WT Page Weekly Newsletter
February 9, 2025
Principal's Message and Page News
Mark Your Calendars with Links
Fundraising Updates and News
After School Club Information
PTA News and Community News
Past Newsletter Links
Dear Page Families,
1. We celebrated our very own School Counselors - February 3rd - 7th during National School Counseling Week!! The theme was "School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive." At Page Mr. Lee and Ms. Palmer support students develop social-emotional skills, assist families, teach SEL lessons, and much more. At Page we celebrate our counselor by having classes and students write "thank you" cards, letters and decorated their doors. If you did not get a chance to thank Mr. Lee or Ms. Palmer it is not too late to let them know how much you appreciate them.
2. Immersion Lottery admissions process - February 3rd - April 11th, 2025. Families interested in participating in the immersion lottery must submit their completed interest form online by April 11, 2025. Upon submitting an online immersion interest form, parents/guardians will receive an email with a summary of their immersion program request. The Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services (DCCAPS) will email student placement notifications to parents/guardians and will correspond with elementary schools regarding student placement in the middle of May 2025. For more information visit the following links - immersion information and frequently asked questions.
3. MCPS Shares Important Changes to the 'Change of School Assignment' (COSA) Transfer Process - MCPS has shared some important changes to the 2025-2026 Change of School Assignment (COSA) transfer season, which opens on Monday, Feb. 3, and closes on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
4. MCPS Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to Inclusive Education - Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Thomas W. Taylor and Board of Education President Julie Yang released a message reaffirming MCPS’s commitment to inclusive, high-quality education amid concerns over recent executive orders. They emphasized maintaining local curriculum control, supporting educators, and upholding the district’s core values through all legal means.
5. Repeated Information - Immigration Supports for MCPS families - Message from MCPS - Our schools are and will always remain safe places where every child—regardless of immigration status—is welcomed, valued, affirmed, validated, respected, and loved. Below are some important resources for our families here at Page ES:
- Resources for students and families
- MCPS Immigration webpage with more resources (Students/Families)
See you this week!!
Ms. Brown
Mark Your Calendars
This Week
- February - Black History Month
- Candy Gram Sales - Feb. 10th - Feb 13th (Information and Flyer Below)
- Friday, February 14th - Valentine’s Day Parties and Kindness Day (Wear Red, White or Pink)
Upcoming Dates
February 17th - Presidents’ Day - No School
February 16th - 21st - Silent Auction Fundraiser
February 18th - Last Day for Joe Corbi Fundraiser
February 19th - SI Interest Meeting for Parents @ 5:30 PM
February 26th - PTA Spirit Night at Five Guys
February 28th - Early Release for students and MP3 Interims Due
March 3rd - Read-A-Thon Begins: We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/rzsYnT/1 and following the simple instructions.
Things to Know MCPS - February 6th
This week’s Thursday message includes information on the Board of Education’s tentative adoption of the FY 2026 operating budget; the Girls With Impact entrepreneurship program; the BOE seeking members for its newly formed Advisory Committee on Communication and Community Engagement; NAACP scholarships available to graduating seniors; a Black History Month SSL program for students; a survey for South Asian American families; student opportunities and reminders; and upcoming bocce and swimming and diving championships.
Read the full message here:
Candy Grams On Sale Now - Until February 13th!
- You can treat your child, grandchild, friend, teacher or staff member to a special Candy Gram for Valentine's Day for $1 each! Last day to purchase is February 13th.
- Candy Grams for Sale - Order Online using this link or send money with your student. Please include: the amount, Candy Gram information sheet, and money in a ziploc or envelope. Cash only, no coins, and must be exact change.
Joe Corbi’s and Claire’s Gourmet Fundraiser (flyers attached below) - The Page PTA is currently running a Joe Corbi's and Claire's Gourmet Fundraiser. The fundraiser kicks off Friday! Packets were sent home with your student. Students and Families EARN GREAT PRIZES while supporting our school!
Please make sure you register using the steps below:
- Step 1: Register at https://joecorbi.com/login/ to create your pop-up store. Use Org ID # 20491 to complete registration.
- Step 2: Check out the brochure.
