- Dullboys
Excursion: Children to be at service at 9:00am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Golf ball painting
- Create Golf Course pieces for hockey golf
- DIY Golf Sticks
- Mini Golf Track
Outside Activities:
- Handball Competition
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Rutherford Dullboys- 9:30am- 1:00pm
1:00- 1:30 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Stress Ball Creations
- Salt dough Tee's
- Create and Play Target Point Golf
Outside Activities:
- Hockey
- Wall Golf
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest.
Thursday 16th- Harry Potter Day
Dress up in your favourite house colours or character
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Harry Potter Origami Sorting hat quiz
- DIY- miniatures
- Identity Cards (Chose a name and play the game)
- Wand Creations/ Holders
Extra Outside Activities:
- Badminton
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Mad Scientist- Interactive Harry Potter Workshop
Group 1- 10:00am- 11:00am
Group 2- 11:00am- 12:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Potion Making Table
- Monster Book Creation
- ASE Book of spells
- Make a golden Snitch
- Harry Potter Perler Beads
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Friday 17th- Super M Stufflers Party
Super M Stuffler Party- Inspired by Mario
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create and Play Fireball Toss
- Create Super Mario Scene
- Green Super Mario Pipe pencil Holder
- Yoshi Egg Hunt
Extra Outside Activities:
- Obstacle Course
- Oz Tag
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Stuffler Creations- 11:00am- 12:30pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG)- in the HUB
- Pop Up Fireball Plants
- Harma Beads
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Week 3
Monday 20th- Wet Sports Day
No limits Water Sports Incursion
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Oil and Water Droplet Painting
- Ocean straw blowing painting
- Floating water drawings
- Battery water tornado experiment
Extra Outside Activities:
- Water Balloon Towel Relay
- Water Balloon Colander Toss
- Human Rock, Paper, Scissors
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Mind Path Sports- 10:00am- 11:00am- Water Sports Event
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Water Slide Creations
- Origami Paper Boat Creation
- Rain in a jar experiment
- Ocean Sensory Exploration Table
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Bouncing Bubbles
- Sponge Bucket Game
- Sponge Toss
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Extra Information: Please bring your child/ren a spare change of clothes and a towel. Children can wear crocs during this event as it is waterplay.
Tuesday 21st- Laser STEM
Excursion: Children to be at service at 9:00am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Reflective Light match game
- Create and make your way through the Lazer wool maze
- STEM Light Exploration
- Colour/Colourless drawing Experiment
Outside Activities:
- Outdoor Experience Kit
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Red Alert Warners Bay- 10:30- 1:30pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch (At the venue, children will take their bags)
Afternoon Activities:
- Open Lanterns
- DIY Star Clock
- Night Sky Painting
Outside Activities:
- Activity Booklets
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest.
Wednesday 22nd- Dinosaur Day
Excursion: Children to be at service at 8:30am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Salt Dough Fossils
- Create and Play Fossil Dig Sensory Bags
- DIY Dinosaur Eggs
Outside Activities:
- Volleyball with a twist
- Ping Pong Competition
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Newcastle Museum: 10:00am- 2:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch (We will be taking our bags and having lunch on the grass space- weather permitted)
Afternoon Activities:
- Dinosaur 3D Puppets
- Dinosaur Egg Fossil
- Grass Heads
- Making Rain Clouds and Volcanos
Extra Activity:
Design in the HUB a dinosaur Museum.
Outside Activities:
- Activity Booklets
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest.
Thursday 23rd- Battlezone
Incursion- Laser Tag Event
The Battle Zone will be set up in the hall from 10:00am- 4:00pm
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create/ Sew two flags home the home bases
- Create Two bases for reboot (Large Boxes)
- Slime Making
Extra Outside Activities:
- Bean Toss Competition
- Team Games
10:00am- 11:00am
30 Minute Round- Group 1- 30 Children
30 Minute Round- Group 2- 30 Children
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Design a Medal
- VR Colosseum - look at the creation
- Viking Braids
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
1:00pm- 2:00pm
30 Minute Round- Group 1- 30 Children
30 Minute Round- Group 2- 30 Children
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
3:30pm- 4:30pm (Last round as the company will collect)
30 Minute Round- Group 1- 30 Children
30 Minute Round- Group 2- 30 Children
Friday 24th- Sushi Making Day
Incursion- Sushi Making
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Create a similar idea to a sushi bar in the HUB
- 3D Squishy Sushi Rolls
- Pom Pom Sushi
- Quilled Sushi Creations
- Learn how to use Chopsticks followed by Chopstick game
Extra Outside Activities:
- Hanaichimonme Group Game
- Infinity Tips
Sushi Making Class 12:00pm- 12:30pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch- (The children can enjoy their sushi creations)
Please ensure the children have a full lunchbox in case they do not like the sushi
Afternoon Activities:
- Pocket Fan
- Crochet kawaii sushi
- Sushi/Kawaii Harma Bead Keyrings
- DIY Tamagotchi Craft
- DIY Balloon Mochi Squishy
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Week 4
Monday 27th- Public Holiday
Tuesday 28th- Multi Sports Day
A Day all about Sports! Please bring Swimwear and Towel/change of clothes in case it is hot for waterplay.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Minute to win it Olympics style.
