Welcome Back!
August 2024
2024-2025 School Year
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our summer break is quickly coming to an end and we can’t wait to welcome our students and families back to Sunset Elementary! Welcome all new families and students who will be joining us this year. We are about to embark on a new school year where we will LEVEL UP all students to their full potential. Together with your partnership we will foster and inspire the passions and goals of our students. We will continue to create a warm, welcoming environment where every student feels valued, challenged, and supported in their educational journey each and every day. We truly have the absolute best jobs here at Sunset as we work together with our families to prepare tomorrow’s future leaders.
Important Dates:
Online Registration Opens: Aug 1, 2024
Must complete for each child each year to update student information
Sunset Family Connection Day for Grades 1st-5th: August 13, 2024, from 12:00 to 7:00 PM
Please call the front office to set up your scheduled time if you missed your Friday scheduling call; 970-824-5762
1 on 1 time with your child’s teachers, discover how you can support your child’s education at home, pay tech fees ($20 or $5 for Free/Reduced) , learn about transportation, and handle all medical/dietary needs.
Family Connection Day for Kindergarten: August 14, 2024
Kindergarten teachers have reached out via email or phone to set up your child’s scheduled time and inform you of Kindergarten’s slow start schedule
Parents/guardians attend an hour long session with their child
First Day of School for 1st-5th Grade: Wednesday, August 14th
First Full Day of School for Kindergarten: Monday, August 19th
Parent Advisory Council Meeting: September 17, 2024, at 4:30 PM @ Sunset
Picture Day: Sep 25, 2024
Parent-Teacher Conferences: October 22-24, 2024
Please reach out if you have any questions, innovative ideas, or a need to problem solve. Your inquisitive, informative, and positive communication allows us all to get better at serving our community of learners and building healthy partnerships.
Sunset welcomes parent volunteers and encourages parent involvement at all levels! Together, we can create a positive and productive school year. Great ways to get involved are to join Sunset's PAC (Parent Advisory Council), volunteer for field trips or in your child’s classroom, and/or stay engaged with your child’s learning at home. The 2024-2025 school year is going to be a success because of your partnership and involvement. Thank you each for sharing your child with us this school year!
Best regards,
Andi Murphy
Sunset Elementary
What is something new, white, gray, black, and royal blue at Sunset?
Be sure to check out SUNSET's latest upgrade while attending
FAMILY CONNECTION DAY on TUESDAY, August 13th for Grades 1st-5th!
Online Registration
Online Registration Link -Opens August 1st (All students will need to register for the 24/25 School year)
Please Log In to your Parent Portal to complete.
It is important that you take the time to update all of your students' contact information during this time. (ex: Parents phone numbers, emails, emergency contacts, etc) Updated information will help in important and/or emergency situations.
Questions/Support Help- Our secretary, Brandy Caldwell will be in the building for questions and/or help, beginning August 1st. 970-824-5762
Student Attendance Hours:
Monday - Thursday
7:55am - 3:46pm
Tardy Bell Rings @ 8:00am
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served at 7:40-7:55 a.m. every morning in our cafeteria! Lunch runs from 11:10-12:10. All breakfast and lunch is free this school year. If a child would like an extra milk or one with a cold lunch, there is a charge of $0.60.
Please be sure to fill out a free and reduced lunch form regardless if you think you would qualify. Only one needs to filled out per family. Please complete this form at your first FAMILY Connection Day on August, 13h for grades 1st-5th and August 14th for Kindergarten only students.
Kiss & Go Zones AND Drop Off/Pick Up
Kiss and Go Zones: There are 2 Kiss and Go Zones at Sunset. One is on the North/East side of the building and the other Kiss and Go Zone is directly in front of the building. When using the Kiss and Go Zones – pull all the way up to eliminate back up on Green Street. Please have your child exit out a door closest to the sidewalk/school building. Avoid having your child walk behind or in front of your vehicle. NOTE: Please NEVER get out of your vehicle while in the KISS and GO Zone. You can greatly assist in an efficient drop-off procedure by making sure that your child is ready to exit the car with lunch, backpack, jacket, etc. packed and ready! If your child needs your assistance to exit, please find parking in the front parking lot of Sunset or alongside the street. Again, please do not ever get out of your car in the Kiss and Go Zone. If you want to accompany your child onto Sunset Elementary campus in the morning, you must legally park in the designated areas.
Morning Drop Off: There is no supervision before 7:40 a.m. Students arriving prior to supervised times will be brought to the office and parents/guardians may be contacted. Grades 3rd-5th will be dropped off and picked up in the north/east parking lot Kiss and Go Zone. Students in grades 3rd-5th will enter through the library outside door to proceed to the playground or cafeteria for breakfast. Grades K-2nd will be dropped off and picked up in the front of the school Kiss & Go Zone. CAUTION: Never use the front parking lot to drop your child off at school. Students in grades 1st-2nd enter through the front doors to proceed to the playground or cafeteria for breakfast. Kindergartners use the front doors to proceed to their classrooms or cafeteria for breakfast. Please note, if you have multiple children that are within both the grade level bands, you are welcome to use either Kiss & Go Zone. Our older students are excellent helpers with their siblings.
Afternoon Pick-Up:
Parents can pick up students in the Kiss and Go Zones or park and walk to the sidewalk area to pick up their child/children. For safety reasons, children should not enter the parking lots without an adult. If you choose to use the Kiss and Go Zone you MUST stay in your car and wait for your student. Please never leave your vehicle unattended in the KISS & GO Zone! Supervision after school is provided for 10 minutes after the dismissal bell at 3:46p.m. All walkers must leave school grounds immediately after dismissal. Students not picked up within 10 minutes will be brought to the school office and parents/guardians will be contacted.
Transportation 970-824-5511
Communication between parents and school is vital. Any time you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher or the principal. The school number is (970) 824-5762. If you prefer, the school secretary can forward your call to the voicemail of any staff member. Also, e-mail addresses for individual staff members are available on the district's web site (moffatsd.org).
The school uses these methods to communicate with our Sunset families:
DOJO school wide (GOAL is to have 100% parents/guardians signed up by August 23rd)
SMOREs newsletters - emailed/linked to DOJO
Report cards and parent conferences
Weekly Classroom Newsletters and/or e-communications from teachers to parents
Family Connection Days
Monthly PAC meetings
"School Messenger" phone/text/email system