- Step 3: Share the fundraiser with friends and family and Order for yourself.
- Step 4: Return the Summary Sheet and Total Money Due by February 18th. We accept cash, Money Orders and checks payable to: WT Page PTA
WT Page PTA - Silent Auction Save the Dates
- Save the Dates - February 16th -21st
- All proceeds from the auction directly benefit our students, providing everything from classroom supplies, to technology upgrades, to extracurricular activities and special events.
Clothes for Cash is a fundraiser that supports our Page Students. Donate your clothes to the school when you clean out your closets and place them in a white plastic bag and place them in the white bin located at the carpool loop exit. Page ES receives 10 cent per pound.
DC United – Student Achiever Program - Each student achiever will receive one free ticket with the purchase of a companion ticket. DC United vs. Toronto FC in our home opener of the season. To redeem your free tickets, add the discount code: STUDENT.
- MCCPTA: Tech Corner - Did you know that MCCPTA adopted a Digital Balance Resolution (PBR) to combat learning loss and excessive screen time? The resolution calls for MCPS to make changes: limit screen time in classrooms, release a digital best practices guide, minimize digital testing, discourage game time and screen breaks, and use hard copy resources for elementary schools. MCCPTA encourages parents to review the resolution and reference it when advocating for change.
- JJMCMC 14th Annual Spelling Bee and Benjamin E. Mays Oratorical Competition - The Jack and Jill Montgomery County Maryland Chapter (JJMCMC) invites students in grades 1 through 12 to participate in the JJMCMC 14th Annual Spelling Bee and Benjamin E. Mays Oratorical Competition. The spelling bee and oratorical competition is a way to support the academic achievement, public speaking, and confidence-building of children and youth grades 1 through 12 in Montgomery County, Maryland. Register here!
- Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 10 am
- Location: Montgomery College Rockville Campus. 51 Mannakee St. Rockville, Maryland 20850
- Cost: $20 + eventbrite fees
1st Place Spirit Wear - Free shipping on orders of $100 or more
- Order Here
- 25% off Pajama Pants – sale ends 1/9
- 2/10 - 2/16: 25% off water bottles
- Free shipping on orders of $100 or more
Vacancy Announcement - MCCPTA Delegate
- The William Tyler Page Elementary School PTA is seeking an MCCPTA delegate to serve as our PTA representative on county-wide group meetings. To apply, please email your interest to president@wtpagepta.org .
- Renew every year
- Join for as low as $12
Three great reasons to JOIN the PTA
❶ Amplify your voice.
❷ Have fun and meet new people!
❸Benefit from money-saving deals. PTA members save time and money on major brands. Check for the latest offers.
- While our beloved teachers are busy raising the bar for our kiddos, we are going to set a different "BAR" for them daily to say "Thank YOU" for all their hard work. If you would like to drop-off snacks, please leave them in the Front Office and let the staff know that the items are for the Snack Pantry. This is an ongoing effort and will seek support for the remainder of the school year. If you would like to contribute to helping make this happen click on a slot and sign up. If you would like to make a cash donation, please visit the PTA store by clicking Cash Donation or sign up
- Stay up-to-date with upcoming events, news and meetings.
- Subscribe to our calendar today!
- Committees - Spring Fling, Silent Auction, Teacher Appreciation & more
Email Tawanna at president@wtpagepta.org if you are interested in volunteering
- Download the Box Tops app -use the WT Page Referral Code: KP1V04U6
Important Information from Past Newsletters
Immigration Supports for MCPS families - Message from MCPS - Our schools are and will always remain safe places where every child—regardless of immigration status—is welcomed, valued, affirmed, validated, respected, and loved. Below are some important resources for our families here at Page ES:
- Resources for students and families
- MCPS Immigration webpage with more resources (Students/Families)
Past Newsletter Links
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 2.2.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.26.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.19.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.12.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 1.5.25
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.15.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.8.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 12.1.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.17.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.10.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 11.3.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.27.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.20.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.13.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 10.6.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.29.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.22.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter 9.15.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 9.8.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 9.3.24
WT Page Weekly Newsletter - 8.24.24