- Create a Mascot
- Gymnastics in Hall on stage
- Bendable Yoga People
- Catapult Bowling
Outside Activities:
- Parachute Games
- Hall Slide Hockey
Mind Path Sports- Full Session of different Sports 10:00am- 11:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Extendable Picture Creations
Outside Activities:
- Bootcamp
- Sponge throw (weather depending)
- Water spray bucket catch game (weather depending)
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Extra Information: Please bring your child/ren a spare change of clothes and a towel. Children can wear crocs during this event as it is waterplay.
Wednesday 29th- Trip to PERU with Paddington
Excursion: Children to be at service at 8:30am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Passport Creations
- Suitcase Creations
- Wool Lamas
- Weaving Bracelets
Outside Activities:
- Activity Books
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Glendale Movies 9:30am- 1:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
-Make Homemade Marmalade
- Felt Pouch Creations
- Create salt dough Plates and paint
- Folk Art Inspired- Clay Bulls
Outside Activities:
- Treasure Hunt
- Slide Hockey
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest. Children will receive popcorn and a drink
Thursday 30th- Lego World
A Day about Lego
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- LEGO Challenge
- Lego Maze
Lil Kidz Lego- 10:00 First Build
Extra Outside Activities:
Lil Kidz Lego Incursion- The children will learn how to make and create different things
10:00am- 3:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Lil Kidz Lego- 1:00pm Second Build
Afternoon Activities:
- Landscape Lego Building Competition
- Lego Door Hanger
- Pealer Beads- Lego Designs
- Lego Games
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Volley Ball
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Lil Kidz Lego- 3:30pm- Third Build
Extra Information: The children will be learning different ways to make and create with Lego. The Lego is dropped off an picked up, children will not be able to bring any Lego home.
Friday 31st- Bouncing Around
Excursion: Children to be at service at 9:00am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Balloon Powered Cars
- Design, Create and Fly your own toy Parachute
- Walking Dog Creation
Outside Activities:
- Dodge Ball
- Handball
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Rutherford Inflatable World- 9:00am- 12:30pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- DIY Air dry clay
- Paper Spinner
- 3D castle Creation
- Underwater Magic Sand
Outside Activities:
- Activity Booklets
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest. All children will need socks for the inflatables.
Extra Information: Please bring your child/ren a spare change of clothes and a towel. After Inflatable world we may do some water play if the weather is hot.
Week 5
Monday 3rd- Instrumental Day
Instrumental Day
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Popsicle Harmonica
- Make Damrau with paper cups
- Inspired Rain sticks
- Hand drum creations
Extra Outside Activities:
- Skipping
- Ostacle Course
Earth Rhythm African Drums Incursion
Group 1: 10:00am- 10:50am
Group 2: 11:00am- 11:50am
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- DIY Maracas
- Create a song
- Talent Show
- Clay Bead Creations
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
- Parachute Play
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Tuesday 2nd- Chipmunks Day
Excursion: Children to be at service at 8:30am with their Excursion Vest. Excursion Form needs to be signed when booking.
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
- Chipmunk Corner Bookmark
- Puppets
- Jumping squirrels
Outside Activities:
- Outdoor Treasure Hunt
- Skipping
Experience/ Incursion/ Excursion
Chipmunks Belmont- 9:00am- 1:00pm
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Activities:
- Nature journals
- Bird Feeders
- Leaf Ball 3D Creation
- Hanging potholder macramé
Outside Activities:
- badminton
- Bean Toss Competition
Afternoon Teatime 3:00pm
Extra Information:
Bring your child/ren's Excursion vest. Children will need a pair of socks
Wednesday 3rd- Pajama Movie Pizza Day
Get comfy, wear your Pjs for a relaxed day before the start of Term 1
6:30-8:30 Breakfast
Morning Activities:
Movie 1: Spellbound (PG)
- Slime
- Recycled Monsters
- Monster Toss Game
-Patchwork Monsters
Outside Activities:
- Handball, Skipping
- Rob the nest
12:30 pm-1:00 pm Lunch- Domino's Pizza (Selected on Booking Form)
Afternoon Activities:
Movie 2: Harold and the Purple Crayon (PG)
- Purple Yarn Pictures
- Large Group Painting
- Playdough Houses
Outside Activities: (See Small Group Games Book)
- Activity Booklet
Afternoon Tea Time 3:00pm
Movie 3: IF (PG)