RFS Family Newsletter
November 26, 2024
Important Dates
12/6 Marking Period Ends
12/10 RFS Winter Chorus Concert 6 PM (12/19 Snow Date Chorus Concert)
12/11 Early Release 12:15 pm
12/19 Report Cards released to families
12/23-12/31 No School-Winter Break
As we enter this season of gratitude, we want to take a moment to wish every family the happiest of times. We hope you have the opportunity to create special memories with your loved ones and enjoy the warmth of togetherness.
Ms. Gentile and I are so thankful for our amazing students, dedicated staff, and supportive families. Each of you contributes to making RFS a truly special place—a place where we S.W.I.M. together, ensuring that everyone feels Safe, Welcomed, Inspired, and Mindful.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our wonderful community. Your partnership and commitment to our shared goals make RFS an incredible place to learn, grow, and succeed.
Wishing you continued joy and connection as we enter this exciting time of year.
RFS Winter Club Sign-ups
RFS is very excited to offer our students multiple after-school co-curricular activities this year. Below is a list of the clubs offered and additional information. All clubs run for four weeks from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. and begin in December/January. Each facilitator will contact club members and give them specifics.
Please take the time to look over the RFS co-curricular clubs that are offered. If you have multiple students who are interested, please sign them up using the appropriate grade level. At the bottom of the page, a QR code will take you to the sign-up form. We anticipate a large interest in each club. Students will be asked to sign up for their first, second, and third choice. We will use a lottery system if a club has more students interested than exceeds the maximum number allowed. Depending on the interest in certain clubs, some students may not get their first choice and some clubs may fill up. RFS will offer a new round of clubs later in the winter/spring. The deadline to submit your application will be THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5TH.
Dear Families,
As the weather begins to get cold it is an indication that winter is coming. Mother Nature is unpredictable, and it is important that all students are dressed appropriately when sending them to school, in preparation to play outdoors. This includes a coat, hat, gloves or mittens, snow pants, and boots. We want to remind you that students will go out for recess when the temperature feels 20 degrees or above including wind chill. Student must have boots and snow pants to play on the grass/snow areas. Planning ahead ensures everyone will enjoy the snowy winter weather.
Students who are still wearing shorts to school are encouraged to bring in snow pants or sweatpants for outdoor recess. All students will be going out when the temperature feels 20 degrees or above.
In addition, winter fun can be wet. Please send in extra clothes to keep in student's backpacks to use when needed.
Thank you for your support in providing outdoor fun for all students,
Mrs. Painchaud
Reports Cards - Will be accessed via Power School K-4
Dear Families,
Kindergarten through fourth grade report cards will be accessed through Power School. Please be sure you have updated your student information in Power School. To access the report card, you can use the Power School icon on the RFS website (example to the right) or use this direct link: https://powerschool.merrimack.k12.nh.us/public/.
PowerSchool Menu
To the right is a screenshot of the caregiver view in Power School. On December 20th this view will be visible for caregivers to access the report card. When you log in to Power School this is the menu you will see on the far left of the page. Click on the "Student Reports" link and you will see the current report card. If you have multiple children in the district, look at the tabs above the "Navigation" heading to locate each child’s report card.
If you would like a hard copy printed and mailed home, rather than access it on Power School, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/wdQz3d5YDXirV89RA prior to December 16th.
We look forward to reporting your student’s progress during the first trimester at RFS. If you have any questions or have forgotten your login information, please use the ‘forgot username/password link’ or call the RFS main office (603) 424-6215.
Thank you,
Bonnie Painchaud, Principal
Delayed Opening / Early Release Procedures
Using Performance Matters to view local and state assessment results
Use the live links below to access information and applications for the free/reduced lunch program
Elementary School Healthy Habits
Unified Arts Schedule
MSD policy for Volunteers
All volunteers, chaperones, and substitute teachers must complete a background check and be fingerprinted. If you intend to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please contact the district office for an appointment ASAP. If you have already had your fingerprints done through the school in previous years and have volunteered within the last year, you do not need to have them done again.
You will have to complete the two Vector training courses yearly: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention for Schools (K-12) and Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees. Follow this link for directions to the online trainings.
PFA News!
RFS Lunch
Parents may add funds to their students' My School Bucks account. More information regarding My School Bucks can be found on the District's website: https://www.sau26.org/Page/6187. Information can also be found in the beginning of the year paperwork that will be sent home.