HPS Weekly Update
Week of June 16, 2024
Summer Office Information
The office is closed until July 22nd. We look forward to seeing everyone when we return.
Not Returning in the Fall
Bison Bridge Summer Program
This summer, from July 22-25th 8am-12pm, High Plains will be offering a 5th to 6th grade transition program, Bison Bridge. This wonderful program is for students (current or new) moving up to 6th grade for the 24-25 school year. Activities covered in this program include giving students a chance to reflect on their elementary times, learning middle school level skills, meeting teachers, learning the layout of the building, participating in scavenger hunts, winning prizes, reviewing middle school guidelines, and participating in a lot of team building activities. The final day will include an opportunity for parents to come meet with administration to ask questions about the upcoming school year. Please take a moment to complete this RSVP form, so we can send additional details.
2024 Summer Band Camp
It is finally here - the details and sign-up for the HPS Summer Band!! I am so excited to offer this musical experience for the fourth year in a row, and this year, the camp will run July 15th-July 26th from 9 AM-12 PM on WEEKDAYS ONLY. We end the 10-day camp with an outdoor concert on the last day. Please fill out the RSVP using the link below (even if it's a "no" or "I can only attend part of camp") so we can communicate properly and plan accordingly. Please be aware that this camp has a $50 fee (per student) that is due at the time of registration which will cover a T-shirt, snacks, water, sheet music, and supplies. We will open the HPS vestibule doors (near the band room) on July 15th at 8:00 am to gather fees, double-check information, and snag any late registrations.
Please fill out this registration survey by July 8th: RSVP Link
Please email me if you have any questions, need an instrument, or would like to help at this event. I am looking forward to seeing your musician's name on the list soon.
Shawna Lemons: shawna.lemons@tsd.org
Vote for the new PTCO Board Members!
Voting Link: https://forms.gle/gXBnRPNh65Fzhayu5
Everyone with students at High Plains School or living in the community are voting members of our Parent-Teacher-Community Organization (PTCO). This year we have several PTCO board positions open. If you have a write-in vote, please fill in under "other". If you would like to nominate someone, please write-in the candidate. We need at least 20 votes for the election to be valid. Thank you for taking the time to vote and a huge thank you to all the volunteers who have offered to serve on the PTCO board.
High Plains School
High Plains School
Follow us: @highplainsk8 @hps_athletics @_hpsmusic @hps_artofthebison
Website: hps.tsd.org
Location: 4255 Buffalo Mountain Drive, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-679-9800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highplainsareaschool